Trail format

Course formats ::: format_trail
Maintained by José Wilson da Costa
Trail format was developed based on the Grid format plugin. He distributes the grids on a trail. Some features were designed to meet some aspects of gamification, being able to change the background style and transparency for grids. In addition to having the responsibility for mobile equipment.
Latest release:
1524 sites
72 fans
Current versions available: 2

Trail Course Format

Trail format was developed based on the Grid format plugin. He distributes the grids on a trail. Some features were designed to meet some aspects of gamification, being able to change the background style and transparency for grids. In addition to having the responsibility for mobile equipment.

Required version of Moodle

This version works with Moodle 3.8 version 2019111704 (Build: 2019111704) and above within the 3.8 branch until the next release.

Please ensure that your hardware and software complies with 'Requirements' in 'Installing Moodle' on ''.

Free Software

The Trail format is 'free' software under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 License, please see 'COPYING.txt'.

You have all the rights granted to you by the GPLv3 license. If you are unsure about anything, then the FAQ - - is a good place to look.

All images used in the plugin are under the Creative Commons license.

If you reuse any of the code then I kindly ask that you make reference to the format.


  1. Ensure you have the version of Moodle as stated above in 'Required version of Moodle'. This is essential as the format relies on underlying core code that is out of my control.
  2. Put Moodle in 'Maintenance Mode' ( so that there are no users using it bar you as the administrator - if you have not already done so.
  3. Copy 'trail' to '/course/format/' if you have not already done so.
  4. Go back in as an administrator and follow standard the 'plugin' update notification. If needed, go to 'Site administration' -> 'Notifications' if this does not happen.
  5. Put Moodle out of Maintenance Mode.
  6. You may need to check that the permissions within the 'trail' folder are 755 for folders and 644 for files.


  1. Put Moodle in 'Maintenance Mode' so that there are no users using it bar you as the administrator.
  2. It is recommended but not essential to change all of the courses that use the format to another. If this is not done Moodle will pick the last format in your list of formats to use but display in 'Edit settings' of the course the first format in the list. You can then set the desired format.
  3. In '/course/format/' remove the folder 'trail'.
  4. In the database, remove the row with the 'plugin' of 'format_trail' and 'name' of 'version' in the 'config_plugins' table and drop the 'format_trail_icon' and 'format_trail_summary' tables.
  5. Put Moodle out of Maintenance Mode.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
Screenshot #4
Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6
Screenshot #7
Screenshot #8
Screenshot #9


José Wilson da Costa (Lead maintainer)
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  • José Wilson da Costa
    Mi., 5. Okt. 2022, 19:46
    By default the sections come without an image, you need to activate editing and click on the "Change image" option to send the desired image.
  • Leandro Ribeiro
    Mi., 26. Okt. 2022, 07:44

    Você tem planos de inserir a opção para mostrar um tópico por página?

    Parabéns pelo projeto.

  • Ritchie Langley
    Mi., 14. Dez. 2022, 18:35
    Thank you for creating a great format.

    We have recently upgraded to 4.x but get an error when using PHP 8 (similar to that in your 3.x branch):

    Exception - imagejpeg() expects at most 3 arguments, 4 given

    Is there an easy fix for this?

    Many thanks
  • Jean-Pierre Mouret
    Di., 24. Jan. 2023, 05:08
    @Ritchie Langley
    Moodle Core supports PHP 8.0 - but not all plugins work with PHP 8.
    You should use PHP 7.4!

  • Ritchie Langley
    Di., 24. Jan. 2023, 15:21
    @Jean-Pierre Mouret

    Hi, thanks for this however PHP 7.4 is no longer in support. In fact 8.0 only has security updates until November this year!

    We shouldn't really be running versions that no longer receive security updates.

    I have added code that passes one less param for imagejpeg() as a temporary fix. There are other issues I suspect when you check the warnings so possible issues when we move to 8.1 and above later this year.

    Are there any plans to tweak this great plugin or shall I continue to patch?

    Best regards
  • Vinicio Calahorrano
    Di., 28. März 2023, 22:24
    Hola José, gracias por crear un formato genial, pero tengo un inconveniente, cree 6 temas y el curso tiene alrededor de 4000 participantes pero por alguna razón que no logro descubrir a algunos de los participantes no les permite iniciar con la primera sección, dan clic y no tiene ninguna acción, por favor como podría solucionar el inconveniente, muchas gracias.
  • José Wilson da Costa
    Mi., 29. März 2023, 03:57
    @Vinicio Calahorrano, No puedo identificar el error que te está pasando. Si es posible, habilite la depuración y vea si se muestran mensajes de error.
  • Mario Henao
    So., 23. Apr. 2023, 22:19
    Hola, un saludo, mis felicitaciones por el Plugin, quisire apreguntrate dos cosas:

    1. ¿Cuando sale la version para moodle 4.1?
    2. ¿ Es posible personalizar las rutas (los fondos), y si se puede ¿Cómo se hace?, Mucahs gracias
  • Steve Ottevaere
    Di., 1. Aug. 2023, 00:13

    I'm on Moodle 4.2.1+ and PHP8.1.

    Same problem with the message "Exception - imagejpeg() expects at most 3 arguments, 4 given".

    As a workaround, I have replace de line 2851 of the file /course/format/trail/lib.php

    Old line : if (!$imagefnc($finalimage, null, $quality, $filters)) {

    New line : if (!$imagefnc($finalimage, null, $quality/*, $filters*/)) {

    It would be great if the whole plugin could be corrected to be php 8.1 compatible.

    Thanks a lot,

  • Duarteaugust august
    Di., 19. Sept. 2023, 01:40
    Agradeço pelo ótimo plugin. Estou tendo uma dificuldade. Coloquei um rótulo com vídeo youtube dentro de uma seção. Quando clico no X para fechar o popup, o vídeo continua sendo executado. É perceptível pelo áudio.
    Como faço pro vídeo parar de ser executado após fechar o popup?
    Desde já agradeço qualquer ajuda!

    Thanks for the great plugin. I'm having a hard time. I placed a label with YouTube video within a section. When I click the X to close the popup, the video continues playing. It is noticeable through the audio.
    How do I stop the video from playing after closing the popup?
    Thanks in advance for your help!
  • Frank Burger
    Mi., 17. Jan. 2024, 22:49
    Is there a way to remove or change the language of "inicio" and "fim" at the beginning and end of the trail?
  • Leles Gomes
    Do., 18. Jan. 2024, 05:19
    Olá! Estou tendo um problema. As imagens de capa dos tópicos da trilha não carregam e também não consigo fazer upload. Dá o seguinte erro: Exceção - imagejpeg() expects at most 3 arguments, 4 given

    Versão do Moodle 4.2


    Fr., 29. März 2024, 03:45
    Olá! Gostei muito desse plugin, instalei e estou fazendo testes para aplicar em um curso. Porém gostaríamos de saber se é possível adicionar novos backgrounds para as trilhas. Se sim, quais seriam os requisitos para a imagem e como incluir? Agradeço antecipadamente pela sua orientação.
  • Cristiam Trujillo
    Fr., 12. Apr. 2024, 20:29
    Hola buen día José. Quería comentarte que estoy enfrentando un problema con el formato en Moodle 4.3. Parece que está teniendo dificultades al renderizar las secciones. Antes, el formato mostraba las secciones de la siguiente manera: 2-1-2-1... Sin embargo, con la actualización a 4.3, ahora me muestra 2-1-1-1-1. Es decir, solo muestra dos secciones dentro del mismo
    • en las dos primeras, y luego renderiza las siguientes secciones por separado, cada una dentro de su propio
      • . He intentado buscar si se trata de alguna configuración, pero no he encontrado nada al respecto. Desde ya muchas gracias!
  • Juan Prado
    Mi., 1. Mai 2024, 09:42
    When will be the plugin compatible to Moodle 4.4? Thanks
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