eledia webservicesuite

General plugins (Local) ::: local_eledia_webservicesuite
Maintained by Benjamin Wolf
This plugin adds a bundle of new functions to the moodle webservice. The new functions appear within the moodle webservice function list after installation. The functions definition can be found within the API Documentation in Site Administration/Plugins/Web Services. eLeDia supports and maintains this plugin for clients only. Please ask for our commercial support.
Latest release:
4 sites
4 fans
Current versions available: 5

List of functions:

elediaservice_update_users_by_idnumber => updates the submittet user profile identified by idnumber
elediaservice_enrol_users_by_idnumber => enrols users in the given courses, users and courses are identified by idnumber
elediaservice_get_courses_by_idnumber => returns a course object according to the given idnumber
elediaservice_update_courses_by_idnumber => updates a course object according to the given idnumber
elediaservice_get_user_by_idnumber => returns a list of users object according to the given idnumbers
elediaservice_unenrol_users_by_idnumber => unenrols a list of users from the given enrolment in the given courses, user and courses identified by idnumber
elediaservice_course_completion => returns the completion information for the user with the given idnumber and the course with the given idnumber
elediaservice_get_user_by_mail => DEPRECATED: use core_user_get_users_by_field instead
elediaservice_get_users_by_idnumber => DEPRECATED: use core_user_get_users_by_field instead

NOTE: In Github we use an empty master branch. The different plugin versions can be found in special branches for each Moodle version.


Screenshot #0


Benjamin Wolf (Lead maintainer)
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  • Anthony Borrow
    Jumatano, 26 Feb 2014, 7:38 AM
    Benjamin - Many thanks for sharing this plugin with the Moodle community. Please review http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Plugin_validation#Recommended_URLs and provide tracker and documentation URLs.

    With settings.php, you are storing the plugins' test_token setting in $CFG rather than using $get_config which is what I would recommend for plugins.

    I think it would be helpful to provide a list of the additional webservices either in the longer description or in the documentation.

    For now, I am going to mark this as needing more work but feel free to use the comments here to discuss any issues or ask any questions about the plugin entry. You can upload the revised version when ready and then schedule the plugin to reviewed again. Thanks for your patience with the plugin approval process.

    Peace - Anthony
  • Anthony Borrow
    Jumatano, 26 Feb 2014, 7:45 AM
    Just to be clear, I think it would help for folks to have this list of additional services visible to them before installing the plugin:


    Once installed, I appreciated that they appear with the other webservices
  • Anthony Borrow
    Jumatano, 26 Feb 2014, 7:54 AM
    I am going to check with Jerome, but am curious about avoiding duplication with functions (webservices) that are already in core. For example, using core_user_get_users_by_field instead of elediaservice_get_user_by_mail or elediaservice_get_users_by_idnumber. It may also be good for him to see what are introducing should some of the functionality prove desirable for core.
  • Benjamin Wolf
    Jumatano, 26 Feb 2014, 7:59 PM
    Hallo Anthony,

    first thank you for your fast reaction. I will add the Description, tracker and documentation URLs as soon as i find the time for it. We are a bit in a rush here because of the german MoodleMoot tomorrow.

    The setting should be stored in the plugins. So this one is a real bug and i will change that.

    The function you find out to be duplicate are marked as DEPRECATED within their Description, with the hint to use the new core functions. I don't want to remove them now, because some of our customers may use them at the moment. It's similar to the old functions in core which still are there with the DEPRECATED notice.
  • Benjamin Wolf
    Alhamisi, 24 Apr 2014, 10:48 PM
    I have got a problem with the plugin page here. When i try to edit the plugin i can not save it. Even saving the form without any changes lead to a "error/unknownparamtype" error.
  • David Mudrák
    Ijumaa, 25 Apr 2014, 6:41 AM
    MDLSITE-2997, it should work now
  • Anthony Borrow
    Jumapili, 5 Apr 2015, 12:15 AM
    Thanks for responding to the feedback and providing the meta-data for the plugin. I re-tested the plugin and test token is now properly stored in config_plugins. I am going to go ahead and approve this plugin. Peace -Anthony
  • Anthony Borrow
    Jumapili, 5 Apr 2015, 12:17 AM
    p.s. - you may also want to show a screenshot of admin/webservice/documentation.php
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