POAS assignment

Activities ::: mod_poasassignment
Maintained by Анатолий Ерофеев
The poasassignment module allows teachers to develop single task or variations of task, collect work from students, review it and provide feedback including multi-criterion grades. Module can distribute multiple task’s variants between students in different ways, using one of distribution strategies. The module is based on old Assignment module, but it doesn’t use sources of old Assignment - only idea. Poasassignment extends old Assignment by introducing variants (no more single task for dozens of students), criteria for grading and sub-plugin system. That means, that all submission types, all distribute strategies, are plugins, that can be modified separately from the core.
Latest release:
2 sites
Current versions available: 2

The poasassignment module allows teachers to develop single task or variations of task, collect work from students, review it and provide feedback including multi-criterion grades. Module can distribute multiple task’s variants between students in different ways, using one of distribution strategies.

The module is based on old Assignment module, but it doesn’t use sources of old Assignment  - only idea. Poasassignment extends old Assignment by introducing variants (no more single task for dozens of students), criteria for grading and sub-plugin system. That means, that all submission types, all distribute strategies, are plugins, that can be modified separately from the core.


Installing is typical for Moodle - place the “poasassignment” folder into your “mod” folder and visit admin page on your site to create all needed tables in database.

Creating poasassignment instance
First step is typical - you click “Add an activity or resource” link and select POAS assignment.

In first part of the settings page you can see dates settings. There are three critical dates in every instance - available date, choice date, submission date. You can manipulate all of them, but choice date is available, only if you choose individual tasks (variants) mode below.

You must choose, what types of submissions can be used in instance, by selecting them on settings after dates block. Currently there are two types - online text and file uploading. You can configure amount of files, their types and sizes.It is allowed to select both types or none of them. In first case student will upload files and type his text answer. The second case can be called Offline answer - submission page contains only one element - submit button. Pressing this button won’t cause saving any data - but teacher will be noted, that student is ready with his Offline answer.

If you want to use individual tasks, you must configure a few options - uniqueness and strategy. This is a typical situation, when teacher have enough tasks for each students, but can’t monitor choosing process. Poasassignment will control the process personally.

Creating tasks fields

The next step, if you choose individual tasks mode, is configuring tasks table. Not database table, of course. Visit “Tasks Fields” page to see a list of fields. Immediately after creating instance have two required fields - name and description. You are free to create as much fields, as you want, but you can’t delete this fields.

Every field is set by it’s name, type and options. F.i. list field must have variants, number field can be configured with maximum and minimum values. You can configure, who and in what conditions can see the field by setting two options. First shows field on taks page, the second hides field value from student until task will be taken.
Field, if it’s type is number of list, can be random - this means that concrete value will be generated when student takes the task.

Creating tasks

Creating task looks like creating fields. There are several required fields - task name and task description. These fields are created by default and you cannot hide or delete them. Third default option is called “Task is hidden from students” - while this option is checked, students can’t see or get this task. Other options appears after creating your own task fields. For example, we created number field “Temperature” and now you can see this field on task’s creating page.



Анатолий Ерофеев (Lead maintainer)
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  • MD shot of me from his iphone4
    %a 02/14/2013D %b %Y, %H:%M
    Hi Анатолий, (is that Anatoli in english?)

    I think this plugin deserves a lot of documentation. Please feel free to expand your description in the 'description' field. Even screenshots or a video would be great sourire

    Also consider adding to the 'useful links' section by adding the urls for the fields :
    - documentation page, code repository, website and a issue tracker

    I've noticed that the plugin comes with a several subplugins included already too.

    POAS assignment / Graders
    POAS assignment / Answer types
    POAS assignment / Task givers
    POAS assignment / Additionl plugins (yes the typo is there)

    i've tried installing the plugin locally and its taking awhile.. (under mod directory)

    Ah Installation has completed and my moodle is now broken. The below should be fixed before approval, i'll unapprove this for now. Please re-schedule for approval once ready.

    i'm getting a few :

    This is now an instance of plugininfo_mod, please use $module->is_enabled() instead of $module->visible
    line 2838 of /lib/pluginlib.php: call to debugging()
    line 32 of /mod/poasassignment/settings.php: call to plugininfo_mod->__get()
    line 2904 of /lib/pluginlib.php: call to include()
    line 17 of /admin/settings/plugins.php: call to plugininfo_mod->load_settings()
    line 6318 of /lib/adminlib.php: call to require()
    line 430 of /admin/index.php: call to admin_get_root()

    and lots of

    Duplicate admin category name: users (other are there , backups , modsettingfeedback ...)
    line 971 of /lib/adminlib.php: call to debugging()
    line 30 of /admin/settings/top.php: call to admin_category->add()
    line 6305 of /lib/adminlib.php: call to require()
    line 3273 of /lib/navigationlib.php: call to admin_get_root()
    line 3178 of /lib/navigationlib.php: call to settings_navigation->load_administration_settings()
    line 701 of /lib/pagelib.php: call to settings_navigation->initialise()
    line 717 of /lib/pagelib.php: call to moodle_page->magic_get_settingsnav()
    line 109 of /blocks/admin_bookmarks/block_admin_bookmarks.php: call to moodle_page->__get()
    line 284 of /blocks/moodleblock.class.php: call to block_admin_bookmarks->get_content()
    line 232 of /blocks/moodleblock.class.php: call to block_base->formatted_contents()
    line 953 of /lib/blocklib.php: call to block_base->get_content_for_output()
    line 1005 of /lib/blocklib.php: call to block_manager->create_block_contents()
    line 353 of /lib/blocklib.php: call to block_manager->ensure_content_created()
    line 6 of /theme/base/layout/general.php: call to block_manager->region_has_content()
    line 828 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to include()
    line 758 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to core_renderer->render_page_layout()
    line 2387 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to core_renderer->header()
    line 366 of /lib/setuplib.php: call to core_renderer->fatal_error()
    line ? of unknownfile: call to default_exception_handler()

  • Анатолий Ерофеев
    %a 02/16/2013D %b %Y, %H:%M
    Hi Aparup and thanks for your comment! I uploaded more description, that I had offline. Can you tell me, whats is your Moodle version?
  • Анатолий Ерофеев
    %a 02/17/2013D %b %Y, %H:%M
    I've uploaded new version with the settings bug fixed, enjoy using sourire
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