Moodle Plugins directory: Exabis Student Review |

Exabis Student Review
About Exabis Student Report
With this block, teachers can create detailed periodical reviews of their students.
Exabis Student Report revolutionizes the way educators assess and review their students' progress. This Moodle plugin enables teachers and trainers to collaboratively assess students, utilizing customizable assessment scales. It's not just about academic achievements; Exabis Student Report also facilitates the assessment of essential soft skills, allowing teachers from various Moodle courses to contribute to a comprehensive report.
Key Features:
Verbal Assessment within Defined Periods
Conduct verbal assessments of students within predefined time periods, enabling ongoing tracking of their development. Exabis Student Report operates on a period-based assessment system. Administrators can define assessment periods, ensuring a structured and organized evaluation process. Previous assessments are archived when a new period is defined.
Role Customization for Evaluators
Create different roles for evaluators based on their positions within the organization, ensuring a tailored assessment process. Designate head teachers for classes, granting them the responsibility to oversee assessments and generate report cards in student-friendly formats.
Individual Reports
Use the report assistant to craft individual reports and customize fields to suit specific assessment needs. Generate diverse reports, including learning development assessments, report cards, and course-spanning reports that encompass both academic and soft skills assessments.
Integration with Competencies
Connect assessments to competencies, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of students' skill development.
User-Friendly in Courses
Teachers and students can seamlessly integrate the plugin into their courses, streamlining the assessment process within the Moodle environment.
Standalone or Suite Usage
Exabis Student Report can be used as a standalone module or as part of the comprehensive Exabis suite, which includes Exabis ePortfolio and Exabis Competence Grids. When used together, these modules pave the way for learner-driven learning paths, guided by trainers, self-paced, competency-based, and personalized.
When a head teacher that hasn't a class yet, adds a class, they promptly get the error message: "Fehler beim Lesen der Datenbank." (error when reading the database)
Also they can no longer open any course that has the student review block in it. When trying to do so, the same error message occurs.
When I, as Administrator, delete the classes of that head teacher, everything works as normal again. But the error occurs again as soon as a head teacher is assigned to a class.
I hope anybody has an idea what we can do to fix this as we really would like to use this plugin.
Happy New Year!
ich habe leider folgenden Fehler bekommen, wenn ich Berichte exportieren möchte:
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /.../blocks/exastud/classes/printer.php on line 2953
Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported in /.../blocks/exastud/classes/printer.php on line 4962
Ebenfalls einen Fehler bekomme ich, wenn ich die Berichtsvorlagen in der Berichtskonfiguration bearbeiten möchte:
Fehler: array_merge(): Argument #2 must be of type array, bool given
Stack trace:
line 1313 of /blocks/exastud/lib/edit_form.php: TypeError thrown
line 1313 of /blocks/exastud/lib/edit_form.php: call to array_merge()
line 184 of /blocks/exastud/report_settings.php: call to reportsettings_edit_form->prepare_formdata()
welche Infos braucht ihr? Ich kann dir aber auch gerne einen Zugang zum System geben, es handelt sich aktuell nur um eine Testumgebung. Wie kann ich dir/euch das am Besten zukommen lassen?
Does anyone know if this is still under active development? Will it be updated to support 4.1 / 4.2?