Lesson PDF Export

General plugins (Local) ::: local_lessonexport
Maintained by Adam King
This plugin allows lesson modules to be exported to PDF documents with optional protection.
Latest release:
439 sites
66 fans
Current versions available: 2

This plugin visually displays the option to output lesson modules as PDF documents.

There are many settings that come with the PDF export plugin including custom font, footer texts, document protection, cover colours, password protection, strict exporting and more. 

Document pages are ordered the same as each lesson and question pages are also supported, although some answers are not shown (such as short answer questions).

This plugin was developed for use on the SHEilds eLearning platform. If this plugin does not match your use-case, please open a ticket on Github detailing what you require for this to become a useful addition to your Moodle plugins.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3


Adam King (Lead maintainer)
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نمایش نظرات
  • David Delcò
    چهارشنبه، 11 سپتامبر 2019، 1:12 AM
    Hi, I tested this plugin and I find it very useful and builded very good, but I was looking for a option to display and hide this feature depending of the lesson. It will be very nice, in my case, to enable this feature only to specific lessons.
  • Stan Klapauszak
    چهارشنبه، 27 نوامبر 2019، 4:24 AM
    We're interested in exporting Chinese-language lessons (among others). When I use this plugin I get pages full of "?" characters, which is not helpful. Would it be possible to get usable exports of Chinese-language courses by adding fonts?
  • Dan Griffiths
    دوشنبه، 2 دسامبر 2019، 5:24 PM
    I'm having an issue with this plugin when lessons contain SVG images. In this instance, a single blank page is output only. Has anyone come across this issue and found a fix?
    This is a great plug-in and very usefull for anyone needing to provide a hard copy of their Moodle lessons.
  • Kenneth Nelan
    شنبه، 18 آوریل 2020، 11:57 PM
    I seem to be having difficulty with printing images in that it doesn't print them and leaves huge gaps between paragraphs. Images are .png format

    Also, when printing the document download date - it overwrites text about two-thirds down the page.

    I am using Moodle 3.8.2+ (Build: 20200402) with plugin version Release 3.0+ (Build: 2019090900)
  • Jean-Luc Trussart
    دوشنبه، 20 آوریل 2020، 6:34 PM
    Thanks for this wonderful plugin! Very helpful. Is their a way that the matching questions items could been displayed in the PDF generated? I'm only getting the anwsers.
  • Jean-Luc Trussart
    دوشنبه، 20 آوریل 2020، 7:57 PM
    Also, is their a way to display the feedback of the different anwsers?
  • ABS
    پنجشنبه، 7 مه 2020، 8:10 AM
    Dear Adam King

    I have trouble that I export lesson to dpf, the images in the lesson come out as scamble code, May I learn how to fix it.

  • Julia Dupuis
    سه‌شنبه، 16 ژوئن 2020، 9:36 PM
    When I export a lesson, it just gives me a blank page. I don't know if this is due to the plugin or my lessons. I'm using moodle 3.6 but the lessons originated in 1.9, this shouldn't affect it right? Any ideas on what the issue is?
  • Erick French
    سه‌شنبه، 16 ژوئن 2020، 11:24 PM
    Lots of Possible reasons. This plugin has difficulty with images, with any text that is cut and pasted from Microsoft word, with any table, or text from various other formats. It is in no way WYSIWYG. In order to get it to work, you will need to copy all of your text from every page into notepad or some other program that strips formatting code away. Then you will need to copy that text back into each page. In some cases, even that doesn't work and you will need to retype the text. I've never been able to get it to print a picture, or a table, or anything except for simple cleaned or retyped text. I'd dearly love to see these issues resolved. Printing really should be part of core Moodle code.
  • Meir Kirshner
    یکشنبه، 28 ژوئن 2020، 3:11 PM
    i dont understand how to work with the plugin?
  • Wynand Louw
    چهارشنبه، 25 اوت 2021، 3:10 AM
    I have installed this plugin but cannot see it n Moodle 3.11 I cannot see any of the suggested functions on any of my courses.
  • Stan Klapauszak
    سه‌شنبه، 11 ژانویه 2022، 5:55 AM
    Very good plugin, but a couple of additions would be very helpful:
    - ability to export the question-answer choices without all the additional details - at present, if you select "Export Question Answers" you get all the details for each answer (which ones are correct or incorrect, the responses to a correct or incorrect answer). We'd like to only see the answer alternatives.
    - fix for the issue with matching questions - at present only some of the answers are displayed
    - improve support for other languages - at present only English and western character fonts are supported
  • Josef Stritecky
    سه‌شنبه، 1 فوریه 2022، 10:48 PM
    Is it necessary to have another plugin installed for this plugin to work? Everything looks OK in the system, but I don't see the option to export to pdf anywhere. I use moodle 3.11. Thanks.
  • Linda Raymond-Hagen
    پنجشنبه، 8 سپتامبر 2022، 9:48 AM
    Does this plugin function on Moodle 3.11?
  • Dominic Ellek
    پنجشنبه، 4 ژوئیه 2024، 1:27 PM
    Hi, Is there any chance that the plugin will be further developed for Moodle 4?
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