AI Jammer

Filters ::: filter_aijammer
Maintained by Astor Bizard
This text filter is an attempt to make copy-pasting of online exams subjects into third-party tools (e.g. AI-based tools) more difficult. The filter will inject random letters within texts. These letters will be made invisible on pages with CSS, but will be present to jam copy-pasting or automatic page reading.
Latest release:
25 sites
7 fans
Current versions available: 1

AI Jammer filter

This text filter is an attempt to make copy-pasting of online exams subjects into third-party tools (e.g. AI-based tools) more difficult.
The filter will inject random letters within texts. These letters will be made invisible on pages with CSS, but will be present to jam copy-pasting or automatic page reading.


This filter has been successfully reported to jam the following software:
  • Quizwiz

It is meant to work - but has not yet been tested - on the following software:
  • MoodleGPT

Accessibility concerns

This filter scrambles HTML text without impacting normal page reading neither screen readers for visually-impaired users.
Please address any issue you may encounter in this regard on the comments section or on the bug tracker URL.

This filter has been reported to impair automatic translation of jammed texts. Please be aware of this if you have students relying on their browser translating course contents.

Installation and settings recommendations

When this plugin is first installed, it will be set in a "Off, but available" state. This is the recommended setting, as it will not be enabled throughout your site, but will be available to be enabled per-activity.
It is recommended to apply this filter as one of the last filters, as it will break words in the HTML.
It is also recommended to only apply this filter to content (not headings).
The "Manage filters" admin page at /admin/filters.php allows to manage these settings.


This software was developped with the Caseine project, with the support of Université Grenoble Alpes.


Screenshot #0


Astor Bizard (Lead maintainer)
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Plugins bot
    Сшб 12 Мар 2024, 18:30
    Approval issue created: CONTRIB-9517
  • Germán and Temudgin
    Шнб 16 Мар 2024, 00:27
    This is a great plugins.
    It works as stated.
    Very easy to install and use.
    I think it would be a very good candidate for MUA to propose to add to Moodle core.
  • Ricardo Caiado
    Яшб 17 Мар 2024, 04:48

    If a teacher asked me how AI Jammer works, what should I tell him?

  • Astor Bizard
    Дшб 18 Мар 2024, 16:21
    Hi @Ricardo Caiado,

    This plugin is a filter, which can be enabled in each activity from the Filters menu section.
    It will alter the page to make copy and pasting more difficult. It should not impair normal reading of the page to users.
    You can send a link to the plugin's page to teachers so they can see what it does. If you think the description provided is unclear, please feel free to DM me suggestions to a more complete description.

    Best regards,
  • Y T
    Дшб 18 Мар 2024, 22:38

    Firstly, I want to express my appreciation for the excellent work on the AI Jammer plugin for Moodle. Overall, it has been functioning well and has been a valuable addition to our platform.
    However, I have encountered an issue with the plugin specifically regarding its interaction with the "Select missing word" question type. Allow me to outline the problem:

    When attempting to answer a quiz question that utilizes the "Select missing word" question type, the AI Jammer plugin interferes with the functionality.
    Upon selecting either correct or false options in the dropdown menu within the question paragraph and proceeding to the next question, Moodle fails to recognize the question as answered.
    Consequently, the question remains unmarked as either correct or incorrect.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    Navigate to a quiz containing "Select missing word" question type.
    Answer a question by selecting an option from the dropdown menu.
    Proceed to the next question.
    Expected Behavior:
    The answered question should be recognised as answered by Moodle.

    Actual Behavior:
    The question remains unrecognized as answered by Moodle.

    Additional Information:

    This issue started occurring after the installation of the AI Jammer plugin.
    Deactivating the AI Jammer plugin for the quiz restores the functionality of the "Select missing word" question type.

    The format required for the "Select missing word" question type is: "There is a missing 1 in this 2."
    1 = word
    2 = text
    (Note: there should be double brackets[] around '1' and '2', but they seem to be filtered out here.

    Interestingly, the plugin does not interfere with the functionality of the "Drag and drop into text" question type, which shares the same formatting requirements as the "Select missing word" question type.

    It appears that the interference stems from the AI Jammer plugin, possibly due to its handling of the formatting required by the "Select missing word" question type.
  • Ricardo Caiado
    Дшб 18 Мар 2024, 23:58

    If I copy and paste text from a Word file, for example, will the plugin interpret it as AI-generated text?

    Ricardo Caiado
  • Astor Bizard
    Сшб 19 Мар 2024, 00:05

    I see where the issue is coming from and am working on a fix.
    I appreciate the details you brought! The bug tracker would be a more suitable place to log issues in the future, though табассум мекунам

    Best regards,
  • Astor Bizard
    Сшб 19 Мар 2024, 00:12
    Hi @Ricardo Caiado,

    I am sorry, but I do not understand your question.
    This plugin does not interpret anything to be AI-generated or not.
    All it does is alter text by adding invisible letters where it is applied.

    Best regards,
  • Ricardo Caiado
    Сшб 19 Мар 2024, 00:19

    The name of the plugin "AI ..." gives the idea that it is aimed at AI-generated text.

  • Astor Bizard
    Сшб 19 Мар 2024, 00:32
    Dead Ricardo,
    You may want to have a look at MoodleDocs about Filters табассум мекунам
  • Ricardo Caiado
    Сшб 19 Мар 2024, 00:37
    I understand how filters work. ;)

    The issue here is that the name of the plugin suggests that it blocks texts generated by AI ("AI Jammer").

    But as it detects any text, I think the plugin name could be something more generic and not as specific as "AI..."
  • Y T
    Дшб 25 Мар 2024, 05:31
    @Astor Bizard
    Thank you very much for the quick response and the quick fix.
    It works great.
    Did not want to create extra an account on the website of University of Grenoble in order to submit a bug.

    I think the name "AI Jammer" is totally fine. The plugin does exactly what is expected: "jamming" AI tools by putting some random characters in the text so that AI tools can not read it.
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