HTML5 canvas sketch game

Activities ::: mod_gcanvas
Maintained by Luuk VerhoevenLuuk Verhoeven, Gemma Lesterhuis
a Moodle activity for making html5 canvas sketches.
Latest release:
264 sites
44 fans
Current versions available: 2
Please be aware: 
  1. We don't support OLDER versions of this plugin 
  2. We don't reply on the comment section. 
  3. Please make use of the Moodle fora to ask the community for help.
  4. We tested each version on deployment, any bugs/issue you experience after the release can be reported on  Github.
  5. We will triage this issues and decided from that point what to do.
  6. Don't expect us to fix your bug of new feature request for free.
  7. We welcome any Pull request from the community. 
  8. You want garenteed (bug) support and version management? Please contact

a Moodle activity for making canvas sketches


This plugin is developed by LDesign Media commissioned by Moodle Certified Partner Lesterhuis Training & Consultancy. 


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.

Bug fixes, support and new features

This plugin is being supported by customers of LT&C. In order to keep the plugin update we relay on these contributies. 

From M4.2.0 versions, we only upgrade this plugin for each Moodle LTS versions. If you want an upgrade for a different version, please create an issue on the github tracker and we will take it into consideration. 

Donations for continuous support are welcome. 

List of features

  • Fabricjs
  • Saving sketch
  • Restore sketch
  • Add toolbar images
  • Set background image
  • Student upload own image
  • Delete sketch
  • GDPR provider
  • Backup / restore integrated
  • Mustache templates



  1. Copy this plugin to the mod\gcanvas folder on the server
  2. Login as administrator
  3. Go to Site Administrator > Notification
  4. Install the plugin



If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Please see License File for more information.


Screenshot #0


Luuk Verhoeven
Luuk Verhoeven (Lead maintainer)
Gemma Lesterhuis
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Plugins bot
    Mon, 24 Dec 2018, 5:10 PM
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-7582
  • Gemma Lesterhuis
    Wed, 6 Mar 2019, 6:15 PM
    Dutch translation has been send in for approval through Amos.
  • IT Training Institute
    Tue, 11 June 2019, 7:17 PM
    ITC nice knowledge-making canvas sketches
  • DaVinci Menno
    Tue, 21 Apr 2020, 7:31 PM
    Hi Luuk and Gemma,

    This looks like a great addition to Moodle. Could you share with us if it's possible to use the sketch game to let students draw in a preset?
    Simply set: The teacher uploads an image, the students then have to color inside the image to complete the task and submit their assignment (preferably from the online text editor).

    Kind regards,

  • Gemma Lesterhuis
    Tue, 21 Apr 2020, 9:29 PM
    hi Menno

    The teacher can upload an image, the student should be able to use the coloring tools to color the image. The student kan use the option to make an export.
    Though we did not add an "submission" option in the module, but since they can download the image they could submit with the Moodle Assignment module.

    Does this answer your question?

  • DaVinci Menno
    Wed, 22 Apr 2020, 5:03 PM
    Hi Gemma,

    Thank you for your answer, it's much appreciated. It partly answers my question. The ''workaround'' would work for us, but the plugin only allows me to make circles, squares or arrows, I do not see a ''pencil''-function with which you could color a certain area on the image.
    Is this going to be available at some point?
  • Gemma Lesterhuis
    Wed, 22 Apr 2020, 6:56 PM
    hi Menno,

    I forgot, indeed there is no pencil functionaliteit in de Canvas activity at the moment.
    Currently we only make sure that the plugin is supported in upcoming versions of Moodle, and don't have new functionalities added to the roadmap.

    That said, I am sure we can add this functionality, I will discuss it with Luuk as developer and will contact you privatly.

  • Al
    Wed, 17 June 2020, 2:22 AM
    Hi, This is great, our students use it to create posters, logos, notices. Could you add layering, so that items can be put on top? Also if you add a background after the main item it wipes it. Could more set shapes be added? Thank you.
  • Gemma Lesterhuis
    Wed, 17 June 2020, 4:50 PM
    Hi Al,

    I have send you a message.

  • As Bacardi
    Thu, 17 Sept 2020, 11:54 PM
    Hi all,
    this is great , can we add a pencil or brush tool for coloring the image ?
  • Al
    Sat, 18 Sept 2021, 9:15 PM
    Please can you adjust the compatibility to 3.11 so it installs automatically upon upgrade? Cheers
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