Microsoft 365 Integration

General plugins (Local) ::: local_o365
Maintained by Enovation Dev Team, Lai Wei
Part of set Microsoft 365.
This plugin provides libraries and services that power other Microsoft 365 plugins.

Microsoft 365 Integration 3.9.7

Moodle 3.9
Released: utorak, 26. listopada 2021., 19:13
This is part of the 3.9.7 release of the Microsoft 365 Moodle plugin suite for Moodle 3.9, version v20211026_m39.
[Complete Release Note](

The most significant change in this release is moving the user field mapping feature from the local_o365 plugin to the auth_oidc plugin, and integrate it with the Moodle default field mapping feature.
- All previous settings are automatically migrated.
- The remote fields available for mapping depend on whether the local_o365 plugin is configured on the Moodle site - if it's not configured, only profile fields available in user ID token can be mapped; otherwise many other fields returned in Graph API calls can be mapped.
- After the move, some native Moodle user profile mapping features, such as field locking, can be applied.

Other changes include:
- Add option to reset group/team without creating new ones when resetting a Moodle course connected to group/team.
- Fix a bug in checking user creation conditions on group membership where indirect group memberships are not recognised.
- Fix a bug in which user sync attempts to create duplicate users sometimes.
- Fix a bug in user sync where guest users are synced regardless of the status of the guest user sync option setting.
- Improve handling of Microsoft account upn changes.
- Fix a bug in conflicts between user sync options.
- Fix a bug where incorrect Shared Moodle Secret is generated when deploying Teams bot.
- Improve handling of error "Mismatch between usernames and userids" in user login.
- Reduce the number of DB query parameters when processing user sync batches to avoid DB error.
- Skip mandatory authentication method change for Moodle users using other auth methods who manually created connection with Microsoft account.
- Apply "sync new course by default" settings to restored courses.
- Improve error handling syncing timezone in user sync.
- Raise memory limit in user sync.
- Fix a bug in syncing office phone number profile field.
- Fix a bug in syncing preferred name profile field.
- Fix a bug in processing user sync task when email match is used and duplicate email address exists.
- Handle delay in provisioning Moodle Teams app when creating a Team for a connected course.
- Fix a bug in which the local_o365 configuration tab parameter is added to the URL of other admin configuration pages.
- Update Moodle Teams app icon to comply with Teams app icon requirements.

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
Stabilna inačica
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 3.9

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL
VCS tag

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type General plugins (Local)

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the module.
  3. Place the folder in the "local" subdirectory.
  4. Visit to finish the installation.