ILP Integration

Blocks ::: block_intelligent_learning
Maintained by Ellucian Inc
The Ellucian ILP Integration package enables the exchange of data between Moodle and Ellucian applications: Banner, Colleague, PowerCampus, Ellucian Experience, Ellucian Mobile, Ellucian Portal and Ellucian Advise.
Latest release:
69 sites
6 fans
Current versions available: 3

The Ellucian ILP Integration package enables the exchange of data between Moodle and Ellucian applications: Banner, Colleague, Ellucian Experience, Ellucian Mobile, Ellucian Portal and Ellucian Advise.

Features include:

  • The ability to synchronize user, course and enrollment data from Banner or Colleague using the Web Services (included in the ILP Integration package).
  • The ability to enter grading information in Moodle and automatically send it to Banner or Colleague. 
  • The ability to display Moodle class activity in Ellucian Experience, Ellucian Portal and Ellucian Mobile.


Screenshot #0


Ellucian Inc (Lead maintainer)
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Vis kommentarer
  • Kris Stokking
    gask, 21 ođđj 2015, 07:15
    A new version of this plugin for Moodle 2.7 has been uploaded to the plugins repository. There are no known issues with the new version at this time, but if you do experience a problem please ensure that you submit any issues to
  • Mandy Connick
    duor, 30 cuo 2015, 17:47
    Hello, are you updating a plug in for 2.8?
  • Susan Fleming
    bear, 26 guov 2016, 02:39
    The initial information mentions Moodlerooms' web services; will this work with Moodle outside of Moodlerooms? We are currently at Moodle 2.7.9 (Build: 20150706), but anticipate moving to 2.8.X over the summer.
  • Bryce Holland
    láv, 9 suoi 2016, 01:11
    Will this plugin work for Moodle 3.1?
  • Paul Lindgreen
    duor, 12 ođđj 2017, 23:12
    Does this work for Moodle outside of Blackboard's Moodlerooms?
  • Jon Gillis
    gask, 29 njuk 2017, 01:20
    We are having an issue where the ILP Block doesn't display on a course page, unless it's in Edit Mode. Has anyone else encountered this?
  • Marty Gilbert
    láv, 22 čakč 2018, 01:45
    Does anyone know if this will be updated for Moodle 3.5?
  • Ellucian Inc
    gask, 30 ođđj 2019, 05:13
    A 3.02 version of the plugin has just been uploaded that is compatible with 3.4, 3.5 & 3.6 versions of Moodle.
  • Kyle Sellers
    maŋ, 28 suoi 2020, 02:23
    Tried installing plugin get the following error:
    Install plugin from ZIP file
    Validating block_intelligent_learning ... Error
    [Error] Extracted file not found [{"file":"intelligent_learning\/certificates\/"}]
    Installation aborted due to validation failure
  • Johann Weber
    bear, 18 juov 2020, 23:15
    I'd like to inquire if the Moodlerooms ILP Integration package can be used within a non-Moodlerooms environment. That is to say, with the package work with any Moodle instance regardless of where hosted?
  • UNO
    duor, 22 suoi 2021, 02:13
    Me gustaria saber para cuando va a salir la version del 2021 para MOODLE 3.11.1+
  • Bobby Siegfried
    gask, 23 njuk 2022, 03:31
    We are running Moodle 3.9 and ILP block 3.2. We are experiencing an issue where every course the is created by ILP contains duplicate instances of every block in the sidebar. This is a huge problem and I'm curious if anyone else has seen this? We have tested course creation using the typical Moodle method and other scripting and that is all nominal. It's only when a course is created via ILP that the duplicate blocks issue occurs.
  • Bobby Siegfried
    gask, 23 njuk 2022, 04:01
    Just an update to my previous comment - after some digging in the intelligent_learning block code we found that in intelligent_learning/model/service/course.php on line 384 there is a function call as part of the try/catch for "blocks_add_default_course_blocks($course);". This appears to get the default blocks setting and doesn't check to see if they have already been added. I'm not sure what the purpose of this function was intended to be. On line 355, the Moodle core function "create_course($course);" is already called and the default blocks setting is already part of the Moodle core config. I commented out the seemingly redundant function on line 384 and this fixed our issue. Curious to hear everyone else's insight, and the developer's insight as well?
  • Paul Lindgreen
    bear, 16 juov 2022, 03:55
    Does plugin release 3.2.2 work with on premise ILP servers for versions 4.x/4.5.x or just cloud ILP 5.x ?
  • Dustin Perry
    maŋ, 9 cuo 2024, 20:20
    @Bobby Siegfried @Ellucian Inc
    Currently Line 386 "blocks_add_default_course_blocks($course);" in course.php is still an issue adding duplicate blocks. It has been a known issue since 2021.

    Will we see a resolution?
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