Wordcards by Poodll

Activities ::: mod_wordcards
Maintained by Justin Hunt
Part of set PoodLL.
Poodll WordCards is a word learning Moodle plugin. Words or phrases to be learnt are introduced with each instance of the activity. Students learn and review words by completing listen-and-type, choose-the-answer, speechcards or type-the-words tasks

Wordcards by Poodll 1.2.3 (Build 2020073100)

Moodle 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9
Released: Friday, 31 July 2020, 3:01 PM
1.2.3 (Build 2020073100)
-Added support for non alphabet distractors on keyboard
-Fixed Postgresql support issue in grading
-Added new practice type Listen-Choose

1.2.2 (Build 2020071700)
- fixed some poor ID and CSS declarations that were not scoped
- added clearer instructions and help icons to form fields

1.2.1 (Build 2020071500)
-Fixed an issue with upgrades from previous attempts
-Added a Readme and thirdpartylibs.xml
-Fixed an issue with an unnecessary dependency on mod_readaloud

1.2.0 Build( 2020070500)
-Added attempts layer, so user can re-attempt, and grades taken from latest attempt
-Added support for groups
-Capabilities tidy up

1.1.9 (Build 2020050200)
-fixed up version number trouble
-set proper defaults on fields

1.1.7 (Build 20200425000)
-Added grading

1.1.5 (Build 20200419100)
-Added languages and user tagging

1.1.4 (Build 20200201100)
-Added languages and user tagging

1.1.1 (Build 2019091402)
-TTS improvements

1.1.0 (Build 2019091400)
-First release of Wordcards with Apps 4 EFL integrated

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
1.2.3 (Build 2020073100)
Stable version
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 3.1, Moodle 3.2, Moodle 3.3, Moodle 3.4, Moodle 3.5, Moodle 3.6, Moodle 3.7, Moodle 3.8, Moodle 3.9

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL
VCS tag

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Activities

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the module.
  3. Place the folder (eg "assignment") in the "mod" subdirectory.
  4. Visit http://yoursite.com/admin to finish the installation