
Activities ::: mod_congrea
Maintained by Pinky Sharma, Jai Gupta, suman bogati
Modern virtual classroom with sharing / collaboration for your Screen, Audio, Webcam, whiteboard, documents, media with students, ask questions, bookmarks and notes with optional recording.
Latest release:
371 sites
76 fans
Current versions available: 2
Congrea is a modern virtual classroom designed to facilitate real time Interaction between teachers and students. Designed and built for education,  it has sharing / collaboration for your Screen, Audio, Webcam, whiteboard, documents, media with recording facility.

You can also ask questions create bookmarks and take notes within the live class as well as recording.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4


Pinky Sharma (Lead maintainer)
Jai Gupta: Lead maintainer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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Vis kommentarer
  • Benedict Aquino
    tir., 28 aug. 2018, 15:11
    @Pinky Sharma This is awesome software! Do you have documentations on how to install this on local machine and run the server on node.js? Thank you so very much!!
  • Hindi Lyrics Tadka
    fre., 7 feb. 2020, 16:15
    Thanks for this information
  • Juan Crespo
    tir., 31 mar. 2020, 03:06
    Hi, I was creating an activity with the Congolese. And, in the Upcoming sessions-> No sessions are available tab.It does not allow me to create sessions, I already put the apikey and the secret key.
  • Yash Patel
    fre., 17 apr. 2020, 05:02
    i have install the plugin and i got the api key , but when i try to create a session it does not work, i click save and i do not see any session
  • Sébastien Viel
    tir., 21 apr. 2020, 05:26
    Hi, Thanks for your plugin. For your information, I just submitted a French translation of your plugin. I hope it will be validated.
  • Douglas TED
    ons., 6 mai 2020, 03:48
    I'd like to ask you about the translations of the plugin... I've already translated all strings to my native language (pt_BR), but as soon as I enter a classroom, the whole interface is in English again. I noticed that this plugin redirects to a "" domain, and I wonder if it is possible to localize this area, as it seems to be impossible via Moodle.
  • Steve Cherestal
    tor., 7 mai 2020, 01:30
    Hello, i try to. Lauch a session un moodle i find tous issue ''connection le clclosed (code c310) nées dôme vélo please
  • Степан Юферов
    fre., 8 mai 2020, 02:06
    Is it possible to have a version of this plugin for Moodle 2.8?
  • Khaled Kamel
    tir., 12 mai 2020, 08:45
    Greetings, I installed on MOODLE 3.6 but I get a blank screen with no application panel or control panel. Can you help please?
  • Grupo Fati Fajar
    fre., 5 jun. 2020, 07:12
    You are not saving this option in Moodle, for recording. It's not recording.
    Recording settings
    Session Recording
    mod_congrea | enablerecording
  • Vikram Solia
    man., 15 jun. 2020, 00:52
    This is because the free plan does not have the recording feature enabled.
  • Academia Portamento Music
    lør., 4 jul. 2020, 08:55
    i have install the plugin and i got the api key , but when i try to create a session it does not work, i click save and i do not see any session
  • Vishal E
    lør., 4 jul. 2020, 22:03
    we are constantly getting note not found pop-up. It precisely says, 'Note is not found xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx_xxx' where x is random alphanumeric.
  • Paul Winstanley
    fre., 14 jan. 2022, 16:25
    Will there be a Moodle 4 version?
  • Jocelyn Chappaz
    tor., 22 feb. 2024, 04:13
    Yeah, same here... a Moodle 4 version would be nice.
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