Turnitin's Moodle Direct v2

Activities ::: mod_turnitintooltwo
Maintained by Bryan Holladay, Paul Dawson, Isaac Xiong, Carl Hostrander, Jack Milgate
Part of set Turnitin.
Turnitin's Moodle Direct v2 integration activity module is a standalone Moodle module with the aim of representing the full suite of Turnitin's features within the standard Moodle workflow. The module is an upgrade on the previous Turnitin plugin and is developed and maintained by Turnitin.
Latest release:
2376 sites
38 fans
Current versions available: 1

Moodle Direct V2 is the latest version of the Moodle Direct integration for Turnitin. Moodle Direct V2 installs separately to the original Turnitin Moodle Direct plugin within Moodle so that it can be used in parallel.

Key New Features

  • PeerMark - PeerMark is now integrated into the Turnitin Assignments and is accessible from the inbox for instructors and students.
  • Rubrics - Instructors can now attach their own rubrics to Turnitin Assignments and access the Rubric Manager, Students can also view any rubric that is attached to an assignment.
  • Quickmarks - An instructor's Quickmark manager (used within GradeMark) can now be accessed from within their Moodle environment.
  • More informative Inbox screen - An assignment inbox screen is now organised so that much more information is readily available and combined on to one screen.
  • Quick editing - Certain assignment details (e.g. dates and marks) can be edited quickly in the inbox without having to go to a specific edit screen.
  • Drag and drop submissions - Users can now submit via drag and drop. They will also be provided with an extract of their submission as proof that it has been submitted to Turnitin.
  • Class Migration Tool - Instructors and administrators can now recreate classes they have on Turnitin which may have existed in previous integrations or created through the Turnitin website.

Inherited features from v1

  • Multi-part Assignments - Each Turnitin Assignment may consist of up to 5 parts, parts can be configured to have start dates, due dates and post dates independent of one another.
  • Real Turnitin Users - The integration maps Moodle users to real Turnitin user accounts for both Instructors and Students, there is the option to disable student emails should an institution not wish to have students log in to Turnitin rather than Moodle.
  • GradeMark / Moodle Grade Book integration - Grades are synchronised between Turnitin's GradeMark and the Moodle grade book.
  • Anonymous Marking - Anonymous marking allows student names to be masked from instructors up until the post date.
  • Troubleshooting / Diagnostics - Diagnostic mode allows administrators to identify bugs and communication issues by enabling API call logs and displaying line numbers within error messages


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Bryan Holladay (Lead maintainer)
Carl Hostrander: maintainer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • John McGettrick
    พ., 10 มี.ค. 2021, 11:58 PM
    Hi Arifah, the plugin will list all users as students that are enrolled but who don't have the ability to grade.
  • Arifah Addison
    จ., 22 มี.ค. 2021, 8:23 AM
    Thanks John - follow-up question, how to you give a participant the 'ability to grade'? - I assume because we are on the Submission inbox it isn't automatically a function the Teacher role.
  • John McGettrick
    จ., 22 มี.ค. 2021, 10:19 PM
    The Teacher role or 'editingteacher' by default should have the mod/turnitintooltwo:grade capability by default. If not, then go to Site Admin and Manage Roles and enable that capability on the relevant user role.
  • audrey rippingale
    จ., 24 พ.ค. 2021, 9:36 PM
    can Turnitin be used with the mobile Moodle App? thanks
  • Nick Fenge
    พ., 10 พ.ย. 2021, 7:59 PM
    Hi All,
    We have just upgraded to 2021060801 ‘mod_turnitintooltwo’ and found the ability for our support staff to upload on behalf of our student in extraordinary circumstances has been removed after the due date has passed. This was a very useful ability and looking if there is a way around this or if there was possibility to have this added in the next review of the plugin? i saw in the key features of the update v2021060801
    Submit button is no longer visible after the due date
    The submit button will no longer be shown to students who have already submitted to the assignment when the due date has passed. The current functionality will remain for users who have not already submitted.
    Is it this update that has also changed the non- student access to the submit option?

    Kind regards

    Nick Fenge
  • David Winn
    พ., 10 พ.ย. 2021, 11:00 PM
    Hi Nick,
    I think this not being available for instructors was an unintentional regression. We've fixed this in our development version and intend to release the fix in our next release.
    Kind regards,
  • Jason McGensy
    พฤ., 23 ธ.ค. 2021, 4:37 AM
    Is there any way to get the PeerMark grade to pass into the Moodle gradebook (either the instructor scoring or the peer scoring)?
    Just checking because I don't see this answered one way or the other in documentation and our testing appears to say the answer is no.
  • John McGettrick
    พ., 29 ธ.ค. 2021, 4:38 PM
    Hi Jason, it's possible in theory but the API is not set up to return that information at the moment.
  • Matthew Martin
    ส., 5 ส.ค. 2023, 3:44 AM
    Hello! In Moodle 4.1, we are now seeing that an instructor's directions for a Turnitin assignment appear twice by default, first in the standard Moodle area at top, and then again by default as a "summary" in the Turnitin area below. (This didn't seem to be the case in Moodle 3.11, our previous version.) I see that it is possible to collapse these repeated directions by toggling the red dot with the dash within the Turnitin area, but is there a way to make this summary hidden, or collapsed by default? Having these instructions duplicated by default creates unnecessary scrolling and may be confusing to users. Thanks for any advice or guidance here!
  • Arifah Addison
    จ., 7 ส.ค. 2023, 4:44 AM
    Not sure who was consulted for the latest interface changes, but why does each activity/resource now take up three times more vertical space? There is no reason a student needs to know what type of resource it is by default (and if there is a reason we can just add it to the title), and having boxes around every single one makes it hard to group related resources. There doesn't seem to be any options on the settings to change this.
  • Greg Simmons
    พ., 1 พ.ย. 2023, 11:38 PM
    Your "More documentation on this plugin" link - https://guides.turnitin.com/03_Integrations/Moodle/Moodle_Direct_V2 - is broken.
  • Vidar Gudmundsson
    ศ., 5 ม.ค. 2024, 11:50 PM
    Hello. Will there be an upgraded version for Moodle 4.3 ?
  • Bryan Holladay
    จ., 8 ม.ค. 2024, 11:29 PM
    Vidar, we have confirmed the latest version works for Moodle 4.3 and I have updated this plugin to reflect that.
  • Vidar Gudmundsson
    ศ., 26 ม.ค. 2024, 11:58 PM
    Thats good news. I have updated the plugin to 4.1+ (2023032701) but still havin problems with it. Rubric Manager, Quickmark manager and Peermark Manager is not loading, it opens an emty window.
  • Christian Guarin
    พฤ., 5 ก.ย. 2024, 9:48 AM
    I am using an old version of Turnitin.
    LMS Version: 3.4.9 | Turnitin version: Turnitin Assignment 2 (Version: 2019012401)

    I would like to know if there is a way I can set up restrictions to prevent teachers from deleting any student submissions. I have tried checking all the permissions in LMS and Turnitin account that I can think of but none have worked so far.
    Any help will be much appreciated.

    Thank you

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