Cloudfront URL Signer

Filters ::: filter_cloudfront_signurl
Maintained by Owen Barritt
This Moodle filter recognises cloudfront URLs from the URLs defined in the filter settings and replaces them with signed URLs.
Latest release:
29 sites
5 fans
Current versions available: 1

This Moodle filter recognises cloudfront URLs from the URL defined in the filter settings and replaces them with signed URLs.

See for full details


Simply place the filter files in ./filter/cloudfront_signurl 


In the filter settings you will need to define the URL for the cloudfront distribution along with the Key Pair ID and private key file to use for the signing process.


At present only canned policies are supported.


Screenshot #0


Owen Barritt (Lead maintainer)
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  • David Mudrák
    št, 16 júl 2015, 16:38

    Hi Owen. Thanks for sharing this plugin with the community. I was not able to test the filter functionality in a production environment but the code looks sane. There were two issues relating to the coding style detected in your plugin and I reported then into your bug tracker. I'll be happy to approve your plugin once the raised issues are fixed and a new version of the filter is uploaded here.

    Also note, currently the plugin claims to support Moodle 2.7 only. You probably meant to select all 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9 as supported Moodle versions. Plugin maintainers are supposed to declare this explicitly.

  • David Mudrák
    št, 16 júl 2015, 19:11

    Thanks for prompt fixes Owen. You are cleared to land now, welcome to the Plugins directory.

  • Lucas Chigami
    št, 25 máj 2017, 03:19
    Is there any version compatible with Moodle version 3.2?
  • skybirds kathi
    st, 6 dec 2017, 11:51
    I installed Moodle in AWS ec2 but if want to save all video files in S3 where I need to change, website name problem, anyone can share me after install moodle setup what are the things need to change for website host.
  • Shivaraj Katagi
    po, 2 apr 2018, 18:02
    Hi Owen, How can I use signed urls in moodle mobile?
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