Essay (auto-grade)

Question types ::: qtype_essayautograde
Maintained by Gordon Bateson
Essay (auto-grade) for Moodle >= 3.0
Latest release:
1648 sites
61 fans
Current versions available: 1

The "Essay (auto-grade)" question type awards a provisional grade as soon as the student submits an essay. The provisional grade is based on the number of words, sentences and target phrases that are present in the essay. 

In addition, this question type allows the teacher to specify "grade bands" which can be used to create a non-linear grading scheme. 

At any time, the teacher can override the automatically generated grade by giving a manual grade and feedback as in the standard "Essay" question type.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


Gordon Bateson (Lead maintainer)
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  • Jon Bolton
    пет, 15. мар 2019, 02:13
    This is very cool, well done Gordon! Looking forward to trying it out.
  • Germán and Temudgin
    пет, 15. мар 2019, 23:22
    You can comment about it in the Quiz forum thread at
  • Ritchie Langley
    уто, 30. апр 2019, 18:52
    We seem to have an issue if a user takes more than x mins to type their answer. They get an error saying "You have entered data outside the normal sequence." The user hasn't clicked back or forward, just submit. The session timeout is set to 2 hours. Any help tracking down this bug would be appreciated as it's a very useful plugin.
  • Nikolay Le
    чет, 10. окт 2019, 21:55
    Good plugin!!
    Any good news and syntax about this case:
    Note: A newer version of this plugin is currently (May 2019) being developed that will let you choose whether you want to match full words only and whether the match is case-insensitive. Stay tuned smešak .
  • Rob Frank
    пет, 6. дец 2019, 15:22
    any chance on creating a Forum (auto-grade) plugin too?
  • Mr P Halford
    уто, 17. дец 2019, 22:53
    you cant seem to use symbols or numbers as answers + - etc. can this be implemented?
  • Michael Backus
    пет, 17. јан 2020, 03:06
    I created a quiz with a few Essay (auto-grade) questions. My goal was to provide feedback to students who didn't write enough prior to grading their responses. Unfortunately, I was not able to figure out a good way to do this. I tried setting it up so that they could check their response before submitting it, but that didn't work. I then tried giving them multiple chances on the quiz, but then I end up with multiple quizzes to grade for the same student. How do you recommend using your plugin to provide feedback and allow a student to retry without creating a 2nd quiz for the teacher to grade?
  • Marinda
    чет, 27. феб 2020, 13:39
    We've started implementing the auto-graded question and it works extremely well. However, we had two instances where it generated the following error:

    Exception - Argument 2 passed to has_capability() must be an instance of context, null given, called in [dirroot]/question/type/essayautograde/renderer.php on line 205

    It impacted the whole review of the quiz attempt. You can review each question separately, but the moment you want to review the whole quiz attempt, it generates this error. I cannot figure out what caused this. 9 students completed this quiz; 7 out of the 9 had no problems with it. In two cases (and it was not the same question), it generated this error. Does anyone maybe have an idea of what is causing it?
  • petter velly
    чет, 4. јун 2020, 14:45
    HEY SIR Gordon, its really awesome plugin and i am using it. I have one question when I select the plain text area rather than html editor (atto) is not showing the word numbers while user attempting quiz could you tell me how I can show them word count that they type (Plain text area).
    Second, I want to disable wrong spell suggestion while student attempting question but, show all spelling mistakes in review after quiz submitted in review.
    Is it possible?
  • Aibat Karashev
    сре, 5. окт 2022, 17:59
    Hi Gordon, this plugin check grmmar?
  • Janka Dudziak
    нед, 22. јан 2023, 06:05
    Hello, the plugin seems to have some issues not showing embedded pictures, while running PHP version higher than 7.4. Is there a way to fix that?
  • Ashok D
    пет, 24. мар 2023, 21:05
    This plugin is NOT AUTO GRADED for file upload. For example if i type anything in the online text editor then auto grade is working fine. But if i disable online text editor and enable only file upload then auto grade is not happening.

    So kindly let me know will this plugin works only for online text editor?
  • Paul
    уто, 5. сеп 2023, 17:33
    Hi Gordon,
    Any plans to bring this up to working with Moodle 4.2?
  • Fra Parlant
    сре, 14. феб 2024, 18:05
    Hi Gordon,
    I am getting an exception during import of xml moodle format. This is exactly the same file as the export:
    Exception : Call to undefined method qtype_essayautograde::check_ordering_combined_feedback()
    Unfortunately I don't know which version of moodle my university is on (probably 4.2)
  • Stephen Lea
    сре, 24. јул 2024, 19:19
    I like using this plugin more and more with my courses. It would be good if you could assign either individual marks or % to the target phrases. For some mark schemes, %ages don't always work
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