Module Usage Statistics

Reports ::: report_modstats
Maintained by my profile picturePaulo Júnior
That is a report plugin that helps the admin to known how the Moodle modules are being used by users (e.g. as forum, as file repositories or as activities repositories).
Latest release:
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24 fans
Current versions available: 1

Modules Usage Statistics

In our institution (Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, Brazil - in portuguese, Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA, we have an expressive amount of courses in progress (~ 1.7k in just one Moodle instance, called "Campus Virtual"). The sector that coordinates the activities related to the "Campus Virtual" administration is called "Diretoria de Educação à Distância (DIRED)". A question we have made to ourselves is: "how are all Moodle modules being used by the professors?".

We believe that the knowledge about the modules usage is important because this may improve the strategies of training and information dissimination about the resources available in Moodle. However, gathering the statistics of modules usage is not a trivial task, mainly when this is performed in a manual way; the last time we did that, it tooks us 16 hours of our precious time ;)

Hence, we developed "Modules Usage Statistics"; this is a Moodle report plugin that helps the admin to known how the modules are being used by users (e.g. as forum, as file repositories or as activities repositories). Feel free to use and contribute to this project by improving the plugin functionality or letting us to know about possible bugs existing in its code.


  • v2.0: this version presents modules usage statistics in a graphical way.
  • v1.0: this is the first version of the plugin.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


my profile picture
Paulo Júnior (Lead maintainer)
Alexandre José de Carvalho Silva: Product Owner
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Петър Петров
    чт 9 лип. 2020 06:25 AM
    Hi! This is a great tool! I have one question - how can I see the numbers instead of percentages? Or maybe, you can add absolute numbers to the table as well? Kind regards! Petar
  • my profile picture
    чт 9 лип. 2020 07:24 AM
    Hi. What kind of absolute number do you need?
  • Петър Петров
    чт 9 лип. 2020 17:44 PM
    Hi Paulo! Thank you for the prompt response!
    For example - another column in the table below the graph. Something like:
    Module | Usage (%) | Number
    Assignment | 27% | 593 View courses

    The "Number" should indicate the exact number of the specific module in the selected category.

    To clarify: "absolute number" is "how many assignments/quizzes/etc are there in the selected category".
  • my profile picture
    чт 9 лип. 2020 19:52 PM
    Ok. I just uploaded a new version of the plugin with the feature you suggested. Thanks for the interest.
  • Петър Петров
    чт 9 лип. 2020 21:10 PM
    I have just tested the update - works fine. Thank you very much!
    Just one small remark - I think the column title should be "Modules amount" instead of "Courses amount".
    Best regards!
  • my profile picture
    чт 9 лип. 2020 21:41 PM
    You're right. I updated the column name. Thanks.
  • Ricardo Caiado
    вт 18 серп. 2020 04:40 AM
    Oi, alguma previsão para lançar uma versão compatível com M3.9+?
  • my profile picture
    вт 18 серп. 2020 22:12 PM
    Olá Ricardo.

    Já atualizei a versão. Agradecemos pelo interesse.

    Até mais.
  • Ricardo Caiado
    вт 18 серп. 2020 22:14 PM

    Seu plugin tem sido extremamente util em nossa instituição. Parabéns!

  • Петър Петров
    нд 8 лист. 2020 17:23 PM
    Hi Paulo!
    Is it possible the category filter to include stats from the nested categories?
    For example I have the following categories:
    Category A
    - Category 1 (10 courses)
    - Category 2 (5 courses)
    - Course 1
    - Course 2
    - Course 3
    If I select Category A, I see stats for only 3 courses. I expect to see stats for all 18 courses. I hope this is possible.

    Kind regards,
  • my profile picture
    пн 9 лист. 2020 21:50 PM
    Thanks for your suggestion, Petar. I'll add it to our future features list.
  • Петър Петров
    вт 10 лист. 2020 05:53 AM
    Great! Thanks, Paulo! Stay safe усміхаюсь
  • Ricardo Caiado
    пт 18 черв. 2021 23:53 PM

    Sugestão: opção de ordenar a coluna "Quantidade de módulos" em "crescente" e "decrescente"

  • my profile picture
    пт 18 черв. 2021 23:53 PM
    Boa, Ricardo.
  • Mujahidul Islam
    пт 10 груд. 2021 14:05 PM
    What do you mean by Usage in this report?
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