Turnitin Integrity Plugin

Plagiarism ::: plagiarism_turnitinsim
Maintained by Bryan Holladay, Isaac Xiong, Carl Hostrander, Jack Milgate
Part of set Turnitin.
Utilize Turnitin Integrity’s Similarity Report and Authorship investigating tools within Moodle’s assignment workflow by integrating with the Turnitin Integrity plugin. Turnitin Integrity is a commercial plagiarism and authorship detection system whose features depend on which paid license has been selected. This plugin is developed and maintained by Turnitin.
Latest release:
682 sites
11 fans
Current versions available: 1

Utilize Turnitin Integrity’s Similarity Report and Authorship investigating tools within Moodle’s assignment workflow by integrating with the Turnitin Integrity plugin. Turnitin Integrity is a commercial plagiarism and authorship detection system whose features depend on which paid license has been selected. This plugin is developed and maintained by Turnitin.


  • Plugin integrates into the existing Moodle assignment, Forum, and Workshop workflows
  • Plugin provides Turnitin Originality, Similarity, and SimCheck services dependant on the license used
  • Receive a similarity score for your Moodle assignment, Forum, and Workshop submissions
  • Launch into the Turnitin viewer to review a detailed report on the similarity score produced
  • Option for anonymized submissions which masks the student’s details when sent to Turnitin

Useful Links:

Creating your Turnitin API key


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Bryan Holladay (Lead maintainer)
Carl Hostrander: maintainer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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הצגת הערות
  • Yezi Yang
    20/07/2020, 16:23

    We just upgraded the Turnitin plugin plagiarism_turnitin 2020070801 on your Moodle system (Moodle 3.7.5) last week. And we found a terrible bug. In the setting of assignment activity, the ‘Turnitin plagiarism plugin settings’ section appears twice, as shown in the screen shot in the link in Google Photo (https://photos.app.goo.gl/iAy7vMGJw9taf1fE9). Moreover, teachers need to enable Turnitin in BOTH sections to successfully enable Turnitin. It is really confusing to teachers. Could you solve it as soon as possible, please?
  • Lottie Byrne
    22/07/2020, 23:58
    Hi Yezi, the issue with the plagiarism plugin has been resolved in a release today, you can find it here https://moodle.org/plugins/view/plagiarism_turnitin
  • Roland Sherwood
    27/07/2020, 11:01
    Hi. Please can you clarify the difference between this plugin and the plagiarism_turnitin plugin, and why one should be used in favour of the other? Many thanks.
  • Jake Scutt
    27/07/2020, 16:34
    Hi Roland, This plugin is for our integrity products including Simcheck and Turnitin Similarity. The other plugin is for our Feedback Studio Product. If you are unsure which Turnitin product you are using please reach out to our support team at https://supportcenter.turnitin.com/s/
  • Roland Sherwood
    6/08/2020, 15:25
    Hi Jake - apologies for the late follow-up, and thanks for providing clarification. Please can I also quickly raise another query: when installed under Moodle 3.9.1 this plugin displays a Turnitin section within the settings area for every activity and resource installed on the system i.e. whenever creating or editing a new activity or resource a Turnitin settings section is displayed at the bottom of the activity/resource settings area. Is this intentional and, if so, why? The Turnitin settings being displayed in activities where they can't have any effect as far as I can tell (e.g. Chat, Choice, Label, etc.) is likely to confuse our teachers and, again, I just don't understand how Turnitin could work in those contexts. By contrast, the plagiarism_turnitin plugin only displays settings in the activities where it is actually functional i.e. Assignment, Forum and Workshop which is a more sensible approach, in my opinion. Thanks again for any guidance you can offer.
  • David Winn
    6/08/2020, 21:10
    Hi Roland, my apologies for this. This is a bug - the plugin should only display settings for assignment, forum and workshop. We have written a fix and it will go out in the next release.
  • Sarah Howard
    20/08/2020, 20:41
    Hello! I am eager for the next release that will fix the display settings context issue, is there an estimated date for release? Thanks
  • Sarah Howard
    16/09/2020, 03:37
    Hi David! Any updates on when the next plugin release might be that addresses the display settings context bug? Thanks!
  • David Winn
    16/09/2020, 16:18
    Hi Sarah, we are currently preparing a release. I can't put a date on it but expect it very soon!
  • Christopher Blake
    9/10/2020, 22:39
    Where does this plugin get installed to? Which moodle directory. Also is there a dependency that this module has on any other plugins?
  • Positive Cake
    11/12/2020, 19:39
    Please can I also quickly raise another query: when installed under Moodle 3.9.1 this plugin displays a Turnitin section within the settings area for every activity and resource installed on the system i.e. whenever creating or editing a new activity or resource a Turnitin settings section is displayed at the bottom of the activity/resource settings area. Is this intentional and, if so, https://mcdvoice.me/ why? The Turnitin settings being displayed in activities where they can't have any effect as far as I can tell (e.g. Chat, Choice, Label, etc.) is likely to confuse our teachers and, again, I just don't understand how Turnitin could work in those contexts.
  • Cham Pereira
    8/01/2021, 13:25
    Hi , we are using turnitin integrity plugin for around 3 months now. Now certain users receiving turnitin submission emails which are not relevant to them. They are receiving emails related to someone else's submissions. We are using Moodle 3.9.1 with mariadb. This caused havoc between users. Could you please let me know if there are any such known issues
  • pipa haha
    28/04/2021, 10:19
    The Turnitin Integrity Plugin has a lot of potential
  • Ryan Rufener
    26/05/2023, 04:42
    Can you please add the AI score to the faculty view so we can see the similarity and AI score next to each other? We have cases were similarity is 0% and AI is 100%, but you wouldn't know that except for if you open every single assignment or discussion report.
  • Gail Martinez
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