
Activities ::: mod_newsletter
Maintained by it's meDavid Bogner, Wunderbyte LogoWunderbyte GmbH
This is a newsletter module for moodle. First stable release. It provides the basic features of common newsletter tools. Using it with moodle VERP bounce processing is recommended. But we will add an additional bounce processing feature that will be easier to configure.

Newsletter 1.1.4 Die Zeit

Moodle 2.7, 2.8, 2.9
Released: чәршәмбе 8 июль 2015, 15:05

Moodle Newsletter Module

A native newsletter module for creating, managing and sending newsletters.

Required version of Moodle

This version works with Moodle release 2.7 and above.

Free Software

The newsletter module is 'free' software under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 License.

It can be obtained for free from: and

You have all the rights granted to you by the GPLv3 license. If you are unsure about anything, then the FAQ - - is a good place to look.

If you reuse any of the code then I kindly ask that you make reference to the original author.

If you make improvements or bug fixes then I would appreciate if you would send them back to me by forking from and doing a 'Pull Request' so that the rest of the Moodle community benefits.

Supporting the development of the newsletter module

If you find the module useful, then consider contracting my company.

Contact for details or visit


  1. Ensure you have the version of Moodle as stated above in 'Required version of Moodle'. This is essential as the format relies on underlying core code that is out of my control.
  2. Put Moodle in 'Maintenance Mode' ( so that there are no users using it bar you as the administrator - if you have not already done so.
  3. Copy 'newsletter' to '/mod/' if you have not already done so.
  4. Go back in as an administrator and follow standard the 'plugin' update notification. If needed, go to 'Site administration' -> 'Notifications' if this does not happen.
  5. Put Moodle out of Maintenance Mode.
  6. You may need to check that the permissions within the 'newsletter' folder are 755 for folders and 644 for files.


  1. Put Moodle in 'Maintenance Mode' so that there are no users using it bar you as the administrator.
  2. In the block Administration go to Site administration -> Plugins -> Overview and click the uninstall link.
  3. In '/mod/' remove the folder 'newsletter'.
  4. Put Moodle out of Maintenance Mode.

Upgrade Instructions

  1. Ensure you have the version of Moodle as stated above in 'Required version of Moodle'. This is essential as the format relies on underlying core code that is out of my control.
  2. Put Moodle in 'Maintenance Mode' so that there are no users using it bar you as the administrator.
  3. In '/mod/' move old 'newsletter' directory to a backup folder outside of Moodle.
  4. Copy new 'newsletter' to '/mod/'.
  5. Go back in as an administrator and follow standard the 'plugin' update notification. If needed, go to 'Site administration' -> 'Notifications' if this does not happen.
  6. If automatic 'Purge all caches' appears not to work by lack of display etc. then perform a manual 'Purge all caches' under 'Home -> Site administration -> Development -> Purge all caches'.
  7. Put Moodle out of Maintenance Mode.

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL
VCS branch

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Activities

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the module.
  3. Place the folder (eg "assignment") in the "mod" subdirectory.
  4. Visit to finish the installation