Course Merge Helper

General plugins (Local) ::: local_course_merge
Maintained by Charles Fulton, Andrew Zito
This local module allows teachers to create a new course shell from existing courses using the Course Meta Link enrollment method.
Latest release:
157 sites
33 fans
Current versions available: 5

This local module allows teachers to create a new course shell from existing courses using the Course Meta Link enrollment method. The intended use case is a teacher combining multiple sections of a course into a single course while preserving the enrollments of the original courses. It does not merge the existing contents of courses.

To create a new course go to one of the source courses and click "Create Merged Course" in the Course Administration block. You'll be taken to a page where you can select the other courses to link into the new course, the name and other settings for the new course, and whether to hide the source courses (on by default). Once you've made all your selections click "Create". The plugin will do the following:

  • Create the new course with the given settings
  • Create a course meta link enrollment between each source course and the new course
  • Hide the source courses if requested
  • Take you into the new course


Screenshot #0


Charles Fulton (Lead maintainer)
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  • Jerwin Rodriguez
    Thu, 18 May 2017, 12:27
    Hi! I'm having this error when I an trying to install the plugins.

    Debugging output enabled
    Validating local_course_merge ... Error
    [OK] Name of the plugin to be installed [course_merge]
    Help with Name of the plugin to be installed

    [OK] Plugin version [2016122100]
    [OK] Required Moodle version [2016052300]
    [OK] Full component name [local_course_merge]
    [OK] Declared maturity level [MATURITY_STABLE]
    Help with Declared maturity level

    [OK] Plugin release [v1.1.0]
    [Debug] Found language file [local_course_merge]
    [Error] Write access check [/webapps/apps/app1/public_html/moodle/local]
    Installation aborted due to validation failure

    Hope you can help me with this. Thank you.
  • Charles Fulton
    Thu, 18 May 2017, 19:05
    That sounds like a permissions problem on your web server; it's not related to the plugin. See
  • Ben Kahn
    Fri, 24 Jan 2020, 02:08
    Hi, apologies if this isn't the best place to post, I also asked this on the Moodle forums:

    My question is on how to use the Regex component to standardize the names of the merged courses. The says that there are examples in the settings page of the plugin but that does not seem to be the case for me after installing the plugin on a dev site.

    Can anyone offer any pointers or point me to resources? Note I don't necessarily need help writing a regex, just need to understand how they are applied via this plugin. Many thanks!
  • Charles Fulton
    Tue, 28 Jan 2020, 00:10
    Hi Ben,

    You're quite right; the settings page doesn't contain any real examples. I think I must have copy-pasted text from the course template plugin (which does). Anyway, I've created which does explain how the regex functionality works. Please let me know if you have any further questions.


  • Ben Kahn
    Tue, 28 Jan 2020, 07:49
    Hey Charles, many thanks. That does clarify things. In my case I was missing that I needed to include start and stop characters (/) and use parens to group each element for extraction. Working great for me now!
  • Blair F.
    Wed, 27 Mar 2024, 00:36
    This plugin could be amazing for us, so I'm pretty excited. However, I cannot get it to work due to a permissions error that I cannot figure out. It tells the instructor that they don't have the capability to create groups. But they do, from everything I can see.
    I have checked the site, as well as the category in which the shell is being created.
  • Charles Fulton
    Wed, 27 Mar 2024, 03:43
    Hi Blair,

    Can you post the full error and stack trace (with debugging enabled)?

  • Blair F.
    Wed, 27 Mar 2024, 03:57
    Thank you for looking into this! Here it is. I have also tried all morning to track down where this capability might be blocking the user, but I haven't found anything.
    Sorry, but you do not currently have permissions to do that (Manage groups).

    More information about this error

    Debug info:
    Error code: nopermissions×Dismiss this notification
    Stack trace:
    line 870 of /lib/accesslib.php: required_capability_exception thrown
    line 160 of /enrol/meta/lib.php: call to require_capability()
    line 111 of /local/course_merge/classes/merge_course.php: call to enrol_meta_plugin->update_instance()
    line 88 of /local/course_merge/classes/merge_course.php: call to local_course_merge\merge_course::create_groups()
    line 73 of /local/course_merge/index.php: call to local_course_merge\merge_course::create_course()
  • Charles Fulton
    Wed, 27 Mar 2024, 04:20
    The specific capability check is for moodle/course:managegroups; I believe the context being checked here is actually the that of the "source" courses, and not the new shell. The plugin itself isn't doing the permissions check; it's being done by the enrol_meta core plugin.
  • Blair F.
    Wed, 27 Mar 2024, 06:09
    Thank you, Charles.

    Your comment got me to think the settings of the Course Meta Link and I found that the problem was that I was NOT syncing the Teacher role (enrol_meta | nosyncroleids). Once I included the Teacher in the sync, it worked as expected.

    THANK YOU for taking the time to help me with this.
  • Charles Fulton
    Wed, 27 Mar 2024, 21:43
    Hi Blair, you're welcome, and I'm glad you got to the bottom of the issue. I've updated the plugin README based on your experience.
  • Blair F.
    Fri, 29 Mar 2024, 00:45
    You are awesome, Charles. Thank you.

    I've learned a lot about regular expressions, and I'm nearly at the point where I have the results I want for the new course name, but I have one more issue to resolve: Adding a delimiter between the [SECTIONS]. For example, I have 3 sections: 60509, 61398, and 61403. Right now, the result shows as 605096139861403 and I'd like it be something like 60509,61398,61403 or 60509.61398.61403 or 60509/61398/61403. I see no way of doing that, am I correct?
  • Charles Fulton
    Fri, 29 Mar 2024, 02:19
    That's correct, that's not supported right now. At Lafayette the sections are numbered starting from 1, so we never got results that unreasonable, though it gets messy when there are a dozen lab sections. A delimiter is a good idea, subject to whatever limitations there are with that field in Moodle.
  • Blair F.
    Fri, 29 Mar 2024, 02:29
    Good to know.

    We rarely refer actual section numbers (e.g. 001,002,003... at our school). Instead we refer to 5-digit CRNs. So I'm grabbing the CRNs from the original course names and then using that as the section field so that I can include each CRN in the new name.

    Only for the purpose of understanding...
    In our example, the three original course NAMES are:
    MATH 1111 - Introduction to Statistics (CRN 60509)
    MATH 1111 - Introduction to Statistics (CRN 61398)
    MATH 1111 - Introduction to Statistics (CRN 61403)
    Which, with my workaround ends up building a new name of
    MATH 1111 - Introduction to Statistics CRNs 605096139861403

    That's why this has come up for me.

    For now, I could just get the instructors to add their own delimiters.

    Again, thanks for your very quick responses and help. 10 out 10 from me!
  • Blair F.
    Fri, 29 Mar 2024, 04:08

    Although I cannot insert a character with regular expressions, I managed to figure out that I can use that space between CRN and the number (e.g. CRN 65432) as part of the expression...


    resulting in this:
    MATH 1111 - Introduction to Statistics CRNs 60509 61398 61403

    I'm content with that.
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