ReadAloud by Poodll

Activities ::: mod_readaloud
Maintained by Justin Hunt
Part of set PoodLL.
ReadAloud measures reading speed and accuracy without creating extra work for teachers. AI auto-grading and robust HTML5 recording allows teachers to collect reading fluency data quickly and easily.

ReadAloud by Poodll 2.0.75 (Build 2022012500)

Moodle 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11
Released: mardi, 25 janvier 2022, 11:55
Version 2.0.75 (Build 2022012500)
- Improved Japanese number recognition

Version 2.0.74 (Build 2021122200)
- added credential fetching

2.0.73 (Build 2021121500)
- Fixed display of grades in table that was not showing all records

2.0.72 (Build 2021112700)
- Added a skeleton placeholder for loading audio

2.0.71 (Build 2021112600)
- Fixed broken spot check Ok/Not ok buttons
- Fixed problem with human/hybrid grading pushed in last update

2.0.70 (Build 2021112100)
- Fixed browser speech recognition on Safari
- renamed button to push all grades to gradebook
- added a CFG switch to hide push feature
- removed PHP 7.1+ only syntax (list unpacking)
- added option to prevent shadow mode posting grades to grading and appearingin reports

2.0.69 (Build 2021103101)
- fixed broken upgrade script

2.0.68 (Build 2021103100)
-fixed issue with broken recorder on listen and repeat on chrome (from previous release)
- added max attempts display to shadow tile button
- refactor of some code

2.0.67 (Build 2021103000)
- re organised transcriber options (UI) and allowed user to prefer Poodll STT
- improved display of max attempts reached status
- removed rich text/html editing option from passage text area
- added datatables to reports and grading pages to make it easier with large numbers of students

2.0.66 (Build 2021100100)
- Added grades settings to push feature

2.0.65 (Build 2021093000)
- Added Push feature

2.0.64 (Build 2021091200)
- Added more neural voices and NZ and SA English to polly and transcribe
- Added internal flag to turn off Chrome speech rec
- fixed model audio sync issue

2.0.63 (Build 2021090100)
- Added questions for an embedded quiz (not finished)
- Added phonetic for more clever word comparisons especially in Japanese

2.0.62 (Build 2021081600)
- removed clonepermissionsfrom entry on view and submit capabilities in access.php
- fix for array_key_exists on php 8
- simple number to word converter

2.0.61 (Build 2021053100)
- Internal flag for iframe use

2.0.60 (Build 2021052900)
- Added lang models for FR and ES

2.0.59 (Build 2021052500)
- added selection of group for report

2.0.58 (Build 2021052200)
- added capetown/bahrain
- fixed bug in grading if target WPM was not set (or set to 0)
- fixed bug in grading when only machine eval was selected

2.0.57 (Build 2021040500)
-added speechmark generation to setup.php

2.0.56 (Build 2021033000)
- bug where some attempts may have errored on grading from 2021032900+ releases

2.0.55 (Build 2021032903)
- Auto advance on listen and repeat
- disabled recorder button during recognition to prevent super clickers causing event chaos

2.0.54 (Build 2021032902)
- prev release update:

2.0.53 (Build 2021032900)
- Some passages lost audio/text sync on the last update. This restores it

2.0.52 (Build 2021032600)
- improvements to ui/markup for modelaudio and selection of words
- added neural voices
- auto creation of speech breaks, and sync'ing of existing one to new audio/voices

2.0.51 (Build 2021030100)
-added a setup tab for embedding in iframes

2.0.50 (Build 2021013100)
-Improved differencing
-Standardized audio recorder
-Better support for languages with non Latin alphabet

2.0.49 (Build 2021012400)
- Better support for non English languages in practice mode

2.0.48 (Build 2020121400)
-Added an ajax fragmentable form constructor
-Removed AWS streaming transcription option
-Added a strict mode for transcription

2.0.47 (Build 2020111700)
- new speech servers

2.0.46 (Build 2020110400)
- added alternative speech recognizer and recorder for listen&repeat mode if not Google Chrome
- better defaults

2.0.45 (Build 2020100700)
- non UTf8MB4 db encoding related comparison issues

2.0.44 (Build 2020091700)
- More string comparison fixes

2.0.43 (Build 2020091300)
- changed string comparisons again to be tolerant of unicode issues (a bit of a punt)
- fixed issue when no exit early flag set, manual grading could fail.

2.0.42 (Build 2020090300)
- changed string comparisons to be binary safe

2.0.41 (Build 2020082100)
- fixed issue with modelaudio tab not accepting recordings or uploads

2.0.40 (Build 2020072701)
- fixed issue with Listen and Repeat mode getting fixated on en-US
- fixed issue with name of jp/analyser class

2.0.39 (Build 2020071401)
- fixed a few issues on small screen devices and android chrome

2.0.38 (Build 2020071400)
- Added listen and repeat mode
- Added lang model generation
- Support for better transcription in Tokyo and US East regions
- Tweaks to model audio page
- Tweaks to main menu

2.0.37 (Build 2020070400)
- Support for groups mode and a few extra capablities

2.0.35 (Build 2020062800)
- Lang model generation

2.0.34 (Build 2020062300)
- Fix to support Essentials theme on M3.3

2.0.33 (Build 2020061600)
-M3.9 compat. change - js tether library
-fixes to model audio page

2.0.32 (Build 2020060300)
-fixed broken simple report if no attempts

2.0.31 (Build 2020060100)
-added option to not show sessionscore/grade
-added ability to choose recoder

2.0.30 (Build 2020053100)
- layout changes
- smallreport

2.0.29 (Build 2020041900)
- added aws streaming transcription to cloudpoodll

2.0.28 (Build 2020032801)
-Improved transcriber.js integration

2.0.27 (Build 2020030701)
-fixed bug breaking first.js/js on IE 11

2.0.26 (Build 2020030700)
-removed ajaxhelper and use core/ajax
-added streaming transcribe and progress report

2.0.25 Build 2.0.25 (Build 2020022900)
-Added TTS Speed setting

2.0.24 Build 2.0.24 (Build 2020022000)
-added tts voice for click to hear
-added support for Japanese language (alpha .. not for production)
-added shadowing and preview modes

2.0.23 (Build 2020021800)
-added sessionscoremethod setting for strict and normal grading modes

2.0.22 (Build 2020012300)
-added languages(arabic, chinese, portuguese, japanese, tamil, telegu, dutch, farsi, wales english, ireland english, scotland english, russian, turkish, malay, indonesian,hebrew, swiss german)
-added user tagging
-fixed SQL bug in grading which occurs if FULL_GROUP_BY is set in mysql or in postgresql

2.0.21 (Build 2019112100)
-Added better reporting to user of invalid creds
-Optimisations of cron task
-Removed empty scheduled task

2.0.20(Build 2019110700))
-added attempts summary report for admin/teachers
-added attempt summary table to view.php if 2 or more attempts
-Added expiredays to backup, had been missed

2.0.19(Build 2019101400)
-Removed chaining of click actions across playchain in spotcheck mode

2.0.18 (Build 2019092501)
- Fixed a misten ref. to another plugin readseed in grade.php
- Changed fetch_transcripts and has_ transcripts to look at full transcript. Because plain transcript might exist AND be empty.
- Changed grading and gradingby user reports to look at fulltranscript and not wpm to see if it was ai graded.
- fixed gradenowhelper.js to show correct wpm and accuracy if user truly scores 0
- Added grade by highest attempt score

2.0.17 (Build 2019091901)
-Fixed bug where allow early exit and fast transcode would cause errors when fetching audio duration

2.0.16 (Build 2019091900)
-Fixed bug where student-review and grading pages, would show different results to grading report, when allowearlyexit was true

Version 2.0.15 (Build 2019091000)
-Fixed bug where non admins and limited attempts would not show correctly on student review page
-Fixed bug where user attempts report showed all user results

Version 2.0.14 (Build 2019062600)
-Fixed broken gradebook integration and completion settings

Version 2.0.13 (Build 2019052001)'
-fixed unencoded url in post activity ajax submission

Version 2.0.12 (Build 2019052000)
-Fixed up backup restore bug where userid not mapped correctly
-Improved course deleted event
-Added fast transcriber
-Fixed problem in diff that failed to match transcript

Version 2.0.11 (Build 2019042000)
-Added more language support
-compatibility with RS for self correction mode

Version 2.0.10 (Build 2019030600)
-Added support for new lines in passage
-Show unread words in review in a more readable format (i.e. without strikeout)
-Added Alternatives Admin tab

Version 2.0.9 (Build 2019022000)
-implemented better wildcard support

Version 2.0.8 (Build 2019021800)
-improved adhoc task logic
-tweaks to diff algorythm

Version 2.0.7 (Build 2019021600)
-added more powerful alternates implementation
-fixed matching algorythm bugs
-set to generous match for plurals and -ed in English
-added debug features (for devs)

Version 2.0.6 (Build 2019012000)
-Added better cron calling
-Added support for fast poodll loading in poodllloader.html (used by safari's mainly)

Version 2.0.5 (Build 2018121400)
-fixed a bug that could break AI grading

Version 2.0.4 (Build 2018120900)
- changed lang string key "NG" to "notok" and English to "Not OK"
- renamed audiohelper.js to recorderhelper.js
- renamed gradinghelper.js to hiddenplayerhelper.js
- added better error reporting if there is a problem with Auth
- reinstated accuracy adjustment settings
- padded spot check audio by 0.5 seconds on either side of start and end
- improvements to diff algorithm

Version 2.0.3 (Build 2018112600)
- improved reliability of cron call to fetch token
- better support for privacy api (incl moodle 3.6)

Version 2.0.2 (Build 2018111800)
-added support for auth details in token

Version 2.0.1 (Build 2018111200)
-Added Sao Paulo, Frankfurt, London regions (no AI)
-Add support for Ottawa region (yes AI)
-Support for accents (en-UK, en-AU) and Canadian French (fr-CA) in AI regions
-Fixed non English transcription calls that were broken

Version 2.0.0 (Build 2018101200)
-Release version of ReadAloud with CloudPoodll and AI integration

Version 1.1.08 (Build 2018090701)
--added support for HTML5 fallback tag (actually made sure we never fallback .. just show a warning)

Version 1.1.04 (Build 2018082402)
-added accadjustmethod and errorcount fields
-implemented auto error estimation

Version 1.1.03 (Build 2018071300)
-added accadjust field

Version 1.1.02 (Build 2018062600)
-Cloud Poodll integration
-Backup and Restore
-General refactor

Version 1.1.1(Build 2018060902)
-HTML5 version of ReadAloud

Version 1.1.0(Build 2018041000)
-Implemented new Moodle Privacy API

Version 1.0.7(Build 2016111901)
tightened up some non-moodle code in audiohelper.php and poodllfilelib.php to use Moodle APIs.
More secure etc.

Version 1.0.6(Build 2016090201)
unnecessary break statement caused error on php7

Version 1.0.5(Build 2016031001)
The logic to determine the number of completed attempts by a student was wrong. fixed it

Version 1.0.4(Build 2016031000)
Added a settings to turn off the loading of bootstrap and fontawesom. Where a theme already has it, this can cause issues.

Version 1.0.3(Build 2016022500)
This fixes an issue with the renderer on later PHP versions where the trim function
can't be used to return a value to another function. It caused a white page/500 error when viewing the assignment

Version 1.0.2(Build 2016022102)
Added fix for incorrectly named field fedbackformat

Version 1.0.1(Build 2016022101)
Added fix for failure to set form TTSLANGUAGE field type

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
2.0.75 (Build 2022012500)
Version stable
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 3.1, Moodle 3.2, Moodle 3.3, Moodle 3.4, Moodle 3.5, Moodle 3.6, Moodle 3.7, Moodle 3.8, Moodle 3.9, Moodle 3.10, Moodle 3.11

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL
VCS tag

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Activities

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the module.
  3. Place the folder (eg "assignment") in the "mod" subdirectory.
  4. Visit to finish the installation