Moodle Plugins directory: Custom Navigation |
Custom Navigation
General plugins (Local) ::: local_navigation
Maintained by Carlos Escobedo
This plugin allow add new menu items at the end of Navigation Menu in order to customize your options menu even Boost Menu Navigation.
Latest release:
439 sites
44 fans
Current versions available: 3
With this plugin you can add new items to the Navigation Menu.
You just have to use the same syntax that is used for the navigation bar on theme general settings.
Now, you can add master nodes in Boost Menu Navigation.
Carlos Escobedo (Lead maintainer)
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thanks to a lot for your patience and for using this plugin.
Regarding your first question, as you say the difference is found in the alignment of the icon. At the moment, there is no way to add an icon but it would be an improvement that I will try to add in the next version of the plugin.
Regarding the multilevel, in the case of Boost can't be at the moment, only in the Navigation Block (right column). In the configuration of the plugin is briefly explained. I will try to explain it better in the next version. You can see that in the new screenshot that I've attached.
However, in the right column, in the Navigation block, the Multilevel should work. In addition, the menu will always be displayed after the last parent node of the Navigation block.
I have added two new screenshots about Moodle 3.5. How it should look in the Course view and how is the configuration screen of the Plugin with the alert messages where it is indicated that it should be displayed from the last navigation node and that only the first level is shown in Boost if you enable the option "Enabled Master nodes in Boost Navigation".
To sum up, there are two limitations, one is in Boost Theme this plugin doesn't have multilevel and the second is in the Navigation Block the custom navigation is always at the end.
Thank you very much for your comments and improvements that I will consider in future versions.
If you still problems with this plugin, you can send me screenshots in order to my email see what it happens better.
Thanks very much for your explanation and new screenshots.
It's helpful to know that the multi-level menus don't currently work in the Nav Drawer in the Boost theme. That means I can stop trying to figure out what I need to do to make it work! If it's possible to add that functionality in the future, that would be beneficial.
Thanks for considering the icon question, too. If it's possible to add the ability to include an icon in the future, that would be a very nice visual feature.
Thank you for this plugin. Aside from my two questions, it's working great and is very useful! I appreciate that it works so well with language codes, too.
can i to add the icon pix before the new custom menu navigation link?
I'm afraid you can not add the icon pix for now.
But, I'm working to add support to:
- Add icons to the Custom Navigation Menu.
- Add a second level of nodes to the Custom Navigation Menu in Boost.
It will be available as soon as possible.
Cheers and thanks a lot for your interest.
I installed the plugin version 1.5 for Moodle 3.7.
I could see the error
" Cannot redeclare local_navigation_extend_navigation() (previously declared in F:\wamp64\www\intact\blocks\navigation\lib.php:34 ".
Could you let me know the error.
Thanks for making this plugin. Looking forward to icons in the custom navigation menu and a second level of nodes.
Очень ждем иконок. Это важно для нас.
It's not throwing any debug errors but isn't generating any menu output.
I don't know if it works in 3.8. Regretfully I have not updated the plugin since 3.5. It is one of my TODOs to update the plugin so that it works correctly in the latest versions and add new functionalities.
I hope to update it soon.