
Activities ::: mod_certificate
Maintained by Mark Nelson
This module allows for the dynamic generation of certificates based on predefined conditions set by the teacher. NOTE: This plugin is no longer receiving any new features. Only bug fixes are being applied. I have been working on a new plugin which can be located at https://moodle.org/plugins/mod_customcert which allows complete customisation of the PDF via the browser, whereas this plugin requires FTP and PHP knowledge. Both plugins can be installed on a site at once with no issues.
Latest release:
5453 sites
195 fans
Current versions available: 9

NOTE: This plugin is no longer receiving any new features. Only bug fixes are being applied. I have been working on a new plugin which can be located at https://moodle.org/plugins/mod_customcert which allows complete customisation of the PDF via the browser, whereas this plugin requires FTP and PHP knowledge. Both plugins can be installed on a site at once with no issues.

See the certificate docs for information on how to customise your certificate and for additional help please visit the certificate forums.


Screenshot #0


Mark Nelson (Lead maintainer)
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  • J Guzman
    mar, 12 de feb de 2019, 02:11
    ...or add to the code something that allows to print the certificate name.
  • Ralf Hilgenstock
    jue, 23 de may de 2019, 21:05
    I know that the plugin is not officially supported. We justed tested it with mobile App for Moodle 3.6. The certificate could not be used, its asking the user to switch to mobile browser.
    Has anybody a clue why this happens?
  • hani ayyoub
    mar, 3 de sept de 2019, 15:45
    how i can make it work with Arabic languages ??
  • Jaswant Tak
    lun, 3 de feb de 2020, 06:50
    Used with Moodle 3.8 and its not functioning properly. Meaning its not printing the border or watermark images in fact the images are getting deleted from the server. I just checked for border image and watermark image with Moodle 3.8.

  • Claudia Breschkow
    jue, 13 de feb de 2020, 20:54
    On a fresh moodle installation the images are deleted. Is there already a bug tracker info? I can't find one...
  • Jhon Carlos Rosas Vargas
    lun, 9 de mar de 2020, 23:20
    Usa medidas en la imagen de borde en 1101 x 844 pixles en png y la guardas en la carpeta /mod/certificate/pix/borders
  • Bojan Atanasijevic
    dom, 26 de abr de 2020, 00:29
    Confirm that in 3.8 it deletes border image file the first time you generate certificate with settled border.
    It will delete preinstalled image if you try to use it as well.
    @Jhon Carlos Rosas Vargas - Tried, not working - image in format you recommended is also deleted.
  • Bojan Atanasijevic
    dom, 26 de abr de 2020, 17:29
    Images are deleted due to the error in tcpdf library. It's fixed and will bi available in next build.
  • Mahesh Koppisetti
    jue, 31 de dic de 2020, 17:29
    This plugin is not displaying certificate in moodle mobile app
  • Ahnaf Muttaki
    jue, 11 de feb de 2021, 16:08
    Is there any default way to show the certificates in User Profile page ?
  • Alejandra Cruz
    sáb, 27 de nov de 2021, 02:34
    Hola, alguien sabe como puedo descargar todos los certificados personalizados generados en un curso. Todos los pdf. ¿Existe esa posibilidad? Gracias
  • Krishna Kumar
    sáb, 27 de nov de 2021, 18:11
    I want both letter grade and the percentage to be printed in the certificate. How I can do it ?
  • Eric vanBok
    jue, 29 de sept de 2022, 23:58
    Has anyone ever tried this plugin on Moodle 4?

    I know that the "Certificate" plugin is no longer being developed, but my hope is that this plugin continues to work on Moodle 4 because the new "Custom Certificate" plugin does not work for us in all circumstances.

    We issue two types of certificates to our students. One is an actual certificate and that works fine using the newer "Custom Certificate". Although I don't like the fact that the certificates are generated on the fly and aren't saved like the older "Certificates" plugin does.

    The second type of certificate we issue is a continuing education letter, and officially grants the student credits for their completion of the course. This is an actual letter, with details about the student, the course, and how many credit hours they received. The flow of the text changes based on the data from the course and student. The newer "Custom Certificate" plugin can't do that. It is not able to add data and let the text around it flow based on the length of the data. So for these types of letters we need this older plugin.

    So if you still use this plugin and have tried it on Moodle 4, please let me know if it works or not. Thanks.
  • Ricardo Groiso
    jue, 10 de nov de 2022, 04:51
    I have 5 professors for 5 courses, one from each educational institution.
    I want to know if it is possible to create a different certificate for each institution, and a professor does not see the certificate of others.
    Detail: All courses are created by the administrator.
    Is there any way to hide other certificate templates?
  • Andrew Hancox
    vie, 2 de ago de 2024, 20:30
    For anyone who comes looking for a version that will still function on 4.3 Petr Skoda has shared one here:
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