Courses to Calendar

General plugins (Local) ::: local_coursetocal
Maintained by Andres Ramos, LMS Doctor
Display all your courses in the Calendar as Site Events from selected categories. Sometimes and for some reasons, you want to display to everyone your courses in the Calendar and this is exactly what this plugin does.
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Courses to Calendar

This plugin allows you to display the courses in the Calendar as Site Events. Sometimes and for some reasons, you want to display to everyone your courses in the Calendar and this is exactly what this plugin does.

You are able to decide what categories of courses can be displayed as site events in the Moodle Calendar.


  • From the calendar, users can access a course through a Link.
  • As an admin, you can update the course's date directly from the calendar. It supports drag and drops functionality so it automatically updates the course with the new dates.
  • As an admin, you can update the course's summary from the calendar.
  • You can change the text link that takes the user to the course from the calendar.
  • You can change the courses categories that will display the courses in the calendar as Site Events.

How to use?

  1. Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Local > Courses to Calendar,  access the plugin's settings and select 1 or more categories that you wish your courses to be displayed in the calendar.
  2. After you save, the plugin will automatically run in the background and add to the Calendar your courses as long as they have the Start Date and End Date enabled.
  3. Now you will be able to edit the events to update the courses, or simply by updating the courses the events will be updated.


Thanks to

This plugin was sponsored by ECBOCES and developed by LMS Doctor, Inc.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2


Andres Ramos (Lead maintainer)
LMS Doctor: Lead Maintainer
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བསམ་བཀོད་ཚུ་ སྟོན
  • Emma Richardson
    ལྷག་, 13 ༧ 2021, 1:12 AM
    The plugin settings are found under plugins/local/coursetocal - I am not sure what you mean by the event description field - this is mapped from the course summary.
  • Albert Delgado
    ལྷག་, 13 ༧ 2021, 6:09 PM
    This field image3
  • Emma Richardson
    ལྷག་, 13 ༧ 2021, 7:41 PM
    You can either click on edit and edit it from the event or edit the course summary field on your course edit settings page.
  • Albert Delgado
    མིར་, 26 ༧ 2021, 6:19 PM
    Look: Captura-de-pantalla-2021-07-26-a-las-12-12-09
    This field don't not appears...
  • Emma Richardson
    མིར་, 26 ༧ 2021, 7:55 PM
    Not sure what this has to do with the plugin. You are adding a user event - what happens if you change to a course event? What version of Moodle?
  • Clément Bathellier
    མིར་, 13 12 2021, 8:45 PM
    Hi, thanks for this plug in. It seems that the courses appear in the calendar as "site events". Is there a way for them to appear as "category event" or "course event" ? The final point would be that the students could only see (in the calendar) the courses they are registered in.
  • Emma Richardson
    མིར་, 13 12 2021, 8:47 PM
    This plugin was designed to enable you to use moodle as an Events Management site. The course appear as site events so that anyone can see them and register for them. I have no plans to add additional functionality to allow them to be added at a different level but if you have someone that code that for you and want to add it as a pull request, I can look at it.
  • Emma Richardson
    ཕུར་, 26 ༡ 2022, 1:51 AM
    Andres, could you update to 3.11 - I am also currently testing succesfully on 4.0 dev site
  • wahid Anwar
    ཟླ་, 6 ༣ 2022, 8:07 PM
    Andres, could you update to 3.11
  • Emma Richardson
    ལྷག་, 29 ༣ 2022, 12:06 AM
    It works just fine in 3.11 - have also successfully tested in 4.0 beta...
  • Emma Richardson
    སངས་, 9 ༡༡ 2023, 12:35 AM
    I have successfully tested this on 4.3 with no errors.
  • domenico recchia
    ཕུར་, 7 ༢ 2024, 11:47 PM
    Doesn't work on 4.1. The fields relating to the course do not appear, much less the course access button.
  • Emma Richardson
    སངས་, 8 ༢ 2024, 12:39 AM
    What do you mean the fields related to the course? It is working just fine on 4.1.
  • domenico recchia
    སངས་, 8 ༢ 2024, 4:07 PM
    Hi Emma, my apologize, the plugin works great on the version. 4.1.
    I had only skipped one step, which was enabling the end date of the course.
  • Ievgenii Vasiuk
    ཉི་, 8 ༢ 2025, 2:20 AM
    Thank you for this plugin!
    It's exactly what I needed (compared to other attendance plugins which supported only course events).
    Tested - it works great on Moodle 4.5
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