Cohort greeting

Enrolment ::: enrol_elediacohortgreeting
Maintained by Benjamin Wolf
This plugin is based on the core enrolment cohort. Within this plugin we add a course greeting to the plugin similar to the self enrol plugin.
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20 fans
Current versions available: 8

This plugin is based on the core enrolment cohort.
Within this plugin we add a course greeting to the plugin similar to the self enrol plugin.
For documentation of the core enrolment cohort functions look here:

There is although a tracker entry to improve the cohort core module with this function:

To install elediacohortgreeting just copy the folder "elediacohortgreeting" into your moodle/enrol/elediacohortgreeting.
After that you have to go to http://your-moodle/admin (Site administration -> Notifications) to trigger the installation process.

The greeting text can be configured in each enrol instance of this plugin.
So you can have multiple instances with differnent greetings for differnent groups in each course.


Screenshot #0


Benjamin Wolf (Lead maintainer)
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  • Dan Bell
    piektd., 2017. gada 22. sept.., 23:14
    Thanks for your quick response. I will install and run with it - let you know if I have any more questions or comments. Thanks again!
  • Dan Bell
    sestd., 2017. gada 23. sept.., 01:09
    Sorry to be challenging - I am not seeing the greeting field on the cohort sync page - I dont see it on a new or if I edit something. After installation is there something else I need to do? I went through the entire install and updated the db. I must being doing something wrong, but im not sure.
  • Dan Bell
    pirmd., 2017. gada 25. sept.., 22:37
    Still not seeing anything.....Im using moddle 3.3.1 and essential theme. On Dashboard/ My courses/ Health Home/ User/ Enrollment methods/ Cohort sync (All - Student) I do not see "send Course Greeting?" or Course greeting text" fields. Am I looking in the wrong place? Any help is appreciated.
  • Benjamin Wolf
    otrd., 2017. gada 26. sept.., 16:01
    According to the path you describe you may be in the core plugin cohort sync. I just look at the english names. It appears that this plugin has the same name as the core plugin in the en lang. So you might have 2 cohort sync in the enrolemnts list and taken the wrong one. The create or edit page of an instance of the cohort greeting plugin should look like the screenshot i uploaded here. If the settings for "Send course greeting?" and "Course greeting text." are missing you have choose the core cohort enrol plugin. The cohort greeting plugin is most likely the second of the both in the list. If there is only one in you list check if the plugin is activated under Plugins / Enrolments / Manage enrol plugins

    I will update the name string so they wont get mistaken any more in the future.
  • Dan Bell
    otrd., 2017. gada 26. sept.., 21:18
    Ben, please confirm when you say "you might have 2 cohort sync in the enrolemnts list and taken the wrong one", when on My courses/ XYZ Course/ User/ Enrollment methods/ , the Add method menu should have two items named "Cohort Sync"? I only have one.

    Furthermore, on the plugins overview page (Site administration / ► Plugins / ► Plugins overview), the cohort greeting is listed as disabled:

    cohort greeting 0.3 (2016060700) Disabled

    enrol_elediacohortgreeting 2016060700

    How do I enable it?

    The setttings page shows:
    Default Role = Student
    External unenrol action = Unenrol user from the course

  • Dan Bell
    piektd., 2017. gada 29. sept.., 00:30
    After days of chasing this down - I found a solution to just enable this plugin. As noted above, On the plugin overview page, the overview page indicated the plugin was disabled, but enable/disable icon was inactive. I dug around for days and found under Dashboard>Site administration?Plugins>Enrolments>Manage enrol plugins, the enable icon was active. I enabled it and I now see "cohort greeting" as an enrolment method.

    Moodle really knows how to grind my gears sometimes.
  • Benjamin Wolf
    piektd., 2017. gada 29. sept.., 16:08
    I wrote that it may be just inactive in a personal message here. Did you get it? Just wondering getting no answer there but see you writing here. Glad it works for you now.
  • Blair F.
    ceturtd., 2018. gada 25. okt.., 05:46
    Benjamin, based on your message of Fri, 22 Sep 2017, 7:54 AM, I am concluding that any new users added to the cohort after the Cohort greeting enrolment type has been added to a course will not get a course greeting, am I correct? (Sorry, we have email sending turned off on our TEST sight, or I'd test it myself).
  • Benjamin Wolf
    otrd., 2018. gada 6. nov.., 22:27
    The trigger for the email is the enrolment process of the plugin. The enrolment is triggered when you add a user to the cohort configured in the enrolment instance setting.

    In short: When you have the enrolment instance in your course configured with your cohort, the user you add to your cohort will be enrolled and emailed.

  • Jerry Lau
    piektd., 2019. gada 29. marts., 05:12
    Other than contacting the user, how do we ensure that the email is being sent to them? it does not show in our Linux log as it's more system email and not moodle or your plugin specific. Where can we find this info?
  • Benjamin Wolf
    trešd., 2019. gada 3. apr.., 23:31
    The moodle core function email_to_user is used here. There is a error event when the sending fails in this function \core\event\email_failed. This should show up in the moodle log in an error case. Unfortunately Moodle doesn't log the successful email with this function.
  • LBN Training
    sestd., 2022. gada 15. okt.., 11:56
    Hi! Our team is running Moodle 3.9 at the moment, and we were wondering if 3.9 compatibility could be added to the latest version. Thank you so much for your consideration!
  • Benjamin Wolf
    pirmd., 2022. gada 7. nov.., 19:23
    We have no tests yet for 3.9 compability of this plugin. Since the next LTS Version is near, we dont plan to invest time here.

    However if you really need it you could ask for commercial support at
  • Wazza
    trešd., 2022. gada 16. nov.., 22:14
    We have a Moodle with over 40.000 cohorts. This plugin shows these 40.000 cohorts in one pull down menu. Is there another way to do this? The page almost doesn't load and is superslow. The cohorts are not searchable.

    The rest of Moodle has a search option if they have a pulldown menu. You can type a part of the text and the correct cohort pops up.
  • Wazza
    ceturtd., 2023. gada 16. febr.., 18:50
    Also, perhaps is it possible to create a webservice that allows us to add this enrolment method to a course?
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