Moodle Plugins directory: PDF Annotation |

PDF Annotation
What is the PDF-Annotator?
The PDF annotator allows students to insert questions, comments and remarks on learning materials in PDF format directly into the document. Since all students, lecturers and tutors can read and answer the questions and comments asked, it is made easier to clarify open questions on lecture slides, scripts and other PDF learning materials quickly and in a concrete context.
The PDF annotator is integrated into Moodle. You can recognize the PDF annotator by this icon: The following screenshot (Fig. 1) gives you an impression of what the annotator looks like. On the left side of the PDF are the annotations, for which there are different tools. In the column to the right of the PDF you can write a comment on the annotation or respond to existing questions and comments from students. Comments may contain references to an important passage, an error, or a question to be answered by other students.
All annotations and comments are public and therefore visible to others. However, comments, as well as replies to existing comments, can also be posted anonymously.
Add PDF annotator to the course
To use the PDF annotator and add it to your course, click Turn On Edit at the top right of the Moodle page. Then click on ADD AN ACTIVITY OR RESOURCE in the desired area in which the PDF annotator is to be displayed and select PDF ANNOTATION from the list. Then click on ADD and you will be forwarded to the overview page where you can make further settings, such as the name and a description for the document. In the next step, please upload the intended PDF document. You can do this either using drag & drop or the file manager. You also have the option of availability, prerequisites and activity completion.
to be determined. If you do not need these settings, simply leave them untouched, after uploading the file and clicking on SAVE AND TO COURSE your PDF document will be displayed directly in the desired area.
NOTE: also drag and drop a PDF into a Section (editing on), you will be asked "Create file for PDF Annotation".
Toolbar for annotations
Use the toolbar to select the different annotation tools. With these you mark a place or area in the PDF, for which you can then write a comment or a question.
Fig. 2 The toolbar
Cursor: With the cursor you can select, comment or move existing annotations.
Pin: Use the pin to mark individual points in the PDF to ask questions or leave a comment.
Bounding box: Use the frame to select individual text or image areas and create comments for them.
Highlighter: Use the highlighter to highlight parts of the text and make comments on it.
Cross-Out: With this tool you can cross out and comment on incorrect parts of a text.
Text: With this tool you can insert additional text into the PDF and comment on this insertion. In addition, you can select the font size and color before writing.
Pen: With the pen you can paint freehand in the PDF and create comments. You can also select the pen width and pen color before drawing.
Zoom: With the zoom you can display the PDF larger or smaller.
Hide annotations: To view the original document, you can hide all annotations. Note: With another click on the open eye, all annotations can be shown again.
Fullscreen: In full-screen mode, the entire PDF annotator is displayed across the width of the screen.
Page count: The page number shows you where you are in the PDF document.
Download document: Download the PDF document
Download comments: Download all Discussions as PDF
Create annotations and comments
If you select an existing annotation or create a new one, a comment field opens on the right. Here you can enter your questions or comments.
If you want to post anonymously, activate the checkbox Post anonymusly. With a click on CREATE ANNOTATION or ANSWER you can send your text. However, it is recommended that you do not post anonymusly.
Overview all annotations
The Teacher Overview provides an overview of various elements of the PDF annotator. You will receive a presentation of the reported comments, new questions will be made directly accessible here and can be accessed via the link on the right-hand side, you can continue to view your contributions to comments of the students in this presentation and additionally administer entries.
that bug has been fixed with Release 1.5.5
to delete an annotation:
1. select the hand tool,
2. click on the annotation to select it and
3. click on the "X".
thanks for the suggestions. I've created an issue on GitHub for the custom completion condition feature. I'll put that into our backlog. However, I don't understand what you mean by "a rating for interaction". Can you explain what that would look like?
Click on "Overview" returns the following message:
core\formatting::format_text(): Argument #2 ($format) must be of type string, array given, called in [dirroot]/lib/weblib.php on line 1449
I understand the PDF Annotation Plugin is maintained for Moodle 4.1, could that be the reason? If yes: Will there be an update for the plugin, or could you advise us how to fix this issue? (otherwise it seems to work ok on 4.4....)
Thank you and kind regards,
Is there any way to let the right area (question, etc.) disappear and show the PDF in Full width? That would be a huge benefit in terms of user friendliness. Thanks, Rainer
Would it be possible to add reset function to this useful plugin?
When debugging pdfannotator we get the following message in Moodle 4.4.3
Callback before_standard_html_head in mod_pdfannotator component should be migrated to new hook callback for core\hook\output\before_standard_head_html_generation
We always get the latest version from the plugin repository.
Best regards
Error code: generalexceptionmessage×关闭此通知
line 162 of /lib/classes/formatting.php: TypeError thrown
line 618 of /lib/weblib.php: call to core\formatting->format_text()
line 1098 of /mod/pdfannotator/locallib.php: call to format_text()
line 173 of /mod/pdfannotator/controller.php: call to pdfannotator_get_questions()
line 89 of /mod/pdfannotator/view.php: call to require_once() 如何处理
What was fixed in "PDF Annotator v1.5 release 7 (2025010300)"?