Delete User by Maillist

Blocks ::: block_eledia_userdelete
Maintained by Benjamin Wolf
This plugin deletes user accounts based on a list of email addresses. The process runs in two steps. Entering the emails and lists the users up before you delete them.
Latest release:
19 sites
6 fans
Current versions available: 6

This plugin is similar to deleting users with the bulk operation. There are 2 main differences to the bulk operation. One is the search by multiple keywords(emails only in this case). When you have a list of 100 mails and want to delete the users it is much more comfortable with this plugin. The second difference is the confirmation page. Instead of a comma separated list of the users we have a table with more information about each user in this plugin.

NOTE: In Github we use an empty master branch. The different plugin versions can be found in special branches for each Moodle version.


Screenshot #0
Screenshot #1


Benjamin Wolf (Lead maintainer)
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  • Benjamin Wolf
    jue, 26 de sept de 2013, 23:21
    Tracker entry and moodle docs will follow.
  • Benjamin Wolf
    lun, 30 de sept de 2013, 20:38
    Tracker created and added. As moodle docs entry i would suggest:
  • MD shot of me from his iphone4
    vie, 4 de oct de 2013, 17:07
    Hi Benjamin,
    i tried to install this for 2.5 but there were errors that you will need to correct:
    - $plugin->requires can't be '2013051402' for 2.5 - see below branching date for 2.5.x.

    $version = 2013051401.14; // 20130514 = branching date YYYYMMDD - do not modify!
    // RR = release increments - 00 in DEV branches
    // .XX = incremental changes

    - perhaps a more direct url to code:

    - the tracker url is only to one single tracker issue. If you want to use tracker, please create a component request so that all issues about this plugins can be created in future under that component. see (note: also provides issue tracking.)
  • MD shot of me from his iphone4
    mar, 8 de oct de 2013, 15:24
    Hi Benjamin, thanks for your pm.
    I've created the plugin's component and updated the tracker link. I've updated your documentation link too.

    Yes, stable versions of moodle only increment after the decimal point. Thanks for updating that, installation is smooth now sonrisa.

    I can't however find the block! On that note, this really could've have been an admin tool instead of a block.
    I can see it under "Manage blocks' though. What am i missing here?
  • Benjamin Wolf
    mar, 8 de oct de 2013, 17:29
    Hi Aqarup,

    thank you for the help with the tracker.

    The block is limited to the admin at the moment but we think about to make it available by a capability in a later Version. It is only allowed on the main site.

    I choose a different title when publishing, but forget to change the title in the lang file. The old title was "User Delete". I have changed that now in the new Version. It fits the name used to published here now. After publishing we will managing the lang strings within AMOS.
  • MD shot of me from his iphone4
    mié, 9 de oct de 2013, 11:21
    Thanks, i see it now on main page. It seems to be functioning fine.
    I think this idea can evolve into a MDL improvement where
    allows quick entry of multiple matches into the filter fields (if not already managed by cohorts).

    On the use of block_eledia_userdelete, please be aware that a plugin can still be registered as block_userdelete. Would you consider renaming?
  • Benjamin Wolf
    mié, 9 de oct de 2013, 18:29
    There are 2 main differences to the bulk operation. One is the search by multiple keywords. When you have a list of 100 mails an want to delete the users it is much more comfortable this way. The second difference is the confirmation page. Instead of a comma separated list of the users we have a table with more information about each user. But you are right, it goes in the direction of an increased bulk function.

    About the naming part we know that block_userdelete still can be registered. The naming at the moment is a compromise we also made with the other plugins we publish. We remove the company name from title and pluginname strings but leave it in the folder name. We are although in hosting business and use the keyword to quick find plugins from us on the customer systems.

    So what about a moodle docs page for this plugin. I would suggest:
  • MD shot of me from his iphone4
    jue, 10 de oct de 2013, 10:43
    Thanks, the explanation really helps (so much that it could go into the long description area above guiño )
  • Benjamin Wolf
    jue, 10 de oct de 2013, 20:30
    Added the description. What about the moodle docs page? Seems like i don't have the permission to add there.
  • MD shot of me from his iphone4
    vie, 11 de oct de 2013, 14:08
    Have you read ?
    I've also pinged Helen about this in case you're having further issues.
  • Helen Foster
    vie, 11 de oct de 2013, 14:58
    Hi Benjamin, I have made a start on for you. (As you found, you didn't have permission to create the page. You need to make at least one edit in the wiki before you are allowed to create a new page.)
  • Helen Foster
    vie, 11 de oct de 2013, 17:57
    Thanks Benjamin for adding documentation to - it looks really good sonrisa
  • lipun samal
    dom, 6 de ene de 2019, 15:40
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