Lesson Essay Feedback

Blocks ::: block_lesson_essay_feedback
Maintained by Joseph Rézeau
The Lesson essay feedback block will display (to the students only) their previous attempts at Lesson Essays (if any), together with the teacher's comments and their grade (if essays have been graded).
Latest release:
122 sites
10 fans
Current versions available: 9

Discussion in the moodle.org Lesson forum here: http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=177306.


Screenshot #0


Joseph Rézeau (Lead maintainer)
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  • Jim Kerr
    domingo, 22 de jan. de 2012 às 00:48
    Have tried extending this to pick up a particular Assignment from a course? I'm looking for a block that allows me to showcase for a course a specific assignment. this may for example show a course target for a student or the last assignment set.
  • Linda Merrill
    segunda, 6 de mar. de 2017 às 17:31
    Thanks for the good bloc!

    Best, Linda
  • Jessica Brown
    sábado, 1 de jun. de 2019 às 19:12
    I have found this plugin very useful
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