TYPO3 Repository Activity

Activities ::: mod_typorepo
Maintained by Stefan Scholz, Stefan Ramaker
The TYPO3 Repository and SSO Plugin connects a TYPO3 Installation with the Moodle installation. You can choose a TYPO3 page from a page tree to be embedded in the Moodle course.
Latest release:
3 sites
2 fans
Current versions available: 2


The TYPO3 Repository and SSO Plugin was built for the Learning Content Management System LMS3 (www.lms3.de). 

LMS3 is a distribution of TYPO3 and created by LEARNTUBE GmbH (www.learntube.de). LMS3 is not needed as a complete solution to connect a TYPO3 installation with Moodle. Any TYPO3 Installation (Version 11.x) can be used as an authoring platform and content repository. With this Plugin it is possible to embed login protected TYPO3 pages inside Moodle. Please note: Currently, a paid extension for TYPO3 is needed to connect TYPO3 and Moodle. Please contact mail@learntube.de for an inquiry. You can read more about the plugin on: https://www.lms3.de/moodle-connector

The TYPO3 Repository and SSO Plugin

  • Connects a TYPO3 Installation with one or more Moodle Installations
  • TYPO3 pages that are login protected can be displayed by the SSO
  • Moodle Users will be identified in TYPO3 and added with a synonymous user account by using only the Moodle ID
  • TYPO3 Pages can be shown inside an iFrame in Moodle or a new window

Note: For best practice it is recommended to build a Moodle embed friendly TYPO3 template, that will only display the content, not the general menu and footer section that is normally provided by a typical TYPO3 website.

The TYPO3 Extension

Note: Currently the TYPO3 extension, needed to connect to TYPO3, is not publicly available yet. The extension will bepublished later in 2022. If you are interested in purchasing the extension, please contact us at mail@learntube.de.

Please notice that due to CORS Browser restrictions it is needed, that on the TYPO3 side the CORS settings needs to get done in order to show the content inside Moodle iframe.


We monitor the plugin as well as the TYPO3 extension against each Moodle and TYPO3 minor and major update, so we will get aware about any problems in rather short time.


The Plugin is sponsored by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (www.fes.de).

Installation and Usage

Please visit the official documentation page for installation, setup and usage instructions. https://docs.moodle.org/311/en/TypoRepo

Potential privacy issues

To grant user-specific services in TYPO3 it is needed, that the Moodle user will have a synonymous user account in TYPO3. This happens on the fly while the user will access a TYPO3 Activity in Moodle. This plugin only passes the Moodle User ID to create a unique user that can be identified. No name, e-mail or any other personal information is shared. The Plugin does not pass any user-generated data from Moodle to TYPO3 either.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Stefan Scholz (Lead maintainer)
Stefan Ramaker: Maintainer
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