AulaPlaneta - Learning Notebook

Activities ::: mod_aulaplanetastudynot
Maintained by Grupo Planeta Equipo de desarrollo
Part of set AulaPlaneta.
This module allows the teacher to add aulaPlaneta student notebooks within Moodle for students to use.
Latest release:
320 sites
Current versions available: 1

Learning Notebook

The Study Notebook is the student's textbook, 100% digital and customisable by the teacher to adapt it to the student's needs. It is a study environment that offers the student everything they need for their learning, and the teacher a theoretical and practical base that covers the entire school curriculum.

> All Moodle blocks and activity modules developed by aulaPlaneta require an initial configuration that is carried out in the AulaPlaneta Resources activity module (mod_aulaplaneta), so you must be previously installed and configured in your environment to be able to use this block.

Adding an activity to a course

Once the general parameters have been configured, a teacher can add aulaPlaneta study workbooks to a course.

The teacher must add the tool as is done for all Moodle activities/resources. Activate course editing and click on "Add an activity or resource".


Then the list of available activities and resources is displayed, select "AulaPlaneta Learning Notebook" and click on "Add".


The next step shows the form that allows you to select whether you want to access a learning workbook at subject level or for a specific topic.


The basic fields are:

  1. Name of the activity: indicates the name of the activity, if it is empty and a resource is selected from the search part, the name of the resource is proposed toulaPlaneta.
  2. Course: we select the course that refers to the Study Booklet to be included.
  3. Subject: we select the subject that refers to the study booklet to be included.
  4. Subject: we select the subject that refers to the study booklet to be included. This is an optional field.
  5. Preview: with this button a preview can be made before setting up the workbook within the course, the button will be available when selecting the course and the subject as a minimum.
  6. Visible: parameter indicating whether the activity is visible to students.

If we click on "Show advanced" we can add: 1. Description of the activity: it is allowed to indicate a description of the activity to be carried out. 2. Indicate if we want: - Display the description on the main page of the course. - Show the name of the activity when it is executed (not shown if opened in a new window). - Show the description of the activity when it is executed (not shown if opened in a new window).

Once the study booklet has been added, it will be displayed in the course with the image and a text showing information about it.



Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


Grupo Planeta Equipo de desarrollo (Lead maintainer)
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  • Plugins bot
    lun, 29 nov 2021, 19:50
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-8791
  • Patrick Martin
    mer, 17 apr 2024, 01:50
    Very good! My teacher assigned me to find some plugins as part of our geography project. This looks like the perfect solution to make the process interactive. I also found the resource which I plan to use for the theoretical part. They provide help for students, I think I will meet the deadline.
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