Favourite plugins

List of plugins that have been marked as favourite by the Moodle community members.
Name Plugin type Short description Lead maintainer Favourited
Tabs Filters Moodle filter which creates tabs in textfields José Puente Fuentes 67
Learning map Activities A learning map provides an easy way of improving the visualization of activities and their completion state in a moodle course. It can be used for easy creation of dependent activities and individualization of learning paths. Mebis Lernplattform 67
QR code Blocks A Moodle block to display a QR code link that leads to the course page. The QR code can be downloaded by teachers, e.g. to put them into introductory slides. A custom logo can be shown within the QR code. Learnweb – University of Münster 67
Dates Reports This 'report' is actually a tool to let you edit all the dates in a course on one page. Tim Hunt 67
Featured Courses Blocks This blocks allow to select some courses to be displayed on front page. It is also possible to set sort order. Daniel Neis Araujo 66
Presentation Activities Displays multimedia HTML5 presentations and slide shows in users' web browsers. A web friendly and more feature rich alternative to MS PowerPoint and PDF. However, presentations must be uploaded to moodledata via FTP and you'll need to learn some basic HTML to create presentations for it. Matt Bury 66
Pulse Activities Automated notifications and powerful completion logic for better course workflows Stefan Scholz 66
Bootstrap Themes This is a Moodle theme based on the Bootstrap CSS framework. It has minimal styling and can be used to create User Experience optimized themes Bas Brands 66
Restriction by password Availability restriction Moodle availability plugin which lets users restrict resources and activities with password access Moodle an Hochschulen e.V. 66
Event Trigger Administration tool This plugin plugin allows site administrators to trigger external actions such as an http request or email when certain events happen in Moodle. Filters can be added to check if the event meets certain conditions and actions(email/http post) can include information contained within the Moodle event. Lookups can also be added to the workflow to allow information not contained within the Moodle event to be exposed to the external action. Catalyst IT 66
Slider Blocks Slideshow block, with easy setup and configuration. Kamil Łuczak 65
Embed questions filter Filters A Moodle text filter plugin that displays interactive questions from the question bank embedded in the page. Tim Hunt 65
Moodleoverflow Activities A non-linear, non-chronological discussion forum. Similar to the forum activity, but focuses on straightforward question-and-answer discussions. Additionally, users rate posts and gain a rating score ("reputation") by being rated by other users. Users who have started a discussion can mark an answer as helpful; and teachers can mark a post as a (correct) solution to the posed question. Learnweb – University of Münster 65
Educacionbe Themes This is the theme of Educacionbe moodle OnLine. It is based on the bootstrap and allows extensive customization and some unique to help improve the usability of Moodle features. Rediceñado with CSS3 all menus and buttons links. The theme includes bar menu based on Moodle. If you like it, please show some love by clicking "favourite" ( ♥ ) below! Hilario Guzman 65
Dataform Activities The Dataform module allows the course manager to design and construct an entry form from various input elements (text and rich text fields, urls, files, pictures, etc.) in a flexible layout. Users can then add information records to a collection, which can be viewed in various ways and searched for particular items. Itamar Tzadok 64
Lesson PDF Export General plugins (Local) This plugin allows lesson modules to be exported to PDF documents with optional protection. Adam King 64
Restriction by language Availability restriction Restrict module and section access based on user language. Renaat Debleu 64
Course Life Cycle Administration tool Course Life Cycle is a moodle plugin, which has the purpose to help you with the execution of reoccurring tasks on your moodle platform. Possible use cases are (not limited to): Deleting courses at end of life (including asking teachers for permission). Doing a rollover at the end of a semester. Automatically setting an end date for courses. Learnweb – University of Münster 64
All backups Reports This report allows access to all backups on a site - including those stored in the users private files area and the site admin can download/restore or delete the backup files. Dan Marsden 64
Board Course formats "Board" (Grids and Blocks) is a course format in grid for Moodle 2.8 or later with full flexibility between sections and columns. You can choose quantity and width of columns and quantity of sections in each column. Rodrigo Brandão 64
Poodll Filter Filters Poodll is a toolbox of features for Moodle, including audio and video recording, media players for the classroom and widgets such as tabs and stopwatches. The Poodll filter is a pre-requisite plugin for the Classic Poodll plugins. Justin Hunt 64
People Blocks Moodle block which displays all teachers of a course with contact quicklinks, as well as a quicklink to the participants list Moodle an Hochschulen e.V. 64
Kickstart Course formats Create courses faster and make them more consistent across your organization using course templates. Stefan Scholz 63
Grouptool Activities With the Grouptool activity, teachers can create groups and give students the opportunity to register and deregister for these groups independently or, if necessary, to register for waiting lists. AMC Academic Moodle Cooperation 63
Local Pages General plugins (Local) This plugin is to enable Custom pages and forms in Moodle. It provides a quick way to create custom contact forms and custom page content. The pages created can be publicly accessed or available to certain users based on settings you choose for the page. This allows you to create pages such as: "terms and conditions", marketing material and more. Kevin Dibble 63
Microsoft 365 Teams Theme Themes This theme is used with the Microsoft 365 Teams Integration to display Moodle seamlessly within a Teams environment. Enovation Dev Team 62
WizIQ Virtual Classroom Plugin Activities WizIQ’s virtual classroom module enables Moodle users to create an interactive online learning environment. Using it you can schedule, administer and deliver real-time online classes from your Moodle website. WizIQ Inc. 62
More background colours Atto This is intended to be a replacement for the core backcolor Atto plugin, allowing the Moodle administrator to freely define a set of colours that can be used by users. Nicolas Dunand 62
Flexible format Course formats The Flexible course format is based on Grid adding better mobile support, responsiveness, completion tracking and the ability to make sections collapsable. Jez H 62
Moodle Mobile app section and activity availability restrictions Availability restriction With this plugin you can choose if an activity, resource or a complete section is (or is not) visible for users accessing the course via the Mobile app. Juan Leyva 62
Code-checker General plugins (Local) A tool for developers that helps them follow Moodle's coding style. Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 61
LDAP server (Sync Plus) Authentication Moodle authentication plugin which provides all functionality of auth_ldap, but supports advanced features for the LDAP synchronization task and LDAP authentication. Moodle an Hochschulen e.V. 61
My Courses Blocks This block provides an alternative user dashboard for learners. Mathew May 🇳🇿 61
Opcache management Administration tool Moodle plugin which adds a PHP Opcache management GUI to Moodle site administration, a CLI tool to reset PHP Opcache and a Nagios check for PHP Opcache. Moodle an Hochschulen e.V. 61
Combined Question types A Moodle question type which allows questions to be built up from parts that are other simpler question types (requires you to have these question types installed) Tim Hunt 60
Dash Blocks The interface builder for Moodle Stefan Scholz 60
User Tours General plugins (Local) This Moodle plugin allows administrators to create tours of Moodle to introduce new features, important information, and more. Andrew Lyons 60
Pop up activities Course formats The Pop up activities course format displays resources and simple activities embedded in modals instead of redirecting from the course page. Daniel Thies 60
GeoGebra Question types The GeoGebra question type plugin allows teachers to set up questions which can be solved and automatically checked using GeoGebra. This question type also supports randomization of the applet and automatic and manual grading. Mebis Lernplattform 60
Mass enrolments General plugins (Local) A tool to all teachers to enrol existing users to their courses using CSV files (without bothering the admins) Rogier van Dongen 59
Microsoft Block Blocks This block provides a user-facing menu to access various Microsoft 365 integration features, resources, and settings. Enovation Dev Team 59
Myddleware - Your open source data integration tool General plugins (Local) Workplace compatible from version 2.0. Myddleware for Moodle enables you to transfer your data easily and safely from your Moodle application to other applications such as your e-commerce, CRM or messaging tools. By doing so, it ensures a durable quality of your data, which is a prerequisite for productivity and efficiency. Connected applications : SalesForce, SugarCRM, SuiteCRM, Sage CRM, SAP CRM, Sage Live, Hubspot, Zuora, Magento, Prestashop, Mailchimp, Dolist, MySQL, Microsoft SQL, FTP... Stéphane Faure 59
Faces Blocks Faces is a simple block that allows you to print or view a collection of user profile pictures for your moodle course. Its very useful for those of us who need to put a name to a face. Faces can be viewed/printed for the entire class or by group. Kyle Goslin 59
Learning Analytics General plugins (Local) Privacy-friendly Learning Analytics for Moodle Thomas Dondorf 59
MindMap Format Course formats Mindmap Course Format allows Moodle users using courses through interactive, personalized mindmap. Additionally, it provides features unavailable in standard Moodle, which are: graphical presentation of conditional dependencies and distinction of modules where student have problems (and which are near deadline). Łukasz Sanokowski 59
Auto Attendance Block Blocks This autoattend block is modification of the Attendance block by Mr. Dmitry Pupinin (v1.0.8, 2007). In addition to the original manual mode, automatic attendance mode (from the access log of Moodle) and semi-automatic attendance mode (user clicks a link) are also possible. Fumikazu Iseki 59
Bootstrap Grid Atto Extends the Atto editor so that bootstrap grids can be inserted into user generated content. Guy Thomas 59
MathType for Atto by WIRIS Atto Type and handwrite mathematical notation in Moodle with MathType. WIRIS team 59
Dialogue Activities Dialogue between two users Dan Marsden 58
Download Center General plugins (Local) The Download Center enables teachers and students to download the content of selected activities and materials from a course as a ZIP archive. AMC Academic Moodle Cooperation 58