
Activities ::: mod_quizgame
Maintained by John Okely, Stephen Bourget
Part of set Gamification.
Quizventure is an activity module that loads quiz questions from the course it's added to. The possible answers come down as space ships and you have to shoot the correct one.
Latest release:
1719 sites
127 fans
Current versions available: 6

Students procastinating too much? Are they playing games instead of studying? Well now you can motivate them by allowing them to do both at once!

Quizventure is an activity module that loads quiz questions from the course it's added to. The possible answers come down as space ships and you have to shoot the correct one.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1


John Okely (Lead maintainer)
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  • John Okely
    ven., 20 de mar. de 2020, 8:49 AM
    doc sridhar,

    This has been requested, please vote for it and watch it here for any updates https://github.com/xow/moodle-mod_quizgame/issues/18
  • sushumna rao
    ven., 10 de abr. de 2020, 1:23 PM
    Can we customize the battle ship icon?
  • John Okely
    ven., 10 de abr. de 2020, 1:45 PM
    No current way to customise the main ship, can be suggested here if it's important to the learning experience https://github.com/xow/moodle-mod_quizgame/issues
  • Ratish Saini
    dom., 10 de maio de 2020, 6:37 PM
    It would be nice if either question or the answer can have an image instead of only text.
  • Dinis Medeiros
    luns, 8 de xuño de 2020, 7:48 PM
    How to Remove all user scores? Thanks a lot for the plugin!
  • Stephen Bourget
    luns, 8 de xuño de 2020, 10:03 PM
    At the moment, the only way to fully remove the scores is using the course reset. Feel free to suggest improvements here: https://github.com/xow/moodle-mod_quizgame/issues
  • Al
    dom., 24 de xan. de 2021, 5:56 AM
    Is there any chance you make the plugin so that when you update moodle it automatically downloads the plugin as part of the upgrade? This would save so much time as currently when you upgrade it just says, "Additional Missing from disk!". Thank you so much.
  • Stephen Bourget
    xov., 28 de xan. de 2021, 3:38 AM
    Al, Unfortunately that would need to be part of Moodle itself and not part of a plugin. I would suggest you submit a request for this feature in the Moodle Tracker (https://tracker.moodle.org)
  • Lavanya Manne
    ven., 27 de maio de 2022, 12:55 AM
    The quiz has 20 questions, each question carries 5 points and max grade is 100 and pass grade is 40. I created Quiz Venture module with selecting 20 quiz questions. Quiz venture shows score in 1000's which is a bit confusing. Is there I need to set the grade settings. Please let me know.
  • Stephen Bourget
    ven., 27 de maio de 2022, 1:45 AM
    Hi Lavanya,

    Quizventure works differently from quiz. Quiz allows you to assign point values on a grading scale and it will record them back to the grade book.
    Quizventure treats quiz questions as levels in an arcade game. The player can earn up to 1000 points per level (question) cleared. Their score will vary depending on how many wrong answers they picked and if they got shot by, skipped shooting the correct answer, or crashed into the enemy ships. This score does not correlate with anything in the grade book or the quiz module (the only thing the two modules have in common, is that they both can user certain types of questions from the question bank.) It's designed to be a fun study tool and not an assessment tool, as the player will continue to get presented with levels (questions) until they run out of lives. Each time the player has viewed all of the questions in the attached category, the game speed is increased and it starts the list of questions again. (Meaning it is possible if the player does well, they could see the same question 5-6 times before the game ends.)

    Since the player score is not related to the Moodle grading system, and the plugin does not track grades It isn't possible to make it work with the 100-point grade scale that you are asking about.

  • Lavanya Manne
    ven., 27 de maio de 2022, 1:11 PM
    Thank You Stephen Bourget !
  • Lavanya Manne
    luns, 4 de xul. de 2022, 9:34 PM
    Hello Stephen Bourget,

    LMS has 13 questions from question bank. Created a Quiz venture module by selecting 13 questions category from Question category dropdown. I noticed the questions were repeated. Do the plugin has a setting for not repeating the same questions ?
  • Hansjörg Schopferer
    xov., 7 de xul. de 2022, 9:06 PM
    is it possible for the Students to get a highscore list?
  • Shanthi Raju
    xov., 4 de xan. de 2024, 8:51 PM
    Ive added a audio file to be played along wit this game. But this need to be enabled by each user. Is there any plugin where the admin can configure to embed the Audio file along with the game when it starts.
  • Денис Ю
    mar., 13 de feb. de 2024, 12:26 AM
    Please release an update for moodle 4.3. Thank you
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