oohoo - Text to Speech

Blocks ::: block_tts
Maintained by Patrick Thibaudeau, Nicolas Bretin
OOHOO Text to Speech is a Moodle block that reads outloud the content of a resource
Latest release:
97 sites
17 fans
Current versions available: 1

This block adds text to speech functionality to Moodle

It can be configured to use either the Google speech engine or the Microsoft speech engine. When added to a resource such as a page, it reads the contents.

There is also a lexicon to add pronunciations for words that it pronounces improperly. For example, it could possibly say I.V. for the text IV. It should, however, say 4. You could add in the lexicon IV = four and it willpronounce it properly.


A special thank you to Ryan Thomas who is the original author of this block.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1


Patrick Thibaudeau (Lead maintainer)
Nicolas Bretin: Developer
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  • Lisa Stevens
    Thu, 1 Nov 2012, 5:21 PM
    Yep, it works fine for me on that page. Obviously a problem at our end then - are there any other settings I can check to see if I can resolve the problem?
  • Patrick Thibaudeau
    Fri, 2 Nov 2012, 5:02 AM
    We updated the plugin on github with a test page. Could you install this new version and then go to http://your moodle server/blocks/tts/tts_test.php
  • Germán and Temudgin
    Mon, 5 Nov 2012, 9:46 AM
    I just downloaded oohoo-moodle-block_tts-ac1c215.zip from github, and when I tried to edit the English language strings in order to make a translation for later upload to AMOS, I got the following error:
    Error writing to database

    Debug info: Duplicate entry 'es_mx-378-AM' for key 'mdl_toolcust_lancomstr_uix'
    INSERT INTO mdl_tool_customlang (lang,componentid,stringid,original,master,timemodified,outdated,local,timecustomized) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
    [array (
    0 => 'es_mx',
    1 => '378',
    2 => 'AM',
    3 => 'AM',
    4 => 'AM',
    5 => 1352079651,
    6 => 0,
    7 => NULL,
    8 => NULL,
    Error code: dmlwriteexception
    Stack trace:

    line 410 of \lib\dml\moodle_database.php: dml_write_exception thrown
    line 1029 of \lib\dml\mysqli_native_moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->query_end()
    line 1071 of \lib\dml\mysqli_native_moodle_database.php: call to mysqli_native_moodle_database->insert_record_raw()
    line 190 of \admin\tool\customlang\locallib.php: call to mysqli_native_moodle_database->insert_record()
    line 60 of \admin\tool\customlang\index.php: call to tool_customlang_utils::checkout()

    I have mexican spanish besides English language pack, Running Moodle 2.3.2+ (Build: 20120914) in Windows 7 64 bits.

    I will appreciatte any help about this error.
  • Germán and Temudgin
    Mon, 5 Nov 2012, 9:49 AM
    Hi, (more info)
    ... Hi,
    I just downloaded oohoo-moodle-block_tts-ac1c215.zip from github, and when I tried to edit the English language strings in order to make a translation for later upload to AMOS, I got the following error:
    Error writing to database...

    ... Removing the block and deleting the folder effectively removed the error.
  • Patrick Thibaudeau
    Mon, 5 Nov 2012, 11:03 PM
    I found the error, will push a new version within an hour.

    Thank you
  • Patrick Thibaudeau
    Mon, 5 Nov 2012, 11:31 PM
    The issue was that the language file had the follwoing variables:
    $string['am'] = 'am';
    $string['AM'] = 'AM';
    $string['pm'] = 'pm';
    $string['PM'] = 'PM';

    Although these do not conflict in normal php due to case, it does in the Moodle language customization. This has now been fixed.

    Github has been updated with the latest version.
  • Wazza
    Fri, 9 Nov 2012, 9:02 PM
    Really nice, but only the Microsoft TTS engine seems to work. How can I get the Google TTS engine to work?
  • Wazza
    Fri, 9 Nov 2012, 9:29 PM
    Found it, you have to add your language in /moodle/blocks/tts/app/_php/config.php line 81

    One other thing: can I make this block visible to a few users? Just the one that need the TTS block?

  • Patrick Thibaudeau
    Fri, 16 Nov 2012, 1:23 AM
    Hi Richard,
    For the time being the block is visible to all users. We would have to add that functionality in order to make viewable by certain users and not others. I'll discuss with my team and see if we can add this feature in the future.
  • Tim Martinez
    Tue, 5 Mar 2013, 1:54 AM
    We were using the Google service for a while and noticed poor performance on the server. When we checked the logs we noticed that it was having trouble retrieving info from Google. Trying the link in the browser gave us a notice that we needed to enter a code because of suspicious activity. Now the Microsoft one is failing with HTTP error 400 (e.g. URL http://api.microsofttranslator.com/V2/http.svc/Speak?appId=D96C8261DFDD2B208A720736D6D49473E081A000&text=&language=en&format=audio%2fwav). It's causing courses with the block enabled to take minutes to load instead of seconds.
  • Nicolas Bretin
    Tue, 5 Mar 2013, 5:25 AM
    Hi Tim,

    I never seen this problem on my servers. The URL that you sent works perfectly for me.
    It seems to be a problem like too much requests at the same time or at least in a short time.

    How many users have you on your moodle and what is the average number of users connected at the same time ?

    There is a cache system that keeps sounds in order to avoid to download them each time, but maybe it is possible to enhance that.
    For now you can try to modify the $plugin->cron time in the version.php file to call the purge after more time.

  • Tim Martinez
    Fri, 8 Mar 2013, 6:36 AM
    We have around 3000 users on our Moodle system. The plugin was installed in 32 of our courses. We've had a peak of 853 logins on the same day. I tried the URL that I gave you again from both the server and my workstation and am receiving the same error.
  • tim wilde
    Fri, 8 Mar 2013, 4:42 PM
    Hi Guys, This looks very interesting and something we would like to use on our government project. I have installed the software, configured it to use google TTS (I also tried the Microsoft Service) and added the block.

    The tests for both microsoft and google work fine. However when I go to a page the TTS block is dark grey and has a spinning timer in the middle as if it is trying to connect to something.

    The only think I have done so far is upload the software and add the block. I presume that I can just highlight text on a resource and click play. It sounds too easy….Am I missing something!

    Thanks in advance

  • Nicolas Bretin
    Mon, 18 Mar 2013, 11:32 PM
    Hi Tim,

    This really sounds like a quota exceeded...
    The problem we never heard about quota in these tools.
    I know that Microsoft has a new API to do that, so maybe it will solve the problem, but it will probably take me time to integrate it.
    I will keep you inform when we will start working on that!

    Thanks for your patience,

  • Nicolas Bretin
    Mon, 18 Mar 2013, 11:59 PM
    Hi Tim Wilde,

    The spinning timer is here during the initialization of the plugin and the loading of the firsts words.
    So if it's playing, it's working!

    To play a specific sentence, first start the player, give it some time to download the sounds and just click on the first word you want to play. It will automatically start from here.
    If it is highlighted in red, that means it is not yet downloaded. Just wait and re-click!

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