
Filters ::: filter_tabs
Maintained by José Puente Fuentes
Moodle filter which creates tabs in textfields

Tabs 2.5 (Build: 2013073000)

Moodle 2.5
Released: Чоршанбе 31 Июл 2013, 16:39
Moodle filter which creates tabs in textfields

This plugin requires Moodle 2.5+

2013-07-30 - Transfer Github repository from to; Please update your Git paths if necessary
2013-07-30 - Check compatibility for Moodle 2.5, no functionality change
2013-03-18 - Small code improvement, Code cleanup according to moodle codechecker
2013-02-18 - Check compatibility for Moodle 2.4
2012-12-20 - Add missing pluginname zu language file
2012-11-27 - Initial version

Install the plugin like any other plugin to folder

See for details on installing Moodle plugins

First, activate the filter_tabs plugin in Site Administration -> Plugins -> Filters -> Manage filters

To create tabs in textfields, use the following syntax:
{%:Tab title}Tab text{%}

The following placeholders in a textfield:

{%:First tab}Some text{%}
{%:Second tab}Another text{%}

will produce this tab group:

| First tab | Second tab |
| Some text |
| |

filter_tabs should work with all themes from moodle core.
filter_tabs provides a fallback for browsers with JavaScript disabled.

filter_tabs has neither a settings page nor settings in config.php.

Further information
filter_tabs is found in the Moodle Plugins repository:

Report a bug or suggest an improvement:

Moodle release support
Due to limited ressources, filter_tabs is only maintained for the most recent major release of Moodle. However, previous versions of this plugin which work in legacy major releases of Moodle are still available as-is without any further updates in the Moodle Plugins repository.

There may be several weeks after a new major release of Moodle has been published until I can do a compatibility check and fix problems if necessary. If you encounter problems with a new major release of Moodle - or can confirm that filter_tabs still works with a new major relase - please let me know on

Right-to-left support
This plugin has not been tested with Moodle's support for right-to-left (RTL) languages.
If you want to use this plugin with a RTL language and it doesn't work as-is, you are free to send me a pull request on
github with modifications.

Written by Stefan Lehneis, University of Regensburg
Packaged by Alexander Bias, University of Ulm

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
2.5 (Build: 2013073000)
Can be updated from
2.4 (Build: 2013031800) (2013021801)
Can be updated to
2.6 (Build: 2014013100) (2013111800)
Версияи босубот
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 2.5
  • Latest release for Moodle 2.5

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Filters

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the filter plugin.
  3. Place the folder (eg "myfilter") in the "filter" subdirectory.
  4. Visit to finish the installation