Students at risk of missing assignment due dates

General plugins (Local) ::: local_latesubmissions
Maintained by David Monllaó
This Moodle plugin adds a new predictive model to identify students that are likely to miss assignment due dates. The model automatically generates insights for teachers about these students.
Latest release:
22 sites
9 fans
Current versions available: 2

This Moodle plugin adds a new predictive model to identify students that are likely to miss assignment due dates. The model automatically generates insights for teachers about these students.

This prediction model does not work for the following assignment activities:

  • Assignments in courses without a start date
  • Assignments without a due date
  • Assignments that are hidden to students
  • Not yet started assignments
  • Team submission assignments
  • Assignments whose due date are more than one year after the course start date
  • Assignments whose due date are less than four days since the course start date

The plugin uses Moodle core's analytics API as a base. This predictive model indicators become available for the other predictive models in your site as well as for the predictive models you add in future



Known bugs is a Moodle core bug that affects two of the indicators included in this plugin: "Number of assignment submission attempts" and "Activity weight in the gradebook". The latter was originally part of the prediction model that identifies students that are likely to miss an assignment due date. It has been removed due to MDL-64320. It will be added back once the issue is fixed in core.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1


David Monllaó (Lead maintainer)
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  • Plugins bot
    2019年 01月 22日(火) 00:00
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-7603
  • David Monllaó
    2019年 03月 18日(月) 16:26
    Hi Faith,

    The messages are sent two days before the deadline so they have time to send their submission. It is up for them to decide how to act about it. They could send a message to the teacher asking for an extension if they do not have enough time to prepare a submission. Thanks for the link.
  • Olu Van
    2020年 03月 30日(月) 00:09
    Thanks for the information
    Read here for more information :
  • Franky Vallori
    2020年 04月 15日(水) 23:16
    Hi, I have updated moodle from 3.7 to 3.8 and the plugin no longer works.
    This is the error on the logs:
    GET /admin/tool/analytics/index.php HTTP / 1.1 "500
  • Melanie Perez
    2020年 12月 14日(月) 12:35
    while submitting assignments there are errors can you please provide some more information regarding it
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