
Activities ::: mod_jclic
Maintained by Projectes TAC Dep. Educació Catalunya, Sara Arjona Téllez, Pau Ferrer Ocaña
This module allows the incorporation of JClic activities in Moodle and save its state.

JClic v0.2.5

Moodle 2.6, 2.7, 2.8
Released: ուրբաթ, 13 մարտի 2015, 6:06 PM
Release notes for JClic Module for Moodle (https://projectes.lafarga.cat/projects/jclicmoodle)

More information on each of the fixes can be found in the project
development home at https://projectes.lafarga.cat/projects/jclicmoodle

Changes in 0.2.5 - 2015031300 (2015/03/13)
- Adapt module to Moodle 2.7 and 2.8
- Some navigation changes and added new events API classes
- Start testing new Travis CI scripts for continous integration
- Solved error selecting groups on results page
- Change status of no found session message
- Solved issue adding a jclic using a URL
- Updated translation to catalan and spanish
- Set JClic default settings to https
- Add protocol recognision through wwwroot url for the applet
- Removed support for versions before 2.6

Changes in 0.2.4 - 2014052901 (2014/11/07)
- Adapted module to Moodle 2.6
- Solved error with activities that lasts more than 99 seconds saving total_time in seconds instead of miliseconds. Now the limit is about 27 hours per activity
- Changed default jclicplugin.js (to use the clic server one) and updated the local to the last version
- Reviewed permissions for lang/pt_br/jclic.php file

Changes in 0.2.3 - 2013022200 (2013/09/19)
- Fixed bug when deleting jclic activities and enableajax is enabled
- Fixed bug when upgrading empty maxgrade (reported by Ferran Recio - UPCnet)
- Fixed bug when editing title from main course page (is still not working but solve some minor warnings)
- Jclicplugin.js can be loaded from config.

Changes in 0.2.3 RC - 2013022200 (2013/02/22)
- Added Brazilian translation
- Updated Euskara translation (downloaded from AMOS)
- Reviewed English translation (thanks to German Valero!)
- Reviewed some SQL to avoid Postgre problem with userid
- Included SVG icons (thanks to Pau Ferrer!)
- Fixed bug with users reporting (only first page was showed)

Changes in 0.2.2 (2012/08/24)
- Added Brazilian translation
- Added Galician translation
- Fixed some bugs related with importation from Moodle 1.9
- Solved some 'Strict standards' warnings
- Adapted code for Moodle 2.3 (like addinstance capability)

Changes in 0.2.1 (2012/06/05)
- First version of the jclic module for Moodle 2.

Changes in (2011/05/25)
- Added language parameter to the activity edition page to let specify the player language (http://projectes.lafarga.cat/projects/jclicmoodle/tracker/291/1641/detail)
- Added exiturl parameter to the activity edition page to let specify exit URL (http://projectes.lafarga.cat/projects/jclicmoodle/tracker/291/1287/detail)
- Revised information showed in summary
- Solved problem when moodle is installed in the root (without path in the URL)
- Added jclic_scale_used_anywhere function sended by David Monllao from URV to improve the performance of the module
- Fixed warnings when restoring jclic activities (http://projectes.lafarga.cat/projects/jclicmoodle/tracker/288/1200/detail)
- Fixed bug with single quote reported to Moodle Tracker (http://tracker.moodle.org/browse/CONTRIB-2079?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acvs-tabpanel)
- Fixed warning message when there were no users in the course (http://projectes.lafarga.cat/projects/jclicmoodle/tracker/288/1335/detail)
- Added protocol parameter to TCPReporter jclic function to let it works with HTTPS connections (https://projectes.lafarga.cat/projects/jclicmoodle/tracker/288/1507/detail)
- Solved error with maxattempts (http://projectes.lafarga.cat/projects/jclicmoodle/tracker/288/1775/detail)

Changes in (2009/10/27)
- Added Hebrew translation (Nadav Kavalerchik - nadavkav@gmail.com)
- Removed the pass-by-reference to the $grades parameter in jclic_user_grades function.
- Assigned a default value to maxgrade parameter and removed restriction in jclic_grades function to solve the problem with the qualificator of Moodle if maxgrade isn't specified.
- Added user picture to the teacher view
- Commented if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); line in lib.php file to solve time problems (Jaume Rocarias from UAB)
- Added IOC implementation for restarting courses with JClic activities (Albert Gasset Romo)
- Solved some problems with Moodle 1.6

Changes in (2008/12/10)
- Solved include /gradelib.php bug

Changes in (2008/11/07)
- Added Galician translation (Xosé Luis Barreiro Cebey - xoseluis@edu.xunta.es)
- Added Greek translation (Yannis Kaskamanidis - ttnfy17@yahoo.gr)
- Solved problems with Moodle 1.9 qualification
- Added preview button from teachers view
- Solved problems with white spaces in URL
- Added @mini.xml skin

Changes in (2008/01/25)
- Added compatibility with course groups
- Solved problems with switch role button
- Added file install.xml file (for compatibility with Oracle)
- Moved lang directory inside jclic module.
- Added Basque translation (Abel Camacho - didaktika@santurtzieus.com)

Changes in (2007/03/07)
- Added compatibility with Moodle 1.7 and 1.8; therefore, the jclicmoodle module works correctly with Moodle 1.5 and superior.
- Incorporated detailed information of the activities for each student's session.
- Added button "Choose or upload a file..." to use your own JClic activities.
- Inserted new configuration parameter (lap) which allows you configuring the time between JClic applet client and Moodle server transactions.
- Students' view updated: sessions list replaced for a button (to open the results in a new window)

Changes in (2006/12/12)
- Solved problems detected in the backup of Moodle courses containing JClic activities.

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
Can be updated from
v0.2.1 (2012060400), v0.2.2 (2012082400), v0.2.3 RC, v0.2.3 (2013022200), v0.2.3 (2013022200), v0.2.4 (2014052901)
Can be updated to
v2.7.0 (2015120300), v3.0.1 (2016061300)
Stable version
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 2.6, Moodle 2.7, Moodle 2.8

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL
VCS branch
VCS tag

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Activities

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the module.
  3. Place the folder (eg "assignment") in the "mod" subdirectory.
  4. Visit http://yoursite.com/admin to finish the installation