Google Meet™ for Moodle

Activities ::: mod_googlemeet
Maintained by Rone Santos
The Google Meet™ for Moodle plugin allows the teacher, without having to leave Moodle, to create a Google Meet room and make available to the students the recordings of the room saved in Google Drive.
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76 fans
Current versions available: 1

Google Meet™ for Moodle

The Google Meet™ for Moodle plugin allows the teacher, without having to leave Moodle, to create a Google Meet room and make available to the students the recordings of the room saved in Google Drive.

To create the Google Meet meeting room from Moodle, the Google Meet™ plugin for Moodle needs an active OAuth 2 service for Google. To learn how to set up an OAuth 2 service for Google, click here.

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Moodle 3.7+
PHP 7.0+


  1. Copy this plugin to the mod\googlemeet folder on the server
  2. Login as administrator
  3. Go to Site Administrator > Notification
  4. Install the plugin


The GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Please see License File for more information.

©2018 Google LLC All rights reserved.
Google Meet and the Google Meet logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5


Rone Santos (Lead maintainer)
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  • Rone Santos
    Laupäev, 13. mai 2023, 04.14 AM
    Hi Franky Vallori,

    Is it possible to replicate editing the activity in Google Calendar, maybe I'll work on that.

    Deletion is not possible, as the activity goes to the course's trash to be permanently deleted after a while through the scheduled task. For this to work, you would need to have a single OAuth2 account logged in for the entire Moodle site.

    That was my wish, to integrate 100% with the google agenda, with a single account logged into the OAuth2 service at the system level, the teacher would not need to log in with his account. Would be wonderful.

    Unfortunately, Google Meet does not allow transferring the meeting organizer to another account, and only the organizer can record the meeting.
  • Alexander Arevalo
    Kolmapäev, 5. juuli 2023, 05.07 AM
    Hi Rone,
    I have been working with the new version of this plugin, and everything is working really well, but the drive sync process has a problem. Maybe it's me but I've followed the instructions, and the problem stills. The exception that is appearing is about permissions, but I've changed all the permissions and the error message always says the same. Could you help me with this problem? Thank you.
  • Rone Santos
    Esmaspäev, 17. juuli 2023, 21.45 PM
    Hi Alexander,

    Is it permission from Moodle or Google?

    What does the error message say?
  • ramprakash k
    Neljapäev, 3. august 2023, 14.51 PM
    Hi - Thanks to the plugin and the instructions, i was able to add and use it in a course seamlessly. The only thing i am not able to do yet is to invoke the meeting from within the browser as it opens in a new window. What am I missing?
  • Hugo Moura
    Teisipäev, 8. august 2023, 21.11 PM
    Hi, Rone. How are you? I'm brazilian too and we use your plugin in our moodle. First of all, thanks a lot for this development. We're facing a problem since we updated the plugin few mounths ago: when any of ours theachers sincronizing the last meet, the plugin are displaying all meetings from this teacher in the same place, even the meetings of years 21, 20... Can you help us to solve this?
  • Alexander Arevalo
    Kolmapäev, 23. august 2023, 21.44 PM
    Hello Rone, Thank you for your response. You are right, I did not say much information about the issue but I already added an issue in GitHub. Actually, there is also another issue that I'm going to upload there. Could you please check those? Thank you -
  • Eric-Efrain
    Reede, 1. september 2023, 05.06 AM
    Hi! I have the same problem Alexander and Hugo have. When the teacher syncs, the plugin displays recordings from other rooms and events, even from 2 or 3 years ago.
    I would really appreciated if that could be looked at. As a contribution, I translated all new strings of your plugin to es_mx. Thank you so much.
  • Maurício Severo
    Esmaspäev, 4. september 2023, 22.59 PM
    Hi there, what about use an single google account to create and manage calendar and meet's links?
  • Alexander Arevalo
    Neljapäev, 14. september 2023, 01.43 AM
    Hello there!
    I've been working on the sync issue and I found the problem. In class: client.php, In the syncrecordings function, when the plugin is going to do the query to the drive, you have to change the parameter name for originalname
    $name = $googlemeet->originalname;
    After that, you will have to sync the room several times and each time, the plugin itself is going to depure the DB because there are several registers that have to be deleted. But as I said, the plugin does that. Just sync until you have the right recordings in the room.
    Maybe if somebody has the permissions to do the change, it will be useful for the community.
  • Carlos Nunes
    Laupäev, 23. september 2023, 05.07 AM
    Instaled the plugin on moodle 4.2, tested it and worked great.

    When I used it (for real) the first time could not sync the recording.

    Added several times, reinstaled the plugin and it still show the followwing error:

    Exception - 400: Invalid Value
  • Ezzeddin Hamed
    Teisipäev, 26. september 2023, 04.04 AM
    Everything worked fine until I want to "connect to a system account", it takes the page to google for connection, then once logged in it takes back to the redirect url "/admin/oauth2callback.php" which replies with an error 403 forbidden.

    I tried to give more permissions to some files in apche, this did not do anything.

    How to solve this issue?

  • Rone Santos
    Esmaspäev, 30. oktoober 2023, 10.12 AM
    Hugo Moura, para não puxar as gravações de cursos anteriores o código da sala do GoogleMeet deve ser diferente, é com esse código que o Google Meet salva a gravação no Drive e é com esse código que o plugin sincroniza as gravações.

    Não sei se fui claro, mas o correto é criar uma nova atividade sempre que for possível e não usar a mesma para tudo.

    Me deixe saber se isto resolve o seu problema.
  • Dr. Nellie Deutsch
    Kolmapäev, 1. november 2023, 17.05 PM
    Does it work on Moodle 4.3?
  • Núcleo de Educação a Distância NEAD Uergs
    Kolmapäev, 22. november 2023, 22.49 PM
    Hi, Rone

    Thank you for this great plugin.

    We have installed the last version. 2.1.1 (2023050101)

    But, when adding an activity, appear the following message:

    Exceção - syntax error, unexpected '' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting '-' or identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or number (T_NUM_STRING)

    Outras informações sobre este erro

    Informações de depuração:
    Error code: generalexceptionmessage

    Rastreamento de pilha:
    line 441 of /mod/googlemeet/classes/client.php: ParseError thrown
    line ? of unknownfile: call to core_component::classloader()
    line 51 of /mod/googlemeet/mod_form.php: call to spl_autoload_call()
    line 214 of /lib/formslib.php: call to mod_googlemeet_mod_form->definition()
    line 130 of /course/moodleform_mod.php: call to moodleform->__construct()
    line 150 of /course/modedit.php: call to moodleform_mod->__construct()

    The message appears to versions 2.1.1, 2.1.0 and 2.0.0 of plugin.

    We achived add activity with 1.0.6 version or older.


    Moodle 3.9.4+ (Build: 20210211)


    Any idea of solution would be very appreciate.
  • Mario Alejandro
    Reede, 5. aprill 2024, 00.54 AM
    Hi Rone,

    Thanks for this great plugin. It's working very well.

    But, we have a problem when some teachers use OAuth2 login.

    After signing in to Google and returning to Moodle, the user sees an error like this:
    "Error updating OAut2 token. HTTP status for remote endpoint: 400"

    This happens with some users, other users have no any problem.

    Do you have any ideas about how to solve this problem?

    Has anyone had the same problem?

    Thank you!
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