Collapsed Topics

Course formats ::: format_topcoll
Maintained by Gareth J BarnardGareth J Barnard
An interchangeable topic or week based format that solves the issue of the 'Scroll of Death' when a course has many topics.

Collapsed Topics

Moodle 2.0
Released: Friday, 4 May 2012, 2:44 AM
Topic based course format with an individual 'toggle' for each topic except 0. This format differs from the
Accordion format in that two or more topics can be visible at the same time.

This version works with Moodle 2.0.x.

Documented on

1. Put Moodle in 'Maintenance Mode' ( so that there are no users using it bar you as the
2. Copy 'topcoll' to '/course/format/'
3. If using a Unix based system, chmod 755 on config.php - I have not tested this but have been told that it needs to be done.
4. In 'config.php' change the values of '$TCCFG->defaultlayoutelement' and '$TCCFG->defaultlayoutstructure' for setting the default layout
and structure respectively for new / updating courses as desired by following the instructions contained within.
5. In 'config.php' change the values of '$TCCFG->defaulttgfgcolour', '$TCCFG->defaulttgbgcolour' and '$TCCFG->defaulttgbghvrcolour' for
setting the default toggle colours.
6. In 'config.php' change the value of '$TCCFG->defaultcookieconsent' in line with your countries law on cookies.
7. Login as an administrator and follow standard the 'plugin' update notification. If needed, go to 'Site administration' -> 'Notifications' if
this does not happen.
8. If desired, edit the colours of the topics_collapsed.css - which contains instructions on how to have per theme colours.
9. To change the arrow graphic you need to replace arrow_up.png and arrow_down.png. Reuse the graphics
if you want. Created in Paint.Net.
10. Put Moodle out of Maintenance Mode.

Upgrade Instructions
1. Put Moodle in 'Maintenance Mode' so that there are no users using it bar you as the adminstrator.
2. In '/course/format/' move old 'topcoll' directory to a backup folder outside of Moodle.
3. Follow installation instructions above.
4. Put Moodle out of Maintenance Mode.

1. Put Moodle in 'Maintenance Mode' so that there are no users using it bar you as the adminstrator.
2. It is recommended but not essential to change all of the courses that use the format to another. If this is not done Moodle will pick the
last format in your list of formats to use but display in 'Edit settings' of the course the first format in the list. You can then set the
desired format.
3. In '/course/format/' remove the folder 'topcoll'.
4. In the database, remove the tables 'format_topcoll_settings' and 'format_topcoll_cookie_cnsnt' along with the entry for 'format_topcoll'
('plugin' attribute) in the table 'config_plugins'. If using the default prefix this will be 'mdl_format_topcoll_settings',
'mdl_format_topcoll_cookie_cnsnt' and 'mdl_config_plugins' respectively.
5. Put Moodle out of Maintenance Mode.

Course Backup and Restore Instructions
1. Backup as you would any other course. The layout configuration will be stored with the course settings.
2. Restore as you would any other course. If you are offered the option of 'Overwrite Course Configuration' you must say 'Yes' to have the layout configuration restored otherwise the restored course will retain the layout it previously had or the default in the 'config.php' file as mentioned in the 'Installation' instructions above depending on the situation.
3. Note: I believe that if you restore a Collapsed Topic's course on an installation that does not have the format then it will work and become the default course format. However the layout data will not be stored if you install Collapsed Topic's at a later date.

UK / EU Cookie Law
On the 28th April 2012 I became aware of a new UK Cookie Law that will be in force on the 26th May 2012 and I think earlier in the EU. In reading and the associated guidance on I considered that the cookie used for remembering the state of the toggle is 'strictly necessary' according to page nine of the guidance. However, in reading '' it could be considered that it is a 'Category 3' cookie and therefore wording does need to be placed on the course before a toggle is pressed. Therefore to support this I have created version 2.2.6 to allow you to support the law if you deem necessary as I am not a lawyer.

The format creates and stores a cookie 'mdl_cf_topcoll' on the users computer. This is a session cookie (unless changed to a persistent one in 'Remembered Toggle State Instructions' below). The cookie consists of one or more strings of the format 'SiteshortnameCourseid=Data'. The 'Data' is a base 36 encoded 53 bit string to represent the state of the toggles. There are 52 bits, one for each toggle, because of the maximum number of sections that can be defined in the course settings. The 53'rd bit is always '1' so that preceeding '0's are not eleminated in the conversion process. Base 36 encoding is used purely for compression purposes as cookies have limited storage space and use of base 16 'hexidecimal' would be a larger string. I consider that the statement in the guidance 'where such storage or access is strictly necessary for the provision of an information society service requested by the subscriber or user' on page nine applies because each bit is used to set the state of the toggle thus being open or closed. When the user clicks on a toggle, it's state is remembered so that when they return / refresh the course the toggles are as they left them. That's it, they are not transmitted or used for any other purpose. Therefore in 'requesting' to use the course and the format it is 'essential to provide the service requested by the user' and the cookie is not stored until a toggle is clicked upon. But it could also be said of 'Category 3' where it says 'These cookies are used to remember customer selections that change the way the site behaves or looks.' in the 'icc_uk_cookie_guide.pdf' - hence the implementation of the functionality.

Cookie Consent Information
The state of consent for using cookies is stored in the table 'format_topcoll_cookie_cnsnt' in the database. When a user first accesses any 'Collapsed Topics' course an entry is made for them. The 'id' field is a standard sequence as defined for all Moodle tables. The 'userid' attribute is the standard Moodle user id value. The 'cookieconsent' attribute can have one of three values, 1 - Display message (Default), 2 - Use cookie and 3 - Don't use cookie. If you need to perform a 'reset' on all or one of the users as indicated in the consent message for whatever reason, then this is the table to alter. It is quite safe to remove one or more records whilst the system is running. Once a user makes a selection, then this decision will apply to all 'Collapsed Topics' courses. There is no current code to delete an entry when a user is deleted - I'm not yet sure of how to do this.

It is worth noting that the 'format_topcoll_cookie_cnsnt' table is not backed up by the format's backup code as that pertains to course backups and this is a system thing.

You can turn on '$TCCFG->defaultcookieconsent' in 'config.php' at any time even when the system is being used by users.

Remembered Toggle State Instructions
To have the state of the toggles be remembered beyond the session for a user (stored as a cookie in the user's
web browser local storage area), edit format.php and find the following at the towards the top...

preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $SITE->shortname),
null)); // Expiring Cookie Initialisation - replace 'null' with your chosen duration.

Millisecond values for standard durations are:
a Second = 1000
a Minute = 60000
an Hour = 3600000
a Day = 86400000
a Week = 604800000 is 7 Days.
a Month = 2419200000 is 4 Weeks.
a Year = 31536000000 is 365 Days.

The word to change is 'null' which says to create a 'session cookie' for the toggle state. Set the time in milliseconds in the
future. For example a remembered state of a week would be:

preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $SITE->shortname),
604800000)); // Expiring Cookie Initialisation - replace 'null' with your chosen duration.

You can combine the durations together and perform mathematical operations, for example, to have a
duration in the future of one day 38 minutes and 30 seconds you would have:

preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", "", $SITE->shortname),
88710000)); // Expiring Cookie Initialisation - replace 'null' with your chosen duration.

Calculated by 'a Day' + ('a Minute' * 38) + ('a Second' * 30) = 86400000 + (60000 * 38) + (1000 * 30) = 88710000

To revert back to session cookies, simply put back the word 'null'.

NOTE: The client's browser must support the persistent storage of cookies in the user's profile for this to work. I realise that
some configured systems do not allow this and therefore this mechanism will not work. However, I anticipate that setting
an expiring cookie will be fine as it will simply be deleted in environments where they are removed on log out, but will have
use when the user is at home and remotely logs in.

Known Issues
1. If you get toggle text issues in languages other than English please ensure you have the latest version of Moodle installed. More
information on
2. AJAX drag and drop appears not to be working in IE 9 for me, but is in compatibility mode (IE 7) and same issue with the standard
topics format too. Hence I consider it to be either an issue with my system or Moodle Core. If you experience it and wish to use
the up and down arrows, edit lib.php and remove "'MSIE' => 6.0," from:
"$ajaxsupport->testedbrowsers = array('MSIE' => 6.0, 'Gecko' => 20061111, 'Opera' => 9.0, 'Safari' => 531, 'Chrome' => 6.0);"
And if possible, please let me know, my profile is ''.
3. Hovering over the light bulb when in a week based structure and using AJAX that it describes 'topics' and not 'weeks'. See comment
ten for Version 2.2.5.
4. User entries in the 'format_topcoll_cookie_cnsnt' table are not removed when a user is deleted.

Version Information
21st February 2009 - Version 0.1

1st March 2009 - Version 0.2

2nd March 2009 - Version 1.0

3rd March 2009 - Version 1.1
Adjusted the Topic Toggle to make the topic summary standout more.

28th June 2009 - Version 1.2 - Persistence - tested on Moodle 1.9.5.
1. Persistence is session based on a per user per course basis.
2. Cookies must be enabled for it to work.
3. I need to tidy up the code and remove the development comments.
4. I would like to slightly alter the binary string to be an array.
5. I would like to make the lib.js functions a part of a class for future proofing.
6. Sort out page refresh event so that it works instead of saving the cookie every time a toggle is toggled.

15th July 2009 - Version 1.3 - Visual tidy up and Javascript file reduction!
1. Moved the prefix words of 'Topic x' to the right hand side of the toggle when the summary exists.
2. Compressed the lib.js into lib_min.js for faster loading using YUICompressor - original source still available.
3. Moved as much as possible into css so that the files can be cached by the web browser and less transmitted in
terms of HTML.
4. Sorted out the way the topic table is constructed in terms of column widths to be more robust on different
web browsers. Tested on a Vista PC with: FireFox 3.5, IE 8.0.6001.18783 in both normal and compatibility
modes, Google Chrome, Safari 4.0 (530.17) and Opera 9.64 build 10487.

16th July 2009 - Moodle 2.0 Development Version
This is now the 2.0 development version under the HEAD CVS Tag.

Development Notes:
21st August 2009 -
1. Fully comment code for future reference.
2. Please see the documentation on

24th August 2009 -
1. Removed duplication in section name.
2. Tidied up format.php to be XHTML strict in line with -
but I will need to revisit this at the end of development to tidy up any unintentional introduced issues &
adapt to have a non-javascript functionality where all the contents of the toggles are shown and the toggles do
not exist.
3. Converted to using the Page Requirements Manager ($PAGE) as much as possible for JavaScript.

23rd January 2010 - Moodle Tracler CONTRIB-1756
1. Put instructions in the CSS file 'topics_collapsed.css' on how you can define theme based toggle colours.
2. Redesigned the arrow to be more 'modern'.

16th February 2010 - Moodle Tracker CONTRIB-1825
1. Removed the capability to 'Show topic x' unless editing as confusing to users.
2. Removed redundant 'aToggle' as existing $course->numsections already contained the correct figure
and counting toggles that are displayed causes an issue when in 'Show topic x' mode as the toggle
number does not match the display number for the specific element.
3. Removed redundant calls to 'get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id)' as result already
stored in $context variable towards the top - so use in more places.

5th April 2010 - Moodle Tracker CONTRIB-1952 & CONTRIB-1954
1. CONTRIB-1952 - Having an apostrophy in the site shortname causes the format to fail.
2. CONTRIB-1954 - Reloading of the toggles by using JavaScript DOM events not working for the function reload_toggles,
but instead the function was being called at the end of the page regardless of the readiness state of the DOM.

31st July 2010 - Summary of developments towards release version as I keep pace with Moodle 2.0 changes:
13th April 2010 - CONTRIB-1471 - Changes as a result of MDL-15252, MDL-21693 & MDL-22056.
24th April 2010 - CONTRIB-1471 - Fixed section jump when in 'Show only topic x' mode.
31st May 2010 - CONTRIB-1471 - thanks to Skodak in 1.120 of format.php in the topics format - summaryformat attribute in section class.
11th June 2010 - CONTRIB-1471 as a result of MDL-22647 - Changes to Moodle 2.0 callbacks in lib.php.
3rd July 2010 - CONTRIB-1471 as a result of MDL-20475 & MDL-22950.
30th July 2010 - CONTRIB-1471 as a result of MDL-20628 and CONTRIB-2111 - in essence, sections now have a name attribute, so this can be
used for the topic name instead of the section summary - far better.

12th September 2010 - Moodle Tracker CONTRIB-2355 & CONTRIB-1471
1. CONTRIB-2355 - Added the ability to remove 'topic x' and the section number from being displayed. To do this, open up
format.php in a text editor - preferably with line numbers displayed - such as Notepad++ - and read the
instructions on lines 216 and 226.
2. CONTRIB-1471 - Changes as a result of MDL-14679.

24th September 2010 - CONTRIB-1471 - Changes as a result of MDL-24321 - changed object to stdClass.

17th October 2010 - CONTRIB-1471 - Changes as a result of MDL-14679, MDL-20366 and MDL-24316.
1. Removed the requirement of needing js-override-topcoll.css - to make things simpler.
2. Tidied up some of the JavaScript to be slightly more efficient.

25th October 2010 - CONTRIB-1471 - Removal of redundant Javascript Code.

6th November 2010 - CONTRIB-1471 - Changes as follows:
1. ajax.php changed to add more browser support as a result of MDL-22528.
2. format.php changed in light of MDL-24680, MDL-24895, MDL-24927.
3. Fixed edit icon showing even when not in edit mode. A big thank you to Peeush Bajpai - -
for spotting this and suggesting the fix.
4. Added Dutch language. Thanks to Pieter Wolters - - for this.

12th November 2010 - CONTRIB-1471 & CONTRIB-2497 - Changes as a result of MDL-25072:
1. Movement of ajax capable stating 'code' from ajax.php to lib.php.
2. As a consequence, ajax.php removed.
3. Added German, French, Spanish (Spain, Mexico and International), Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil too)
and Welsh. I used Google Translate! If inaccurate, please let me know!
4. Added the string 'topcolltogglewidth' to the relevant language file and amended format.php so that
the word 'Topic' when translated fits within the toggle.

20th November 2010 - CONTRIB-1471 - Changes as follows:
1. In format.php added completionlib.php include as a result of MDL-24698.
2. In lib.php fixed non-functioning code added as a result of MDL-22647 which means that the navigation block will
correctly display the right wording for the section names: 'General' for section 0, 'Topic' for other sections
unless they have names defined by the user on the course, in which case they will be displayed. Language
changes of the 12th November will give translations for 'General' and 'Topic'.

Released Moodle 2.0 version. Treat as completed and out of development.
25th November 2010 - CONTRIB-1471 - Changes as follows:
1. As Moodle 2.0 was released on the 24th November now using lib_min.js.
2. Tidied up and removed any development code / styles that was not being used.
3. Sorted out topic spacing for Internet Explorer 7 and below. This also has the side effect bonus of not allowing
section content to appear above the toggle when the toggle is open and closed with the mouse - reload is not affected.
This only affects Internet Explorer 7-, other web browsers work as expected.
4. Removed   when no summary as putting in spacing that was pointless and made the section look odd.
5. Removed redundant $timenow = time() line as not used. Strangely this is in the topic format's format.php - MDL-25417 raised.

12th March 2011 - Version 1.1 - Moodle Tracker CONTRIB-2747
1. Make the toggle state last beyond the user session if desired.
2. Changes made for MDL-25927 & MDL-23939.
3. Because of 'displaysection' logic issue introduced with MDL-23939, I've decided to allow the showing of a single topic
regardless of being in editing mode or not. I think that the improved functionality of showing the topic fully when in
'single topic' mode will be fine.

9th May 2011 - Version 1.2 - Moodle Tracker CONTRIB-2925
1. Convert all language files to UTF-8 encoding.

12th May 2011 - Version 1.2.1 - Fixed typo with this readme in expiring cookie duration example.

30th May 2011 - Version 1.2.2 - Moodle Tracker CONTRIB-2963
1. Added in copyright and contact information.

9th June 2011 - Version 1.2.3 - Moodle Tracker CONTRIB-2975 - Unfinished.
1. AJAX support temporarily withdrawn due to issue with moving sections and the toggle title not following.
Complex to resolve.

6th October 2011 - Version 1.3 - Moodle Tracker CONTRIB-2975, CONTRIB-3189 and CONTRIB-3190.
1. CONTRIB-2975 - AJAX support reinstated after working out a way of swapping the content as well as the toggle. Solution sparked off by
Amanda Doughty (
2. CONTRIB-3189 - Reported by Benn Cass that text in IE8- does not hide when the toggle is closed, solution suggested
by Mark Ward ( - please see
3. CONTRIB-3190 - In realising that to make CONTRIB-2975 easier to use I suggested 'Toggle all' functionality and the
community said it was a good idea with no negative comments, please see (

11th October 2011 - Version 1.3.1 - Branched from Moodle 2.0.x version.
1. Updated version.php to be fully populated.
2. MDL-29188 - Formatting of section name. Causing Moodle 2.1.x branch of Collapsed Topics.

8th December 2011 - Version - Moodle Tracker CONTRIB-2497
1. Updated Brazilian translation thanks to Tarcísio Nunes (
2. Changed version to relate to Moodle version, so this is for Moodle 2.0.

9th December 2011 - Version - Moodle Tracker CONTRIB-3295
1. Fixed issue of the web browser miscaluating the width of the content in 'editing' mode so that the sections
are less than 100%.

10th January 2012 - Version
1. Corrected licence to be correct one used by Moodle plugins - thanks to Tim Hunt (

23rd January 2012 - Version 2.0.4
1. Sorted out UTF-8 BOM issue, see MDL-31343.
2. Added Russian translation, thanks to Pavel Evgenjevich Timoshenko (

2nd February 2012 - Version 2.0.5 - BETA
1. Added capability for layouts with persisence in the database.

4th February 2012 - Version 2.0.5 - BETA 2
1. A big thank you to Carlos Sánchez Martín ( for his help in discovering the install.xml bug.
2. Fixed issue with install.xml file, gained knowledge on uninstallation for the note below:

5th February 2012 - Version 2.0.5 - BETA 3
1. A big thank you to Carlos Sánchez Martín ( spotting issues in set_layout.php.
2. Fixed issues in set_layout.php.
3. Tidied up code to remove debug statements and development code.
4. Created icon for setting the layout instead of words.
5. Made strings in the English language file for the layout options and 'Set layout format'. Others to follow.
6. Raised CONTRIB-3378 to document the development.

8th February 2012 - Version 2.0.5 - BETA 4
1. A big thank you to Andrew Nicols ( for his contribution on the developer forum (
2. Implemented the fixes and suggestions to tidy up the code as specified by Andrew above.
3. Implemented Spanish translations thanks to Carlos Sánchez Martín (

11th February 2012 - Version 2.0.5 - BETA 5
1. Implemented the capability to have different 'structures' thereby encapsulating the 'Collapsed Weeks' and 'Latest First' formats into this one.
2. If you have previously installed this development, you need to drop the table 'format_topcoll_layout' in your database to upgrade as I do
not wish to have a complicated upgrade.php in the db folder at this stage whilst development continues.
3. As a consequence of some changes, the Spanish translation now needs fixing, sorry Carlos.

12th February 2012 - Version 2.0.5 - BETA 6
1. Fixed CONTRIB-3283 in lib.js (and hence lib_min.js) for when you are in display only 'Section x' mode and the number of sections is reduced, you go back to the course with a section number for you in the database that no longer exists and the 'Jump to...' drop down box does not work. Leading to having to change the database or the value of 'ctopics' in the URL to that od a valid one.
2. Added 'callback_topcoll_get_section_url' in 'lib.php' for MDL-26477.
3. Corrected slight mistake with version number.

15th February 2012 - Version 2.0.5 - BETA 7
1. Added strings for MDL-26105 in format_topcoll.php.
2. Used non-depreciated 'create_table' method in 'upgrade.php'.
3. Finally worked out how to ensure that the 'Settings Block' displays the course and not front page administration by using 'require_login($course)'.

18th February 2012 - Version 2.0.5 - BETA 8
1. CONTRIB-3225 - Added screen reader capability using 'h3' tags, the same as the standard Topics format.

25th February 2012 - Version 2.0.5 - Release Candidate 1
1. Added help information to the drop down options on the set layout form.
2. Tidied up to be consistent and use less words where required.
3. In format.php changed from depreciated js_function_call() to js_init_call().
4. If you have previously installed a beta version you will need to drop the table 'format_topcoll_layout' in the database.
5. If you are a native speaker of a language other than English, I would be grateful of a translation of the new language strings in 'lang/en/format_topcoll.php' under the comment 'Layout enhancement - Moodle Tracker CONTRIB-3378'. Please message me using the details in my Moodle profile ''.

28th February 2012 - Version 2.0.5 - Release Candidate 2
1. Added 'Current Topic First' as a new structure as suggested by 'Hartmut Scherer' ( on discussion '
Collapsed Topics with Custom Layouts' (
2. Fixed an issue in moving to js_init_call() in RC 1 and then followed the 'JavaScript guidelines' ( and 'How to include javascript file in a new course format?' ( to understand how to transition to using 'module.js' correctly. Still going to include 'tc_section_classes_min.js' using the old way until I can figure out how to do this the new way.
3. 'lib.js' and 'lib_min.js' will remain for reference until I backport the code to the Moodle 1.9 version which does not follow the changes in '2' and work out how to merge in Git and not have those files removed in that branch.
4. In 'Show only section x' mode the 'Open / Close all toggles' option is not shown as not really appropriate.
5. Topic structure now opens current section by default in the same way as the weekly ones.
6. Changed name of 'Latest First' to 'Latest Week First' to be clearer.

NOTE: If uninstallation fails, drop the table 'format_topcoll_layout' and the entry for 'format_topcoll' in the table 'config_plugins' where tables are with the prefix you use, the default being 'mdl_'. Then delete the installation folder and replace with the current stable version.

28th February 2012 - Version 2.0.5 - Release Candidate 3
1. Tidied up 'module.js' to be more efficient in using the YUI instance given.
2. Updated installation and toggle state instructions.
3. Added uninstall procedure in the unlikely event that you need it.

29th February 2012 - Version 2.0.5 - Release Candidate 4
1. Updated Spanish language files thanks to Carlos Sánchez Martín.
2. Added setting default layout and structure to installation instructions.
3. Decided to have '$formcourselayoutstrutures' out of config.php to prevent possible future user error.
4. Spotted a minor issue with changing language whilst on the 'Set Layout' form. Added to known issues as very minor and rare as almost certainly the user will not have changed language on this form but would have done so beforehand.
5. Fixed duplicate entry issue in 'course_sections' table when the default structure is 'Current Topic First' and a new course is created.

1st March 2012 - Version 2.0.5 - Stable
1. Integrated Git Branch CONTRIB-3378 into stable branch MOODLE_20.
2. Removed redudant lib.js and lib_min.js in this branch.

2nd March 2012 - Version
1. Minor fix to ensure consistent use of $coursecontext and not $context.

14th March 2012 - Version 2.0.6 - BETA - CONTRIB-3520.
1. Added backup and restore functionality. If required when restoring a course 'Overwrite course configuration' needs to be 'Yes' to set the structure and elements correctly.
2. Added the function 'format_topcoll_delete_course' in 'lib.php' which will remove the entry in the 'format_topcoll_layout' table for the course when it is deleted.
3. Added language strings to the language files that were missing previous changes. Still in English at the moment in the hope a native speaker will translate them for me. I intend to translate the basics like 'Topic' and 'Week' though before release in line with what was already there.

15th March 2012 - Version 2.0.6 - CONTRIB-3520 - Stable.
1. Completed files for 1.9 and placed in the root folder of the format in the hope that they are executed by the upgrade restoring code as they are in the Moodle 1.9 version of this issue. I think it is a Moodle core coding issue that they are not called in Moodle 2.x+ when importing a Moodle 1.9 course backup - need to investigate.
2. Translated the words 'Topic' and 'Week' in all language files so that the toggle bar is correct in all structures. If you are a native speaker I would appreciate translation of the rest as Google Translate is not so good with long sentences.
3. Added backup and restore instructions to this file.

16th March 2012 - Version
1. Tried with restorelib.php in the root folder for importing Moodle 1.9 courses and did not work. So for tidiness, moved the Moodle 1.9 backup and restore code to backup/moodle1 folder.
2. So please note that restoring Moodle 1.9 courses in this course format will not retain the structure settings and will default to the values in 'config.php'. I hope to investigate and either fix or have this fixed.

21st March 2012 - Version
1. Received an updated version of 'format_topcoll.php' from Luiggi Sansonetti for the French translation - Merci smile.

26th April 2012 - Version 2.0.7 - CONTRIB-3529 - As suggested by Leonie Vos (
1. Added the ability to set the colour attributes of the toggle.
2. Added the ability to reset the layout and colour attributes back to the defaults as defined in the 'config.php' file.
3. Thank you to 'Nadav Kavalerchik' for pointing out on MDL-23320 how this can be done by modifying the colour picker code implemented by 'Iain Checkland' in his Quick Structure block '', and to 'Matthew Cannings' on MDL-23320 for the colour validation rule.
4. Moved Javascript code into its own folder 'js' for neatness.
5. Renamed 'format_topcoll_layout' table to 'format_topcoll_settings' so that it is a better representation of what it stores. Restores from previous versions should work. Raised MDL-32650 as cannot rename the comment for the renamed table in upgrading installations.
6. Added an American English translation (en_us) because of the incorporation of the word 'colour'. More information on ''. I may have not got everything correct!
7. Added an English Pirate translation (en_ar) upon discovery of the 'Pirate' treasure language pack mee hearties smile.
8. Additional language strings have been placed in the language files, where I have been unable to translate them they are in English, if you are able to translate them into your own language I would appreciate the translation, please contact me via Moodle -
9. Minor tweaks to format.php for showing the correct wording over icons when in a 'weeks' structure.
10. Discovered a minor issue with hovering over the light bulb when in a week based structure and using AJAX that it describes 'topics' and not 'weeks', raised a point on MDL-31052 for this. Not sure how to fix yet as it is in the initialisation code of 'section_classes.js' and overloading does not seem to work.

1st May 2012 - Version 2.0.8 - CONTRIB-3624
1. Implemented code to facilitate the ability to confirm with the user that it is ok to place the cookie 'mdl_cf_topcoll' on their computer. This fucntionality can be switched on / off through the changing of '$TCCFG->defaultcookieconsent' in the format's 'config.php'. This functionality exists because I believe that the cookie is a 'Category 3' cookie in line with the forthcoming UK EU Cookie Law - please see 'UK / EU Cookie Law' at the top of this file.
2. Fixed - Changing the language on the 'Settings' form produces an invalid Moodle URL.
3. Fixed - Toggles are open and sections displayed when JavaScript is turned off in the user's browser.
4. A few fixes to changes made in version 2.2.5 where I had renamed table 'format_topcoll_layout' to 'format_topcoll_settings' in the code.
5. Created a '$TCCFG' object in the 'config.php' file to solve the 'globals' issue in 'lib.php'.

3rd May 2012 - Version
1. Reverted back to unsigned data types in database due to error with MSSQL database code probably in core, but not essential change at
this point in time - see
2. Updated French translation thanks to Luiggi Sansonetti.

I would like to thank Anthony Borrow - & - for his invaluable input.

Craig Grannell of Snub Communications who wrote the article on Collapsed Tables in .Net Magazine Issue 186 from whom
the original code is based and concept used with his permission.

For the Peristence upgrade I would like to thank all those who contributed to the developer forum - - Frank Ralf, Matt Gibson, Howard Miller and Tim Hunt. And
indeed all those who have worked on the developer documentation -

Michael de Raadt for CONTRIB-1945 & 1946 which sparked fixes in CONTRIB-1952 & CONTRIB-1954.

Amanda Doughty ( for her contribution in solving the AJAX move problem.

Mark Ward ( for his contribution solving the IE8- display problem.

Pieter Wolters ( - for the Dutch translation.

Tarcísio Nunes ( - for the Brazilian translation.

Pavel Evgenjevich Timoshenko ( - for the Russian translation.

All of the developers of the Grid Course format ( for showing how the database can be used with a course format.

Carlos Sánchez Martín ( for his assistance on CONTRIB-3378 and the Spanish translation.

Andrew Nicols ( for his assistance on CONTRIB-3378.

Hartmut Scherer ( for suggesting the 'Current Topic First' structure and testing the Moodle 2.2 code on discussion 'Collapsed Topics with Custom Layouts' (

Luiggi Sansonetti ( for the French translation.

.Net Magazine Issue 186 - Article on Collapsed Tables by Craig Grannell -

Craig Grannell -

Accordion Format - Initiated the thought - &

Paint.Net -

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide - David Flanagan - O'Reilly - ISBN: 978-0-596-10199-2

Integrated 'Cookie' icon from - The rest of the 'tc_logo_cookie.png' image is my own work.

Desired Enhancements
1. Use ordered lists / divs instead of tables to fall in line with current web design theory. Older versions of
'certain' browsers causing issues in making this happen.
2. Smoother animated toggle action.

G J Barnard MSc, BSc(Hons)(Sndw), MBCS, CEng, CITP, PGCE - 3rd May 2012.
Moodle profile:

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
Can be updated from (2012031600)
Can be updated to (2012053100), (2012071100)
Stable version
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 2.0

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL
VCS branch
VCS tag

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Course formats

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the module.
  3. Place the folder (eg "myformat") in the "course/format" subdirectory.
  4. Visit to finish the installation