
Activities ::: mod_playlist
Maintained by FredFred Woolard
Part of set RTMP.
The playlist resource plugin provides a way to save a list of rtmp URLs which can then be referenced by the filter_rtmp plugin.
Latest release:
2 sites
1 fans
Current versions available: 1

The Playlist resource plugin is used to save a named set of rtmp URLs which can then be referenced by filter_rtmp plugin. It is contributed by Fred Woolard.

To reference the playlist use the following form in a URL: rtmp://playlist=NAME, where 'NAME' would be the appropriate playlist name. The filter_rtmp will then build a playlist appearing with the Flowplayer player. Video playlists will appear beside the player, and audio playlists will appear below the player. Titles for each clip can be entered in the list by appending them to the URL separated by a comma (,). If no title is supplied, it will be taken from the last segment of the URL.

URLs are currently validated to allow only those beginning with rtmp://. To prevent circular references, URLs with a playlist reference are not allowed.

Playlist resources (not the rendered Flowplayer playlist) are meant to be visible only to users with the editing teacher, or manager roles.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Fred Woolard (Lead maintainer)
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  • Anthony Borrow
    Thu, 12 Sept 2013, 1:04 PM
    Fred - Thanks for sharing this plugin with the Moodle community. It seems to me that for there to be any significant functionality here that this plugin is really dependent upon the filter_rtmp plugin. Is there any functionality without the filter?

    The plugin installed fine and the general structure looks good. I managed to find the source control URL which I will add to this issue. With the filter you had a Moodle Tracker component created. Would you like one for mod_playlist as well? I suspect you are already working on the documentation and it would be good if you added that to entry when it is ready. For the moment, I'm going to mark this as needing more work as we iron out some of these details. Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do to be supportive of your efforts.

    Peace - Anthony
  • Fred
    Thu, 12 Sept 2013, 11:26 PM
    Anthony, Yes, you are correct that there is no practical functionality, currently, without the filter_rtmp plugin. It is literally little more (a name) than a label resource. If the label had a way to reference an instance with a simple identifier (name, or idnumber), I'd have used that to store the playlist URLs. Strange that labels hide the idnumber field, given it's a common module field.

    But a specialized resource might be in order, since now I can do basic validation of the URLs, and freeze the visibility. Possibly other media filters can use it as well.

    I've added the Moodle Docs page link. A tracker component for the playlist would be nice. If there are any other items I need to address, please let me know.

    Best regards - FW
  • Anthony Borrow
    Fri, 13 Sept 2013, 1:21 AM
    Fred - Many thanks for adding the documentation. I have created the component in the tracker and added the URL to the plugin entry. I think the best thing to do is to perhaps create a set for RTMP related code that works well together. It sounds like there may not necessarily be a dependency since another media filter could be used but that for now it is recommended that the filter and playlist activity be used together. Peace - Anthony
  • Anderson Hsu
    Tue, 21 July 2015, 12:01 PM
    Can we use Playlist plugin for moodle 2.8 version ? Thank you
  • Fred
    Tue, 21 July 2015, 10:09 PM
    Yes, you can use the plugin with Mooodle 2.8.
  • Anderson Hsu
    Fri, 24 July 2015, 9:29 PM
    But how can we find the information of playlist List address ? Is the video address ? Thank you.
  • Fred
    Fri, 24 July 2015, 9:40 PM
    Anderson, please refer the additional documentation using the 'More documentation on this plugin' link above, which will take you to:
  • Anderson Hsu
    Sun, 26 July 2015, 2:27 PM
    But how do we find the address such as rtmp:// ? Can it create by moodle itself ? Or need other server? Thank you.
    Fri, 9 Mar 2018, 11:50 PM
    Is there a way to automatically play this playlist (autoplay videos) ? thank you
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