Poodll Database Field

Database fields ::: datafield_poodll
Maintained by Justin Hunt
The Poodll database field allows the database activity to accept video, audio, snapshot and whiteboard submissions. The Poodll Filter must be installed to use the Poodll Database Field.

Poodll Database Field 1.2.1 (Build 2013120500)

Moodle 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
Released: शनिबार, 21 डिसेम्बर 2013, 12:32 AM
PoodLL Database Activity Field
Thanks for downloading PoodLL.

Installation instructions and a video can be found at http://www.poodll.com .

If you are installing this mod separately from the full PoodLL kaboodle,
there should be only one folder "poodll" expanded after you unzip the zip file.
Place this folder into your moodle installation under the [site_root]/mod/data/field folder.

At the time of writing, Moodle doesn't completely handle language strings for 3rd party database fields well.
So you should add these strings to the bottom of [site_root]/mod/data/lang/en/data.php
$string['poodll'] = 'PoodLL';
$string['namepoodll'] = 'PoodLL';

If you skip this step however, the sky won't fall in.
It will just look a bit odd when Moodle tries to display the name of the database field.

After you placed the PoodLL files in the correct location,
Then login to your site as an administrator and go to your Moodle site's "notifications" page.
Moodle should then guide you through the installation or upgrade of the PoodLL database activity field.

When you make a database activity in Moodle, amongst the standard list of fields that you can choose from,
you will see PoodLL Multimedia field. If you select this field you will have the option of choosing:
1) Video recording (via PoodLL's Red Server tokyo.poodll.com)
2) Audio Recording (via PoodLL's Red Server tokyo.poodll.com)
3) MP3 Recording (doesn't require Red5)
4) Whiteboard (draw pictures)
5) Snapshot (take photos with webcam)

Moodle caching can affect audio/video playback reliability. To turn off text filter caching:
Go to: Site Administration -> Plugins -> Filters ->Common Filter Settings
There set "Text Cache Lifetime" to "no"

*Please be aware that the PoodLL database activity field relies on the PoodLL Filter being installed, and won't work properly otherwise*

Good luck.

Justin Hunt
Chief PoodLL'er

Version information

Version build number
Version release name
1.2.1 (Build 2013120500)
Stable version
MD5 Sum
Supported software
Moodle 2.1, Moodle 2.2, Moodle 2.3, Moodle 2.4, Moodle 2.5, Moodle 2.6

Default installation instructions for plugins of the type Database fields

  1. Make sure you have all the required versions.
  2. Download and unpack the module.
  3. Place the folder (eg "myfield") in the "mod/data/field" subdirectory.
  4. Visit http://yoursite.com/admin to finish the installation