Group self-selection

Activities ::: mod_groupselect
Maintained by Roger Barras
Lets students create and select groups.
Latest release:
1493 sites
53 fans
Current versions available: 8
Lets students create and select groups. 


  • Students can create groups, give them a description and set them password protected, if wanted
  • Students can select and join groups
  • Supervisors may be assigned to groups
  • Teacher can export course group list as a csv-file
  • Full compatibility with basic Moodle groups: groups may be created by other means if needed, supports group assignment submissions etc.
Many thanks to all contributors for this module, including original authors Petr Škoda and Helen Foster and previous maintainer Pirkka Pyykkönen


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5


Roger Barras (Lead maintainer)
Petr Skoda: Original author
Pirkka Pyykkönen: Previous maintainer
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إظهار التعليقات
  • Chris Swinney
    الثلاثاء، 29 سبتمبر 2020، 3:51 ص
    We use Moodle in a work environment (very techie) and one of the things we like to do is ensure pairs are created so that we have both a techie and non-techy person involved. Can anyone think of a way that it might be possible to tag yourself as techie or non-techie? Doing this manually is terrible, cross referencing job roles and the like is time consuming even for a small number of users. It would be great to get users to do this for themselves.
  • Gilles Carpentier
    الثلاثاء، 29 سبتمبر 2020، 8:35 م
    maybe while using a custom field in the profile.
  • Julian Howarth
    الجمعة، 6 نوفمبر 2020، 1:13 ص
    Hi @Roger Barras I'm hoping you can shed some light on this. I have the plugin installed and working in 3.9. No mater what setting I use for groups in common module settings, the students cannot see who is a member of each group, the plugin just says "Member list not available". Is there a permission issue, or a setting somewhere else in the site or course administration that I need to change so that they can see who is in what group?
  • Roger Barras
    الجمعة، 6 نوفمبر 2020، 9:14 ص
    @Julian Howarth There could be 3 potential settings leading to this:
    1. It could be that you set the activity as "seperate groups"
    2. You set the option "Hide group members for students"
    3. the capability "moodle/course:viewparticipants" of the users are set to no
    please check that otherwise i need some more details about your setup.

    @Chris Swinney: Good point one way could be a group select joining a group for techie and another groupselect to join a non-techie group?
    or the usere set a tag by themselve in their profile,
    or you create 2 separate roles in moodle for techie and non-techie,

    But a good point is to automatic create groups based on a tag or a group membership for a future development.
  • julia bonnin
    الأربعاء، 25 أغسطس 2021، 4:30 م
    And first : sorry for my english.
    When I change members in a group (adding or delete one or more members), there is no actualisation in the CSV file... the "ex" constitution of the group still stay in the CSV file when I regenerate it and click on the "dowloading file" link.
    Thanks a lot for your work,
  • scott hallman
    الثلاثاء، 30 نوفمبر 2021، 3:58 ص
    Hi Roger
    we are using your tool for time table selection and its working a treat. We upload our calendar slots which are based on groups. we also upload our attendance to the attendance module based on the same groups. this gives us the flexibility of people joining and changing their timetable, right up until the day of the tutorial. So they join a group, have the tutorial in their calendar and staff can then check their attendance at the tut.
    We are also using the student progress block so that students can see they have booked all the necessary slots. Unfortunately "Group self-selection" does not have a flexible activity completion to automatically sign of that they have chosen a group. This means that they have to manually sign of they have completed the group selection and of course only about 30% of the students are doing this so our tracking system is not working so well.
    Would it be possible to add more activity completion options for "Group self-selection". That is activity is complete when the student has made the require number of selections. Then this would automatically sign off the activity completion and the progress and tracking would work perfectly.
    thanks for your time
  • Mariano Armada
    الاثنين، 25 أبريل 2022، 5:41 ص
    Hola, antes que nada muchas gracias por el plugin, realmente nos está siendo de mucha utilidad.

    Actualmente estoy usando moodle 3.11.5 y la versión 3.17 del módulo.

    Tengo una consulta a ver si me pueden ayudar.
    Actualmente, tenemos un curso que vamos ingresando a los alumnos a medida que se inscriben. Una vez que completan la primera etapa, deben obligatoriamente unirse a uno de los grupos disponibles para continuar con las demás etapas dentro del curso.
    La cuestión es que cada uno de ellos, en la primera etapa, realizan una especie de auto aprendizaje y a partir de la segunda etapa en adelante, ya con grupos definidos de alumnos que ellos mismos eligen en base a sus preferencias de días y horarios de cursada.

    Me pregunto si saben cómo puedo agregar fechas de inicio y fin a los grupos para poder habilitar los módulos a medida que llega la fecha de inicio del grupo. Es esto posible con las funcionalidades actuales del módulo? De no ser así, se les ocurre cómo puedo hacerlo? Me urge realmente realizarlo de esa manera.

    Quedo atento a sus respuestas.
  • Kathleen Aermes
    الاثنين، 4 يوليو 2022، 1:53 م
    Dear Roger,

    are there any plans to update this plugin for Moodle 3.11 and then also 4.x?

    Kathleen from Jena
  • Roger Barras
    الثلاثاء، 4 أكتوبر 2022، 7:16 ص
    Version 3.17 works moodle 3.10 and 3.11. Also with moodle version 4 it works actually, but we release an adapted version 4 with minor features and cleanup.
  • Roger Barras
    الثلاثاء، 4 أكتوبر 2022، 7:20 ص
    @scott hallman yes a more flexible completion option is one improvement that I have on the plan
  • Roger Barras
    الجمعة، 25 نوفمبر 2022، 8:35 ص
    @Jhon Dinger I not really understand your requirement but i guess the activity completion for activate the group selection could help you?
  • Peter Diedrichs
    الثلاثاء، 20 ديسمبر 2022، 1:00 ص
    This plugin seems very useful. Is it possible to select a specific grouping for all the groups created to be put in automatically?
  • Sean Rugge
    السبت، 14 يناير 2023، 12:42 ص
    Is anyone else having an issue with how the .csv file export is formatted? When downloading the .csv every member of a group is placed in the same row into different columns. Rather than each group member being placed into a different row. The latter would be preferred and is how the .csv files are formatted when being generated from the participants list.
  • Sean Rugge
    السبت، 14 يناير 2023، 1:16 ص
    Regarding my previous comment above ^^ Perhaps the format design of the .csv export to have all members of a group placed in different columns of the same row was intentional and the intention was to create a .csv export list of groups?
  • Pinja Tolvanen
    الخميس، 2 فبراير 2023، 9:13 م
    Hi! We at the University of Helsinki are planning on using the plugin on a big, self-study Sustainability course this spring, so it is great to hear that you are working on the plugin for Moodle 4.0.
    However, we might have to use a platform that has Moodle 4.1., so is the plugin going to be compatible with that, or are you working on a new version that would be?

    Big thank you in advance for keeping up with the updates.
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