Moodle Plugins directory: SynHi filter |

SynHi filter
Filters ::: filter_synhi
Maintained by
Gareth J Barnard
Syntax highlights 'code' or 'pre' then 'code' tags with either EnlighterJS or SyntaxHighlighter. Either can be chosen by the administrator with a choice of styles. Before deciding a 'preview' is shown.
Latest release:
209 sites
13 fans
Current versions available: 3
A syntax highlighter filter with the choice of either EnlighterJS ( - Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0)) or SyntaxHighlighter ( - MIT licensed).
The administrator has 'preview' settings to see what the look will be on example code before the saving. When active, content with a 'pre' or 'code' tag within a course, module or block will be highlighted. Specifically between the Course and Block contexts -
Useful links
Gareth J Barnard (Lead maintainer)
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1) Could you maybe increase the font size for the style "Enlighter"?
2) The filter places a `` tag around MathJax elements surrounded by `$$`. Could this maybe be rectified?
3) Could maybe the "<" and ">" symbols be automatically replaced as suggested in