OWLL oohoo Web-based Language Lab (formerly MoodLL)

Activities ::: mod_languagelab
Maintained by Patrick Thibaudeau, Nicolas Bretin
This is a new version (v3) of what used to be MoodLL. Basically, this replaces the traditional cassette tape language lab. There is a module for students to record themselves and teachers to review and grade the work. This version also includes a class monitor. So, if a teacher uses it inside the classroom, he/she can monitor student progress the same way they used the traditional language lab by listening to live streams of the students, responding live to students, giving a thumbs up and so on.
Latest release:
13 sites
21 fans
Current versions available: 1

This new version is a complete rewrite. Although flash is still used for recording, the majority of the module is now in HTML5. We have rewritten all interfaces, making it  intuitive to use.

This module replaces traditional cassette based language labs.


Students view

  • New - VIDEO Recording Available
  • New - Flash configuration pops-up automatically when not configured.
  • New - Configuration button available on the page.
  • New - Intuitive New recording button.
  • New - player recorder with forward/rewind slider. Also more intuitive buttons.
  • New - Delete button. Students can now delete a recording. Recorded files are now deleted on the Red5 server.
  • New - Download as MP3 button
  • New - Raise hand button. In conjunction with the Class Monitor, students can notify teachers that they need help.

Teachers view


  • New - VIDEO Recording Available
  • New - Allow students to delete or not their records
  • New - Flash configuration pops-up automatically when not configured.
  • New - Configuration button available on the page.
  • New - Student list refreshes automatically. The teacher no longer has to reload the page in order tho see new recordings
  • New - Can delete student recordings
  • New - Can download student recordings in MP3 format
  • New - More intuitive interface
  • New - Player/Recorder forward/rewind slider
  • New - Intuitive Class Monitor. Listen to and speak to students individually or to the whole class.
  • New - Raise hand indicator to easily see which student needs help.
  • New - Recordings button. The teacher no longer has to leave the Class Monitor in order to listen to student recordings


  • New - RAP (Red5 Adapter Plugin). When properly configured, this plugin communicates with OWL and deletes, converts recorded files. This helps in keeping a clean server.
  • New - Files on the Red5 server are now in seperate folders according to activity.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6
Screenshot #7
Screenshot #8
Screenshot #9


Patrick Thibaudeau (Lead maintainer)
Nicolas Bretin: Programmer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Henry Chung
    2015年05月26日(週二) 03:41
    When you add an activity I assume Language Lab - OWLL shows up in the list, when you select that you should get a Flash pop up about selecting/allowing a microphone. Select and click ok, In order to record a master track in Firefox you need to disable Adobe Flash protected mode. Are you able to get this far? I assume that your red 5 server is running and the RAP test came back ok?
  • jean-renaud despres
    2015年05月26日(週二) 04:06
    Hello. I don' t have, the Flash pop, in any browser I 've tried ...

  • Henry Chung
    2015年05月29日(週五) 18:49
    Can you check your configuration by running the RAP test. Point your browser to http://your.moodle.site/mod/languagelab/raptest.php
    you need to be logged into Moodle with a admin account
  • Hamed Azimi
    2015年06月16日(週二) 18:56

    I have the same problem with some other users and I get "Connecting to server..." error on the Language lab activity page. Any Hints?

  • Dion Gouws
    2015年09月1日(週二) 15:52
    I am also getting connecting to server but it does not go any further. I have done the raptest.php and get:

    Language Lab configuration checker
    Site is available

    Your Apache/PHP server is working, now checking RAP configuration...
    Congratulations, your RAP configuration is working!
    Checking the ffmpeg availability...
    Command "ffmpeg" founded and executable
    Checking the version of the RAP...
    RAP version version OK.

    The streaming server is running and available.

    Any advice will be much appreciated.

  • Dion Gouws
    2015年09月1日(週二) 17:03
    Is it possible that it only works with red version 1.0.0?
  • C'est moi :-)
    2016年06月14日(週二) 17:13
    I would like to know if this plugin is still maintained, and if there are plans to make it compatible with latest maintained Moodle versions (including 3.1)?
  • wz z
    2016年06月20日(週一) 14:29
    I have the same question whether it is compatible with Moodle 3.x? Anyone succeeded in installing it with Moodle 3.x?
  • Alex Hosmer
    2016年06月22日(週三) 01:32
    We've updated to Moodle 3.1 and it was broken. I had to remove it from the mod folder to complete the database upgrade. I hope to see it updated with webRTC tools to replace flash. Flash will be short lived for Chrome and Safari come this Fall.
  • Alex Hosmer
    2016年09月24日(週六) 05:55
    I wanted to update my last post. The version of this plugin has been updated in the Source Control URL: https://github.com/oohoo/moodle-mod_languagelab. This version works fine with Moodle 3.1.
  • wz z
    2016年11月1日(週二) 20:34
    @Alex Hosmer, have you made RAP work? I mean teacher can upload a MP3 file as master track, and users can download converted MP3 file. I setup RAP and test passed, but it does not work.
  • jianjun xie
    2017年03月22日(週三) 04:52
    I can't install sucessfully on Moodle3.2, when checking the raptest.php, it shows :
    Site is available
    Checking the version of the RAP
    The version of the RAP files is not the one expected by the language lab.

    Please check you have updated the version or your RAP files.
    Version expected = 2015100900
    Version found = No input file specified.
    The streaming server is running and available.
  • jianjun xie
    2017年03月22日(週三) 06:45
    Shall I also make changes to the RAP under the Moodle Mod ? or Delete it ?
  • jianjun xie
    2017年03月22日(週三) 12:18
    Besides, I get confused with the lines on the RAP installation manual "Keep in mind that RAP is installed on the Red5 Server, NOT THE MOODLE server. You will need a web server such as Apache or IIS, if installing on Windows, on your Red5 server." What does it really mean by "on Red5 Server not Moodle Server" ? Shall I set up two web servers respectively for both Moodle and Red5 ? Actually, at the moment, I have only one web server on my Linux Debain host and I install Moodle under /www ; May I copy the contents of RAP into /www ? However, I find another "www" under "/var", that is "/var/www" on my host. I find it hard to choose which /www as the root folder for RAP. Please make it clear, thanks a lot!
  • Todd Leishman
    2017年04月11日(週二) 23:23
    Hello, I am trying to use your language lab module in Moodle 3.1. If I upload an MP3 file to use as the master track, and then check the box to use the uploaded file, the students cannot play/hear the master track. I'm not sure where to begin to troubleshoot. Does the master track get stored on the moodle server or on the Red5 server? How can I determine why it won't play? If the teacher records a file to use as the Master Track it works fine.
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