Activities ::: mod_cobra
Maintained by Jean-Roch Meurisse, Laurence Dumortier
CoBRA helps French speaking learners to read texts in English and Dutch, getting contextualized information on all words and expression of the text and with the ability to collect words and expressions into a personal glossary.
Latest release:
18 sites
3 fans
Current versions available: 2

CoBRA (aka COrpus-Based Reading Assistant) help French speaking learners to read texts in English and Dutch.

Learners can click on any word or expression in a CoBRA text to get disambiguated information about it (syntactical category, gender, inflected forms, translation in the reading context) as well as usage examples in similar contexts.

Every clicked word or expression can be added to an exportable personal glossary.

Available CoBRA-formatted texts are hosted on a dedicated server and are loaded through an api.

A demo access to CoBRA-formatted texts with an English and a Dutch text is available for testing purposes. (See Installation section for instructions on how you can get a demo key)

Note that access to the full CoBRA text repository is free of charge but not open, some resources (dictionaries, texts) being subject to copyright. In other words, there is no commercial subscription and no fees of any kind required, only a win-win convention with the University of Namur is mandatory. (We offer the technology, you provide the central text repository with new texts.)

In order to access the full CoBRA text repository, a written agreement with UNamur is required, that specifies the user's rights. (Contact CoBRA text repository does not store or use any user data except for authentication data required to give access to priviledged users, that is users allowed to add or edit texts in the CoBRA repository.


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Jean-Roch Meurisse (Lead maintainer)
Laurence Dumortier: maintainer
Guy Deville: Project manager
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