Learning Tools

General plugins (Local) ::: local_learningtools
Maintained by Stefan Scholz, bdecent gmbh
Create bookmarks, take notes, schedule activities and focus mode for better learning experiences … and much more!
Latest release:
384 sites
47 fans
Current versions available: 2


This plugin was built to help students to improve the user experience of students "working"/"learning" in moodle by providing tools that users are used to from modern platforms.

This release introduces four tools:

  • Bookmarks — bookmark pages in moodle, e.g. courses or activities
  • Notes — take notes for the current page
  • Focus — hide everything except for the content
  • Schedule — add calendar entries for activities to „learn them later“

The following additional tools are available for purchase:

  • Invitation – Enrol students easily via email address in bulk
  • Force activity — Automatically redirect students to a specific activity until the activity is completed
  • Course Information — Display course summary and image (free)
  • E-Mail — Email your participants
  • Resume Course — Return to the last exact page with the click of a button
  • Custom Course Styles — Add custom styles (CSS) to your course locally
  • Time Management — Set relative start and due dates for activities, and a due date for the course; provide a concise overview about all activities in a course

There's also a bundle available.

How to use

After the plugin is installed, no further configuration is required. Learning tools is very simple and intuitive. Every tool is available from the floating button in the bottom right corner. Students can click on the floating button and either bookmark the current page, create a note for the current page or create calendar entry for the current page. This will happen on a modal. The modal also shows existing notes. It is possible to pop-out the modal to take notes side-by-side with the content.

Try it out now

We've created a test site which you can use to test learning tools: https://bdecent.io/

Do you like Learning Tools?

Please click the "Add to my favorite" button, if you like Learning Tools! It means a lot to us!  

We would also love to get your feedback:

.... or just say hi in our chat at https://chat.bdecent.de 

Thank you!

Potential privacy issues

The user can save bookmarks and take notes; depending on the configuration of the roles on the site, teachers and managers can see those.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6
Screenshot #7
Screenshot #8
Screenshot #9


Stefan Scholz (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Kenneth Hansen
    Tue, 26 Apr 2022, 3:35 AM
    Hello Stefan,

    I have installed the fantastic Learning Tools on our Moodle site. However the focus button does not seem to work. Is there any differences to the focus tool with Learning Tools pro?

    - Kenneth
  • Stefan Scholz
    Tue, 26 Apr 2022, 3:51 AM
    Hi Kenneth,

    The focus tool is the same in free and pro.
    It’s technically speaking a very simple (but powerful) tool: when focus mode is enabled, a number of css styles are applied to the site. If you’re not using the default theme of moodle (boost), you might need to adjust these styles. It’s easy to do and can be done directly in the global settings, just adjust the css to your theme.

    Very happy to hear that you like learning tools! We’ve got some amazing additions planned, so stay tuned!

    Hope this helps!
  • Kenneth Hansen
    Thu, 28 Apr 2022, 2:14 PM
    Hi Stefan,
    Thank you much for feedback. I would love to stay tuned for more. In the meantime, I have encountered a problem. I receive an error message, when trying to access the Moodle User as admin. My provider says, when Learning Tools is set to be active on a specific category. This happens. So in our case, we had to hide all the functions or deactivate. Because we have not yet implemented the Tool to staff and students. Maybe you could look into that problem?

    - Kenneth
  • Stefan Scholz
    Thu, 28 Apr 2022, 2:25 PM
    Hi Kenneth,

    Sorry to hear that you have issues. This section is not the right place though for bug reports and without more detail, there’s not much we can do.

    Please send me the exact error message, how to reproduce it and the moodle version you use, the theme you use and the learning tools version you use via email or open a GitHub issue for it (later is preferred and the usual approach).

    Since you are the first to report such an issue, and it never occurred during our testing, it’s likely that it is something specific to you installation. Maybe a conflict with another plugin. The error message often provides hints to the specific cause, if it does not, you might need to turn on debugging to get the full error message.

  • Kenneth Hansen
    Thu, 28 Apr 2022, 11:19 PM
    Hi Stefan,
    Sorry to bug you. I would like to send my screenshots. I'll try GitHub...

    Another question... Will it be possible to use this nice tool with the Moodle App?

    Kind regards
  • Tanja B.
    Thu, 23 June 2022, 9:11 PM
    hey Stefan,

    I saw that a tiny rest is open for German language and wanted to contribute by following the link: You can see the available translations here:

    When I try to contribute to German, I run into a set of errors:

    Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: Url parameters values can not be arrays!

    Debug info:
    Error code: codingerror

    Coding error detected, it must be fixed by a programmer: Url parameters values can not be arrays!

    I am not sure, if it is right to address you with that?

    Many greetings, Tanja
  • Elizmarié Louw
    Tue, 25 Oct 2022, 4:57 PM
    Good day Stefan,

    Thank you for developing the Learning Tools plugin. I am sure its functionality will be very useful to our proposed students.

    I wanted to check whether there is any chance of it being updated to be functional on the Moodle app? We will promote it to learners mainly for its note-taking capability and it would be much appreciated if that particular function (at least) could be available on the app too.

    Looking forward to receiving your feedback.

    With thanks and kind regards,

  • Stefan Scholz
    Wed, 26 Oct 2022, 5:18 AM
    Hi Elizmarié,

    glad you like our Learning Tools! Currently, Learning Tools is not compatible with the mobile app (as you already found out). Adding support for note taking (and bookmarking) in the app would indeed make sense. I'll check with my team if our floating action button interface is something that can be implemented in the app, and how much effort it would be.

    All the best
  • Stefan Scholz
    Thu, 27 Oct 2022, 2:47 PM
    Morning Elizmarié,

    We’ve discussed this internally. It’s not as easy as it seems, but it is indeed possible. In order to implement it, we would need some funding for it though. If you’re able/interested, please reach out privately and we can discuss it.

  • Florencia Ferreyra
    Fri, 30 June 2023, 10:51 AM
    Hi! I've been having some problems with this plugin. The icons are a little right-sided. Additionally, it cracks when the language is changed to Spanish, the "ñ" is not visible
  • Khari Kambon
    Sun, 16 July 2023, 5:33 AM
    Hi, we love this plug-in, but on Moodle 4.1.3 in the Adaptable theme it only displays and functions properly for the admin and refuses to display for the student role except for on one page: the user profile page. The minute the student user navigates away to any other page it disappears. This is mind-boggling. I would think that if it were a theme compatibility issue it wouldn't work at all for anyone. I was wondering if anyone might know why this is the case and maybe how we might resolve as we really want to be able to use this plugin for our students. Thanks for any help!
  • Rashad Raza
    Thu, 31 Aug 2023, 10:32 AM
    I am also facing exactly the same problem. The problem is only with Adaptable Theme, have no idea if this the theme or settings within theme. Would love to know more about the solution.
  • Nick Rider
    Fri, 9 Feb 2024, 3:57 AM
    I discovered that the script for the Learning Tools is targeting the footer element in the HTML to write the code. If you are using a different theme than boost, there is a good chance that your theme might not have the element. To remedy, one thing you could do is go to the Appearance > Additional HTML and paste in an empty footer tag in the code before the body closes. Did the trick for me. If your Adaptable theme is having issues - it is possible the profile page has the 'footer' tag and the other pages do not.
  • Vincent Garnier
    Tue, 23 Apr 2024, 5:47 PM
    Hello Stefan
    Great tool! A quick question. We want to use the note feature but not the others. They are. not useful in our environment. Is there a way to hide the other features via CSS or via a setting of the plugin ? Thank you in advance
  • Stefan Scholz
    Tue, 23 Apr 2024, 6:50 PM
    Hi Vincent, glad you like it! In the plugin's general settings, you can enable/disabled each tool separately. Also, there are capabilities for each tool, so you can control which roles have access to which tool. Hope this helps! Stefan
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