Favourite plugins

List of plugins that have been marked as favourite by the Moodle community members.
Name Plugin type Short description Lead maintainer Favourited
SafeAssign plagiarism plugin Plagiarism SafeAssign is a plagiarism plugin which uses a service to compare submitted assignments against a set of sources to identify areas of overlap between the submitted assignment and existing works. SafeAssign Anthology 13
Take Picture RÉCIT Atto This atto plugin allows to take pictures directly from your webcam, crop them, and integrate them to your text. Emile Jacques 13
Remaining Lesson Timer Blocks Block for displaying the elapsed and remaining time in a timed lesson Greg Smith 13
Virtual Keyboard TinyMCE (legacy) Consider using a "virtual keyboard" as a safer alternative to the physical keyboard. With this virtual keyboard, you can reduce the risk of password and username theft. Additionally, they are not only practical but can be used anywhere. DualCube Team 13
Snap! submissions Assignment submissions Add to your Moodle assignments the ability to include Snap! projects Joan Guillén 13
Reset MyMoodle Administration tool This tool allows reset all MyMoodle Users except main admin. Is for admins. Carlos Escobedo 13
Import competency framework from RDF Administration tool This is an importer for XML/RDF formatted curriculum files from the achievement standards network. Damyon Wiese 13
MS Teams Meeting Activities Using this activity plugin you can schedule Microsoft Teams Meetings directly from inside your Moodle courses. Robert Schrenk 13
Upload notification General plugins (Local) Students can receive mails for new material and a changelog will be generated for updated documents provided in the course. Hendrik Würz 13
Gateway Payments Enrolment Enrolment Gateway Payments enrolment method -- Enrol on payment - extended with discounts and cohort restrictions. Rogier van Dongen 13
Wiki export General plugins (Local) This plugin adds the ability to export Moodle wikis as either PDFs or epub documents. Davo Smith 13
Meta-course synchronization to groups General plugins (Local) [SEEKING MAINTAINER] Metasync creates and populates groups in a course based on the enrollment of metalinked courses. Willy Lee 13
Dataform field access Blocks The Dataform field access block provides context and settings for Dataform field access rules. With such rules you can allow or prevent particular users (individually or by role) access to particular fields in particular views. Itamar Tzadok 13
HTML Bootstrap Editor (Tool) Administration tool The HTML Bootstrap editor RECIT makes it possible to create a much more attractive and ergonomic layout. Gustavo Bazzo 13
RECIT Autolink Filters This filter aims to integrate several types of parameters into the course, like an activity icon, activity completion, link to H5P, link to a section, so on. It also allows you to take advantage of Moodle's database and create a more personalized experience. Étienne Roy 13
Microsoft Account General plugins (Local) This plugin provides a simple client API for OAuth2-based authentication and token management for Microsoft Account. It also provides some helper functions for making REST API calls to services that use the Microsoft Account. Enovation Dev Team 13
Availability Block Game by level Availability restriction Restrict access to course content until students reach the required level in the Block Game. José Wilson da Costa 13
Alerts Blocks This is required by the Socialwall Course Format. This block is used to indicate any due dates for activities such as an assignment or quizzes that have been added to a course. It is very similar to the standard Upcoming events block (calendar_upcoming) but it would also display any alerts posted by the teacher with its date. Alerts are posts with a special flag normally sent by teachers by using the socialwall format for a course. Chris Kenniburg 13
Course Files Blocks This block provides information on the file usage on a given course. Andrew Davidson 13
FlexiBase Themes This is the flexibase theme for Moodle. It is a Bootstrap3 theme, but uses flexbox to create the layouts, rather than the bootstrap grid. This theme depends upon Bas Brands' bootstrap theme for bootstrap3. Richard Oelmann 13
flowchart Filters Render svg flowcharts using flowcharts.js by Adriano Raiano (http://adrai.github.io/flowchart.js, MIT license), which use raphael.js (MIT licence either) Сергей Роганов 13
Remote course web service General plugins (Local) This local module provides a web service which returns a given user's courses based on username. Charles Fulton 12
Online Audio Recording Assignment types Audio recorder (Flash 10.1+) with optional manual upload option. Records locally and uploads via HTTP POST, so no need for a streaming server! Paul Nicholls 12
Collaborative Folders Activities Enhance collaboration by providing shared folders to your students automatically. No need to collect Dropbox or ownCloud e-mail addresses anymore: Just add it to a course and select the groups that should collaborate. ownCloud/Nextcloud will privately share one folder per group to its members! Learnweb – University of Münster 12
Recommender Blocks This block offers three different recommendation services: popular activities on this course; popular courses on this site; and shared bookmarks. Each can be enabled and configured separately. Jenny Gray 12
Topic Forums course format Course formats Topic Forums course format adds forums below the topic sections of the Onetopic course format. Each topic has its own discussion forum. ca2si Etan 12
Microsoft OneDrive document converter Document converters Converts files to pdf using Microsoft OneDrive. Neill Magill 12
Upgrade log Reports Report listing Moodle upgrade history for your site. Paul Holden 12
moodletxt - bbconnecttxt.com SMS/Text Two-Way Messaging Module Blocks moodletxt is a block that allows teachers and administrators to send SMS/text messages to their students directly from the Moodle system. The module supports both inbound and outbound messaging, text message status updates, user-personalised messages, message templates and signatures, personal addressbooks, and has full compatibility with user timezones. As of version 3, it also supports event-based messaging via the moodletxt+ message processor. Greg J Preece 12
RegExp Adaptive mode with Help (no penalties) Question behaviour This plugin is one of the 2 question behaviours to be used exclusively with the regexp question type. Those behaviours enable you to take advantage of the *Help* feature, which allows the student to "buy" a letter. This behaviour does not cost the student any penalty when "buying" a letter. Joseph Rézeau 12
Wunderbyte Table General plugins (Local) This plugin provides a huge enhancement of the table lib in Moodle. You can now use filtering, templates and different methods to display data in a clean and structured way easier than ever. This plugin is used combination with other plugins like mod_booking and should make life easier for Moodle developers. To have a quick demo install it and on your site go to /local/wunderbyte_table/demo.php David Bogner 12
Quiz Archiver Quiz reports Archives quiz attempts as PDF and HTML files fully automated and asynchronously for long-term storage independent of Moodle. Backups of both the quiz and the whole course can optionally be included. Niels Gandraß 12
Enrolment audit Reports This plugin enables tracking the history of learner enrolments at site and course level. Catalyst IT 12
RSS Plus Blocks A slightly more visually appealing RSS News Feed block for Moodle 2.0+ Shaun Daubney 12
Enrol users with CSV Blocks This block allows teachers to enrol users into a course by allowing a teacher to upload an csv file with only email addresses. Ted van den Brink 12
Folder View format Course formats Blackboard Open Source is proud to release Folder View, a course format that displays activities and resources within a folder that is expandable or collapsible. Open LMS Development 12
Preview TinyMCE Preview editor content with Moodle text filters applied Daniel Thies 12
Columns format Course formats Topic based course format with the ability to arrange the topics in columns except 0. Gareth J Barnard 12
Dyslexic mod Blocks This block allow to change the default font of your Moodle site by a specific font for dyslexic people : OpenDyslexic (from http://opendyslexic.org/). Éric Bugnet 12
OpenDesktop Activities This combines Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop with BigBlueButton and is perfect for live online cooperation in real time. David Bogner 12
Slider in content - for Slider Block Filters Slider filter is used to display Block Slider content anywhere in Moodle. Kamil Łuczak 12
Restriction by week from start Availability restriction This availability plugin allows opening activites or sections with a relative week shift from course opening date. Valery Fremaux 12
Mediawiki Repositories A repository allowing multiple instances that can each connect to any mediawiki site. Aparup Banerjee 12
Quick register General plugins (Local) This plugin provides a quick registration link with prefilled signup form data. C Blue 12
Drupal Services Authentication Provides session based SSO (Single Sign On) service between Moodle and Drupal. As well as user synchronization capability to import and update users from the Drupal user database. This work is based off the original work of Scott Schaffter and Arsham Skrenes and their module from moodle 1.9 https://moodle.org/mod/data/view.php?d=13&rid=4240&filter=1 chris porter 12
CUL Upcoming events Blocks A block that is similar to the core Moodle Upcoming Events Blocks but displays the events in a news feed style. Amanda Doughty 12
Geolocation block Blocks This block works together with the availability condition "gps" and allows a user to determine the current gps location. The location is stored in the current session and is used by the availability condition. Furthermore the block can show the locations in a course by list or on an interactive map. Robert Schrenk 12
Courses links Activities Mod which allows to display links in your course to other courses (to facilitate navigation between courses for example). This mod is displayed in a label. Anthony Durif 12
Section names auto-linking Filters Converts exact section names in Moodle into links to the section or bookmark links if on the same page. Matthew Davidson 12
Yammer Blocks This block has been built to utilise the Yammer embedded feed API. Chris Wharton 12