(OpenLML) enrolment

Enrolment ::: enrol_openlml
Maintained by Frank Schütte
performs auto enrolment for students, auto creation of teachers course categories for the LDAP users and groups of server (former Openml or Open LML). (OpenLML) enrolment 1.0 (Build: 2015121101)

Moodle 2.5
Released: Παρασκευή, 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2015, 5:12 PM


enrolment plugin for moodle from 2.x to autoenrol in conjunction with the open linux Musterlösungplugin enrol_openlml.

This module superseedes the module enrol_lml(Moodle 1.x). It is supposed to work with the

Linux Musterlösung(paedML) Ba-Wü Germany

and with the

Open Linux Musterlösung(openLML)


It is crafted for their LDAP structure.

It needs the auth_ldap module working to get the users authenticated through LDAP and enrols those users to courses depending on the field $course->idnumber.


This module needs the Auth-Plugin auth_ldap and the enrolment plugin enrol_cohort to be active to work properly.


This module is processed by cron on an hourly basis, as is enrol_cohort equally.

The module auth_ldap is not automatically processed by cron. You can either set up a job yourself as described in


or you include auth_ldap in the hourly job. For this to work you must use the patch for auth_ldap:

cd /auth/ldap

patch <../../enrol/openlml/auth_ldap.patch

The patch adds a cron() method to the auth_ldap plugin that is executed once an hour.


2015-02-02 optimized teacher record fetching, more debug messages for developers

2015-01-31 add debug messages for ldap connection/close, init_teacher_array, is_teacher

2015-01-30 added debug messages for ldap_get_group_members

2015-01-26 more debug messages for sync_enrolments

2015-01-22 version 1.0 requires moodle 2.5, add lots of mtrace messages, fix: don't error with multiple matching cohorts

2014-11-25 enhancement: use teachercat, atticcat intern

2014-11-24 fix: ignore users with auth != 'ldap', enhancement: use idnumber makes renaming possible

2014-10-21 fix: spelling error in sync.php

2014-07-20 fix: make auth without ldap connection work, remove deprecated get_context_instance

2013-11-27 fix: cohort enrolments are now removed correctly

2013-11-23 corrected some typos, removed null_progress_trace.close

2013-11-19 make openlml instances independent from cohort instances

2013-10-10 check teachers role independent of category existence

2013-10-08 fix some errors, clean up database from old lml assignments / enrolments, fix display of php notice messages, fix small php coding error

2013-09-29 changed quite some code to be conform to moodle 2.5.x, some fixes for moodle 2.5.x, change debugging -> trigger_error (,E_USER_NOTICE) to simplify debugging

2013-09-13 fixed new parameter in enrol_cohort_sync in moodle 2.5.x

2012-10-24 course->idnumber is a unique key, so make course->idnumber unique by prepending 'shortname:'. prefix_teacher_members is now a comma separated list.

2012-10-19 Fixed course sortorder, removed unnecessary setting, fixed spelling error authldap, added upgrade.php from previous version, fixed install.php, fixed cron patch for auth_ldap to run once an hour.

2012-10-10 Added code to automatically update city value from global defaultcity in moodle users database.

Hildesheim, Germany Frank Schütte,2015(

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
1.0 (Build: 2015121101)
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 2.5

Version control information

Version control system (VCS)
VCS repository URL

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Enrolment

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the module.
  3. Place the folder (eg "myenrol") in the "enrol" subdirectory.
  4. Visit to finish the installation