
Enrolment ::: enrol_invitation
Maintained by Michael Milette
The Invitation Enrolment Moodle Plugin is a powerful tool for course instructors that simplifies the enrolment process by allowing instructors to send personalized email invitations with a unique token. This plugin offers control over who can use the invitation, tracks past invitations, and allows for resending or revoking invitations. It also supports inviting users even if they are not yet registered on your Moodle LMS site and limiting the lifespan of the invitation.
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Current versions available: 2

Invitation Enrolment Moodle Plugin

The Invitation enrollment plug-in for Moodle LMS allows instructors to invite students to their course and site, and grant necessary access and role to them. The invitation is sent via email and contains a link with an unique, one-time use invitation token.

When the user clicks on the link and logs into the site, (s)he is automatically enrolled into the course and the invitation link is marked as used.


The benefits of using this plug-in over an enrollment key are:

  • You can control who can use the invitation.
  • You can include a personalized message in the invitation.
  • You can see a history of past invitations and their status.
  • You can also see who used an invitation or which ones are expired.
  • You can resend expired invitations or send reminder invitations.
  • You can revoke the invitation if has not yet been accepted.
  • You can invite users who do not yet have an account. However, they will need to create an account before they can accept the invitation.
  • You can limit invitations to users with existing accounts.
  • You can limit the lifespan of the invitation (e.g. 2 weeks)


Invitation enrolment is a contributed plugin. You are welcome to submit Pull Requests on Github and to report issues. However, free support is not guaranteed.


See for information on how to install and configure the plugin.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1
Screenshot #2
Screenshot #3
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Screenshot #5
Screenshot #6


Michael Milette (Lead maintainer)
Jérôme Mouneyrac: Original maintainer
Please login to view contributors details and/or to contact them

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  • Andy Hill
    2022年08月20日 星期六 19:50
    Hi guys might be a silly question, if someone rejects the enrolment on the invitation this will appear on the invitation history as "no longer has access". How do we delete that history? otherwise, if this reject in the email has been accidentally pressed and this reject has been accepted when user logs in, there is no way of overturning it. Does this mean the user is banned from accessing this forever as this is linked to his/her email rather than a registered user?. To work around this i have deleted the HTML from the email template with regards to reject link, problem is i cant use that user email unless there is another way or erasing that history.

    Any thoughts guys or am i missing something? I love the plugin, just feel that admins should be able to erase that history if needed.

    Kind Regards
  • Sinsila Ansar
    2022年11月29日 星期二 14:27
    Could you please tell how to enable the enrolment plugin in moodle version 3.11
  • Michael Milette
    2022年11月29日 星期二 22:17
    Hi Sinsila, see the installation instructions at the top of this page and follow the link to the file.
  • aziz vefa
    2023年01月24日 星期二 18:07
    Hi. Thank you for the plugin. Would you please guide me on how to enroll the student in the correct group? I let the non-editing teacher invite users and the user accepted the invitation but there was no group info. The non-editing teacher doesn't see the student in his group. Also, the teacher is able to see all invitations. Can we prevent that? Thank you.
  • Nepal B
    2023年06月29日 星期四 16:51

    we have the problem that more than 50% of the invited participants do not receive the emails.

    It seems that most of the problems occur with Gmail recipients - but also some others.

    Has anyone (had) the same problem?

    I would appreciate any advice.
  • Alex Kurov
    2023年09月21日 星期四 01:57
    I've successfuly installed plugin, added it to test course, sent invite to non registered test email, received this email and followed invite link (clicked Accept invitation button). But after it i see standart login page where i should input login and password. Can you tell, what configs I missed? Or may be you can tell the direction where i should check logs or smth else?
  • Michael Milette
    2023年09月22日 星期五 09:26
    New users will still need to create an account to register on the site. However, once they do that using the link in the email, they will automatically be enrolled in the course.

    If you are not seeing the option on the login page to create a new account, that option may need to be enabled on your site.
  • Boris V
    2023年11月23日 星期四 18:12
    Is there a way to implement user access without creating an account? I mean, the invited users already have their user information within the course ( in participants) and invitation is sent to their email addresses. And each invitation contains a unique link. It would be great if user could just click the unique link and access the course. Since this unique link is created for spesific email address, there could be a matching in background without asking user to create an account. And this makes training process easier. Because users are already not willing to get trainings and when there is one additional step (like creating account) between user and training , users become more resistant.
  • Michael Milette
    2023年11月24日 星期五 03:26
    Hi Boris,

    There is a way for sure. Just make your course available to guests and have them automatically login as guest. This functionality is all built into Moodle.

    Then simply email them a link to the course. They won't need to login at all and no extra plugins required.

    This will have some limitations though. Since they won't have an account, there will be no way to track their course progress or completion. Some activities, like a quiz require you to be logged in so those won't work either.

    Hope you find this helpful.

    Best regards,

  • Alex Orlov
    2024年02月8日 星期四 17:01

    How can a user immediately add a group?
  • Michael Milette
    2024年02月15日 星期四 16:03
    Alex, unfortunately that functionality does not yet exist.
  • Mohammad Rizki Pratama
    2024年03月28日 星期四 16:33
    Hello, i try to invite a few user but the user didnt receive the email, do i missing something?
  • Michael Milette
    2024年03月29日 星期五 07:14
    Hi Mohammad,

    It is hard to guess at why the user did not receive the email. You might want to take a look at an article that I wrote last month on the subject. See

    You can also contact me directly for premium support.

    Best regards,

  • Ezzeddin Hamed
    2024年03月29日 星期五 21:44
    Hi Michael,

    Is there anyway that this plugin could be used at site level to invite for registration? Would some changes to the plugin be helpful in this case?

    Thanks a lot,
  • Michael Milette
    2024年03月29日 星期五 22:14
    Hi Ezzeddin,

    Why not just email them a link to the site or to the site registration page? I am not clear on where you are going with your idea. Could you elaborate?

    Best regards,

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