Ad-hoc database queries

Reports ::: report_customsql
Maintained by TimTim Hunt, at the OU (Perry building)Mahmoud Kassaei, Anupama Sarjoshi
This report plugin allows Administrators to set up arbitrary database queries to act as ad-hoc reports. Reports can be of two types, either run on demand, or scheduled to run automatically. Other users with the right capability can go in and see a list of queries that they have access to. Results can be viewed on-screen or downloaded as CSV.
Latest release:
4359 sites
167 fans
Current versions available: 10

This report, created by The Open University, lets Administrators set up arbitrary SQL select queries that anyone with the appropriate permissions can then run. Reports can be set to be runnable on-demand, or automatically run weekly or monthly.

The results are displayed as a fairly plain HTML table, and can also be downloaded as CSV.

The idea is that this lets you quickly set up ad-hoc reports, without having to create a whole new admin report plugin.


Screenshot #0


Tim Hunt (Lead maintainer)
at the OU (Perry building)
Mahmoud Kassaei: Developer
Anupama Sarjoshi: Tester & Developer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Tim
    Wed, 7 July 2021, 6:59 PM
    New version pushed (with 3.11 compatibility and more.)
  • Phil Everist
    Wed, 14 July 2021, 12:43 PM
    Moodle 3.10.4 - PHP v7.2.26 - MSSQL v11.00.7493
    Hi - my Moodle system runs on a windows platform with MSSQL. Date fields are displaying as text fields when downloaded as Excel after an ad-hoc report runs and I am trying to work out how to ensure date fields are recognised by excel as dates so my end users can easily filter by year and month without having to first convert the text field to a date (many users are not excel savvy).

    I am sure this was working earlier in the year and the only thing I can think of that has changed was a Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2019 upgrade.

    The SQl I am using to output a date (course completion date in this case) that works fine when displayed as a HTML table is:
    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(second, prefix_course_completions.timecompleted-DATEDIFF(second,GETDATE(),GETUTCDATE()), CONVERT(DATETIME, '1970-01-01', 103)), 103) AS Completed

    My SQL is very basic -would a different way of converting/formatting the date in the SQL produce a field excel displays as a date when exported or is this an issues with the download process?

    Also - is it possible to do any of the following:
    - limit or paginate displayed rows while allowing download of all rows (some of our reports can be large)
    - use the same parameter field in multiple places in the where clause (e.g. where fielda = :parameter1 or fieldb= :parameter1) - I get an error: Incorrect number of query parameters. Expected 3, got 2.
    - or the above with LIKE and the % in the SQL instead of the end user entering it in the parameter field?

    Thank you
  • Csaba Gloner
    Mon, 26 July 2021, 10:57 PM
    the week start for the scheduled mail sent on the 1st day of the week seems to be set to Sunday.
    I can see
    define('REPORT_CUSTOMSQL_START_OF_WEEK', 6); // Saturday, so I guess Saturday is day 0 and Sunday is day one?
    So if I want to change this to Monday, I have to set it to 7?
  • Tim
    Tue, 27 July 2021, 3:46 AM

    1. you should not need to do weird things to achieve date-formatting. Read the on-screen text on the form where you edit the query. That explains how to get Moodle to format the date values.

    2. Pagination - this actually puts more load on the server, which is why we prefer to generate thw whole report in one go and then scroll (or filter in excel).

    3. Ability to use the same parameter field many times would be lovely, but this is a limitation of Moodle DB query library, which we use. It is almost impossible to get around. There are sometimes tricks you can do in the SQL to get around it. E.g. where :parameter1 IN (fielda, fieldb) - but check that does not prevent the query being executed efficiently.

    4. You can do this using string concatenation. Not sure about the MSSQL syntax, but in Postgres it would be fielda LIKE :parameter1 || '%'
  • Tim
    Tue, 27 July 2021, 3:48 AM
    @Csaba in recent versions of this plugin, you don't need to set this in PHP code. It is controlled by an admin setting under Admin -> Plugins -> Reports -> Ad-hoc DB Queries.
  • Maemoon Naseer
    Fri, 24 Sept 2021, 4:47 PM
    H I added the plugin and want to run the custom report (Assignments (and Quizzes) waiting to be graded). I tried to add the code mention below. But unable to run the report and save. Can anyone guide me how to do that and run this report.

    SELECT concat('',c.fullname,'') AS Course

    ,(SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname,' ', u.lastname) AS Teacher
    FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra
    JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid =
    JOIN prefix_user AS u ON = ra.userid
    WHERE ra.roleid = 3 AND ctx.instanceid = LIMIT 1) AS Teacher

    ,concat('מטלות') AS Assignments

    ,concat('בחנים') AS 'Quizzes'

    FROM prefix_course_modules cm
    JOIN prefix_modules as m ON = cm.module
    WHERE LIKE 'quiz' AND cm.course =
    GROUP BY cm.course
    ) AS 'nQuizzes'

    FROM prefix_quiz_attempts AS qa
    JOIN prefix_quiz AS q ON = qa.quiz
    WHERE q.course =
    AND qa.timefinish = 0
    GROUP BY q.course) AS 'unFinished Quiz attempts'

    FROM prefix_quiz_attempts AS qa
    JOIN prefix_quiz AS q ON = qa.quiz
    WHERE q.course =
    AND qa.timefinish > 0
    GROUP BY q.course) AS 'finished quiz attempts'

    ,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Users
    FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra
    JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid =
    WHERE ra.roleid = 5
    AND ctx.instanceid =
    ) AS nStudents

    SELECT count(
    FROM prefix_assignment AS a
    JOIN prefix_course_modules AS cm ON a.course = cm.course
    WHERE cm.instance = AND cm.module = 1 AND a.course =
    ) nAssignments

    SELECT count(*)
    FROM prefix_assignment AS a
    WHERE a.course = AND FROM_UNIXTIME(a.timedue) > NOW()
    GROUP BY a.course
    ) 'Open

    , CONCAT(ROUND( (100 / iAssignments ) * iOpenAssignments ) ,'%') 'unFinished

    SELECT count(
    FROM prefix_assignment_submissions AS asb
    JOIN prefix_assignment AS a ON = asb.assignment
    JOIN prefix_course_modules AS cm ON a.course = cm.course
    WHERE asb.grade < 0 AND cm.instance = AND cm.module = 1 AND a.course =
    ) 'unChecked

    SELECT count(
    FROM prefix_assignment_submissions AS asb
    JOIN prefix_assignment AS a ON = asb.assignment
    JOIN prefix_course_modules AS cm ON a.course = cm.course
    WHERE cm.instance = AND cm.module = 1 AND a.course =
    ) 'Submitted

    FROM prefix_course AS c
    SELECT course, count(*) AS iAssignments
    FROM prefix_assignment AS a
    GROUP BY a.course
    ) AS tblAssignmentsCount ON tblAssignmentsCount.course =

    SELECT course, count(*) AS iOpenAssignments
    FROM prefix_assignment AS a
    WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(a.timedue) > NOW()
    GROUP BY a.course
    ) AS tblOpenAssignmentsCount ON tblOpenAssignmentsCount.course =

    WHERE 1=1
    #AND c.fullname LIKE '%תשעג%'
    ## You can enable the SEMESTER filter as well,
    ## by uncommenting the following line:
    ## %%FILTER_SEMESTERS:c.fullname%%
    ORDER BY 'Open
    Assignments' DESC

  • Daniel Spadacini
    Fri, 19 Nov 2021, 2:06 AM
    Question. In a "select count union" query, which is based on a value that can be entered via form/input, is it possible to use the same value recorded in the form/input on all the selections?
    I have tried declaring variables or setting a value associated with the input (e.g. :variable), but the code is not accepted.
    Is there any solution?
  • Tim
    Fri, 19 Nov 2021, 6:45 PM
    At the moment, there is not a good solution to this. Each placeholder being used exactly once is a limitation of the Moodle database system, which we just use as-is.

    Sometimes there are tricks you can do. For examle with a single query that joins serveral tables, you can include something like

    JOIN (SELECT :my_value AS my_value) input ON 1 = 1

    in the JOINs, then you can refer to input.my_value everywhere. I'm not sure if this trick can be adapted to work with UNIONs.

    I suppose that, at some point, we could consider adding a work-around to our plugin. Perhpas, if you have parameters called :my_value_copy1, :my_value_copy2, they could be automatically set to the same value as :my_value. Yes, that is a nice idea. we should do that. I created
  • Mattia Donato
    Mon, 24 Jan 2022, 6:00 PM
    Hi, Tim, we have a problem.
    If I want my query to give me a report with more than 8.000 rows retuned, the query will not work. In the page where I'd see the results nothing happens and I can see just the description of the query.
    We have set in the plugin's settings, the maximum allowed limit rows returned as 50.000.
    Can you help us?
    The query has always worked without any problem since last week.
  • Tim
    Mon, 24 Jan 2022, 7:23 PM
    If you are seeing a blank page, then that means an error is happening. Turn on Debugging ( so you can get the error message.
  • Motasem Al Haj Ali
    Mon, 21 Feb 2022, 7:04 PM
    Hi all,

    Tim and others who working on this plugin, thanks a lot, it is really helpful and powerful and we really appreciate your work.

    I am not sure if this is the right place to request improvement, but I think it would be great if we can add count() function to the calculation tab.

    Kind regards
  • Tim
    Thu, 24 Feb 2022, 1:43 AM
    I think you are posting under the wrong plugin. This report does not have that feature. Are you thinking of block_configurablereports?
  • Motasem Al Haj Ali
    Thu, 24 Feb 2022, 3:31 AM
    Thanks Tim (-:, you are right.
  • Lucia Skudlik
    Fri, 25 Feb 2022, 9:14 PM
    Hi, is there a way to make a parameter optional? I currently let the user filter by country but when they dont enter sth in the input it gives back no data, instead it should give back the list of all users, independetly from the country. I use the parameter like this WHERE :country =
  • Tim
    Fri, 25 Feb 2022, 10:26 PM
    The simplest work-around for now is to make two queries, one with the parameter and one without.

    in the description for each query, you can link to the other one.
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