Bulk meta course link

Enrolment ::: enrol_metabulk
Maintained by Mihir Thakkar
An improved version of enrol_meta plugin which allows you to add multiple courses in a single enrol instance.
Latest release:
72 sites
20 fans
Current versions available: 1

Current enrol_meta plugin provides functionality to automatically synchronize enrolments between two courses. However, the user interface is inconvenient due to problems which include inability to bulk select and/or search courses, lacking functionality to synchronize suspended/expired enrolments. The plugin is an improved version of the enrol_meta plugin such that one instance of the plugin allows linking multiple courses with convenient interface and improved synchronization.

Installation guidelines:

  • Place these files in a new folder in your Moodle install under /enrol/metabulk.
  • Run the upgrade either via CLI or by logging in as admin and visiting homepage
  • As admin go to Administration>Plugins>Enrolments>Manage enrol plugins and enable Bulk meta course link.
  • Go to any course and its Enrolment methods page. Add an enrol instance for the course, you'll be able to link multiple courses.


Screenshot #0


Mihir Thakkar (Lead maintainer)
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  • Mihir Thakkar
    Wed, 26 Aug 2015, 3:55 AM
    Thank you David for reviewing!
    I have updated the plugin with necessary changes. Glad to see this in the Moodle plugins directory.
  • Wazza
    Tue, 1 Sept 2015, 9:17 PM
    Love this! But... could we please get something like this for cohorts as well? Bulk adding cohorts to a course is impossible work right now!!
  • Simon Millard
    Thu, 5 Jan 2017, 8:19 PM
    Hi, Just testing this plugin and it really suits our needs. What I can't figure out is if it can un-enrol users yet? " functionality to synchronize suspended/expired enrolments." I read somewhere about a cron job but after leaving the setup for 24 hours the users that should have been removed were still active.

    Its a real shame to get this far but not be able to use it because of not handling suspended accounts.

    Happy New Year, I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

    Thanks, Simon
  • Mihir Thakkar
    Fri, 13 Jan 2017, 5:11 PM
    Hi Simon,

    Just want to check couple of things:
    1. This plugin was developed for version 2.9. Could you tell me which version are you using?
    2. Do you have a dev version of Moodle? There are Behat tests for testing synchronization of suspended enrolments, all of which passes.

    Sorry for the inconvenience! smile

  • Simon Millard
    Fri, 13 Jan 2017, 7:19 PM
    Hi Mihir, Thanks very much for getting back to me, whilst working out the version of our moodle, which is Moodle 3.1.3+ (Build: 20161202) I found the problem/field configuration. As I was checking the plugin details as well I found the setting about unenroling options(External Unenrol Action).

    I originally set this to Disable course enrollment and then it appears I completely forgot that I did not set it to unenrol users. Sorry for the trouble, I am all set.

    Thanks for responding.

  • Simon Millard
    Fri, 13 Jan 2017, 7:27 PM
    Just one further follow-up, I used the term suspended accounts incorrectly. We have paid for content subscriptions giving access to certain Moodle courses, it is these expired subscriptions/suspended accounts I was referring to before. I now realise that moodle has the option to suspend accounts which is not what I meant as users can and should still get access to free content. Apologies for the confusion there too.


  • Mihir Thakkar
    Sat, 14 Jan 2017, 3:16 AM
    Hi Simon,

    Thanks for the follow up. Glad to know that you are all set now. Hope this plugin helps you.

    Cheers! smile
  • Simon Millard
    Mon, 16 Jan 2017, 6:07 PM
    Hi Mihir,

    Apologies to come back to you but I need more help please.

    I have a hidden course A with all my enrollments. I then have a visible course B with content which I want to grant access via the bulk meta course link.

    - If I select Course B, then original enrollment method Meta course from Course B to Course A then the 41 enrolled users from Course A correctly get access to Course B.

    - If I select Course A, then enrollment method Bulk Meta course link and add Course B then the Users total = 0;
    ...so I created hidden Course C for the Bulk meta course link enrollment.

    - If I select Course C and add Bulk meta link for courses A & B then my User total is 41 but they still don't have access to the content of Course B.

    We have a dev/QA environment which we are testing on so able to troubleshoot.

    Thanks for any advice.


  • Mihir Thakkar
    Mon, 23 Jan 2017, 6:16 AM
    Hi Simon,

    This plugin is developed and tested on Moodle 2.9 and you are using 3.1.3+. It may be possible that it is because of unsupported version.

    I think you are adding B as a child course instead of meta course. Try doing the exact same thing as you did with original meta plugin. Also note that this plugin uses the same code as original meta plugin for fetching enrolments from child course to meta course so I am not sure why you are unable to use the functionality.

  • Iñigo Zendegi Urzelai
    Fri, 27 Jan 2017, 7:44 PM
    Hi Mihir,

    We 've been using this plugin in Moodle 3.1 without any issue, but we're concerned about this plugin been unsupported.

    Is there any plan to support currently supported Moodle versions (3.1 and 3.2) or future releases?

  • chandan kumar
    Fri, 7 Jul 2017, 9:02 PM
    Bulk meta course link working with payu money ?
  • Mihir Thakkar
    Sat, 8 Jul 2017, 4:10 AM
    Payu money is not tested with this plugin. I am not sure it works.
  • Susan Mangan
    Thu, 8 Mar 2018, 6:45 AM
    Hi, we are using this plugin with version 3.2. Does anyone know if it works with 3.3? Are there plans to continue support for this plug-in? Without it we lose all enrolments to courses using this method. Yes.. I know this is a risk when using 3rd party plug-ins so I am just wondering if there are plans for continued support. Thanks!
  • Vadim Gajiy
    Fri, 1 May 2020, 6:10 PM
    working on moodle 3.8
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