Medical Imaging Study Viewer filter

Filters ::: filter_medimgviewer
Maintained by Sampsa Lohi
A filter to insert a medical imaging study viewer into course content.
Latest release:
5 sites
1 fans
Current versions available: 1

Moodle filter plugin for Medical Imaging Study Viewer

This plugin can be used to inject a JavaScript-based medical imaging study viewer into Moodle course content. Injection is done by linking an imaging data resource and suffixing it with an identifier tag. The viewer supports most imaging modalities in DICOM format and includes basic tools for manipulating radiological images. It can be used to display single images (e.g. X-ray, ultrasound stills) or image stacks (e.g. CT, MRI, PET). Does not support volumetric data or multiplanar reconstruction. Please see the viewer repository on GitHub for more details.


Upon installation, choose the desired tag identifier to use with viewer links.


Linking an imaging study resource (image file or folder) within the course file area and suffixing the URL with :<chosen tag identifier> will replace that link with an instance of the Medical Imaging Study Viewer. The viewer will load the linked resource automatically, but in order to not delay loading the main page content (imaging files can be very large!), it is not immediately opened in the viewer. To view the study, the user must manually open it by clicking the "Load studies" link in the left hand panel of the viewer.

For information on the usage of the viewer application itself, please refer to The viewer application is a part of the Finnish MEDigi initiative and includes a user manual in Finnish.

It is recommended to only insert one instance of the viewer on a single page. Multiple instances may cause some tools to stop working.

Additional notes

Occasionally, when the viewer loads, seemingly random JavaScript execution errors may appear in the browser debug console. These errors originate from scripts outside this plugin and thus are practically impossible for me to investigate. My best guess is that there may be conflicts with global scope variable names that both the dependencies of this plugin and the affected scripts try to use. I have not noticed any changes in the way Moodle behaves when the viewer is loaded, but if you do, you may need to disable this plugin. This plugin will remain in beta (not recommended for production use) until this issue has been resolved.

Always make sure that you have a permission to use your material and that it has been properly deidentified to protect the subject's privacy.


Screenshot #0


Sampsa Lohi (Lead maintainer)
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