Enhanced multilang

Filters ::: filter_multilangenhanced
Maintained by Valery Fremaux
An alternate multilang filter that supports content with nested span.
Latest release:
51 sites
1 fans
Current versions available: 6

Original multilang filter do not support content with nested span inside, and need at least two language versions for the filtering regexp.

This version of the filter supports all kind of content, including containing several span nesting.

Moreover, it will filter content with single multilang inclusions.

This filter is required for Customlabels being displayed correctly.





Valery Fremaux (Lead maintainer)
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  • MD shot of me from his iphone4
    Tue, 29 Jan 2013, 11:56 AM
    Hi Valery,
    Thanks for this plugin.

    It would be good to have some further documentation on what exact content is supported by this plugin. Also the website URL seems to be accessible only to logged in users.

    ps: perhaps an example of how the nesting works too in the readme.txt smile
    pps: perhaps this should be put up for consideration for including in core?
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